Social Security

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Dec 11, 2017

Social Security's retirement trust fund may run out in nine years. Here's how the next U.S. president may address that​
Propaganda from people continuously telling you how you should vote.
MSN should fix their name to the correct "MSM" :mad:
...For those of us that have been playing along, they have been wailing about SS running out of money, for 30 years now.:rolleyes:
...but the future of the Social Security Administration has been in jeopardy for years.
And 9 years out, it deserves a new article now?
...We send Zelensky $100billion today, (that we have to borrow), just to enjoy with his morning coffee.:rolleyes:
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Propaganda from people continuously telling you how you should vote.
MSN should fix their name to the correct "MSM" :mad:
...For those of us that have been playing along, they have been wailing about SS running out of money, for 30 years now.:rolleyes:

And 9 years out, it deserves a new article now?
...We send Zelensky $100billion today, just to enjoy with his coffee.:rolleyes:
yea..but its just not forget bashing...its being talked about all over financial know that yourself.
I'm hoping that when Trump said he's cutting "entitlements" like the article states, that he does not mean social security. I've been paying into this since I was a young teen. Not by choice. It's not an entitlement, it's payback.
we got troubles...starting with 35 or 36 trillion off the top in debt...!!!
what bothers me is its lumped in with so called ;entitlements;--its not at all--our money is taken from us and supposedly invested so we get some back when we retire up til we die. few people--according to ss records--actually live long enough to get back all they paid in.
in the beginning it was a voluntary program and up til sometime in the 60s you could opt out after signing some agreement that you will never apply for any fed benefits. im old enough to remember that and even look at the form. . til it was made mandatory and then gifted to those who never paid in a dime. thats why its broke. they spent it and are playing games cause they know the whole game is about to collapse and dont care.
what bothers me is its lumped in with so called ;entitlements;--its not at all--our money is taken from us and supposedly invested so we get some back when we retire up til we die. few people--according to ss records--actually live long enough to get back all they paid in.
in the beginning it was a voluntary program and up til sometime in the 60s you could opt out after signing some agreement that you will never apply for any fed benefits. im old enough to remember that and even look at the form. . til it was made mandatory and then gifted to those who never paid in a dime. thats why its broke. they spent it and are playing games cause they know the whole game is about to collapse and dont care.
Yep. Two of my brothers died with no spouse, after paying into it for decades, without ever drawing a dime.
Where did all that money go?:dunno:
How come we always hear about Social Security running out, but never welfare running out?
How come we always hear about Medicare running out, but never foreign aid running out?

It is all BS propaganda put out by the very people that are CAUSING the problem to make you think they are working to FIX the problem.

It was President LBJ and the Democrats who forced thru legislation in 1965 to take the money being deposited into the Social Security Fund and moving those deposits to the general fund to pay for LBJ's utopian Great Society program.

I was around back then, those of you who weren't should perhaps google it. LBJ's programs mark the beginning of the end of the American Middle Class, and the beginning of the end of the American Dream. And ultimately got us into the cess pool this country currently occupies.

Every dollar collected from your paycheck that is earmarked Social Security goes right back out to Ukraine, to welfare leeches, to the Washington swamp dwellers, to defense, to everywhere else.