Speak to probable/possible Domestic Rioting/Anarchy/Destruction in NOVEMBER 2024

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Yes. If our America First president wins again...expect... S o r o s...

Yep, and don't forget all the Other 'Asps' in Darth Soros' Medusa of Zommunism.. 😡

..The 'Let Everybody In'er's: United We Dream | The Largest Immigrant Youth-Led Network

..The 'Tifa Zommie Skool: Sunrise Movement - We Are The Climate Revolution

..Darth Soros' favorite Played-Pawns Playset: https://blacklivesmatter.com/

..and the Baaaahd-EvilGunz Hogglodytes: March For Our Lives :rolleyes:

..ALL of them, along with the NWO-cartel's CFR-marionetted DSM-hussie, need to be Systematically Exposed.. and Eviscerated (as 'Orgs') 🤬

I expect riots and perhaps a civil war. If Trump is elected ANTIFA and the other democrat military arms will attack shortly after the election. If harris is selected the people that are starving/homeless will demonstrate first and riot later. This will start in a year or three depending on inflation. The more effective Trump is at draining the swamp the more violent the left will become.
Sure wish our maker would rid us of people like harris AND HER CRONYS!!
Yes, we need to be "unburdened from what has been" with Komrade Kumala, and "turn the page" from their last 4 years of devastation to this country, and follow the "Venn diagram" to put them on the "Yellow school buses" to Gitmo. Kackle Kackle Kackle
This may sound terrible but I hope there's going to be one! I'm tired of feeling on edge like something is going to happen any day now. I have my pots and pans ready to go outside in the street and bang them! That may sound juvenile but I'm tired of watching this country slip inch by inch by inch into the cold, dark waters like the Titanic. I'm stuck on the horrible mess that others have made and I can't get off!

It's really insanity. We're forced to participate in others' insanity. But God has us all here for a reason. I'm still trying to figure out why.
I live in Oklahoma so I expect no uprising. If there is any kind of protest it will be if Kamala wins but even that is doubtful. I am thankful to be here right now with things as they are.

We do have a trip planned for St Paul, MN after Christmas, but if things are dangerous there at that time we just won't go. We won't need to go into Minneapolis for anything while we are there. I still feel a little nervous about any travels at all.
Our last civil war was bloody and brutal. I wish that we never have another one.
I don't want anything bloody and brutal - I don't have the stomach for it. I'm just sick of being trapped on this ship headed for disaster and not having much power to do anything about it. I even considered leaving the U.S. but a man of the cloth convinced me not to go because we still have the 2nd Amendment. From the way things are going tho we're losing our rights fast.
I believe/ hope that when Trump is elected things will settle down here and abroad - after starting off a little bumpy between the election and inauguration.
Trump is in the club - nothing will change. He'll keep steering America into the NWO. That's good or bad depending on who you talk to.
Too many people gave up prepping when Trump one last time. A MAG group I was in fell completely apart. I imagine if he wins again, the same will happen. And that's too bad.
I really don't want any war. It's always bad, civil war or otherwise. And to wonder why God doesn't intervene in this mess, like you asked, Shanrose, it's going to get ugly and uglier because that's the plan. In the end it will be ok if you're a Christian, but hard times are coming. No matter who wins this election. Read the Bible, or read the "Left Behind" series of books to get a possible story line of what's in store.
There isn't going to be a civil war folks, sorry. Not yet anyway. There's no central command, no safe zones to launch attacks, no foreign aid, no air support. Limited community support in important areas like DC. If anything just a few disaffected lone wolfs, and they'll get rolled up pretty quick by the police.
The "other side" has pink hair, thinks guns are naughty, and will report any "mean memes" in their safe spaces. ;)

Y'all ever seen the 82nd Airborne in operation? This is one battalion out of a division. That's not counting the 101st, 75th Rangers, and all the other airborne units. We haven't even started on SF, or mech infantry, armor... the Marines. It simply ain't happening. And if it does it will be squashed by whatever regime is in power.

And then there's the "antifa army..."
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I don’t know about the cities. I live in a pretty rural area, but even so there are dual opinions (at least). I don’t really foresee riots, but what I could see is being in line at the grocery store and some insignificant little thing causing someone to absolutely flip and go caustic.
Well, whatever does happen or whatever doesn't happen. All prepping plans are "NOT" equal.

Also be keenly ultra-aware that a "Shocking" amount of prepping information is beyond deeply flawed.

"Choose WELL". Actually Train. Luck can be a factor (but don't bet your loved one's lives on luck), Good Luck.
I should revise my comment. A low level insurgency of individuals and small, disconnected groups or cells is certainly possible. There was something similar in the 60-70's with the "radical" groups of the day. So really, nothing new under the sun. Though now we don't have the Weather Underground, or SDS, et.al., and the current groups, both right and left seem too disorganized to be much threat. But back then the supply chain wasn't stressed. But we had 18% inflation or whatever it was.

We are keeping our preps topped up, like I said earlier, through winter anyway. And, training, yes.
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Trump is in the club - nothing will change. He'll keep steering America into the NWO. That's good or bad depending on who you talk to.
Maybe you are right. I don't know. I heard tonight that after this election time everything in our government will be pulled out by its roots and nothing government-wise will ever be the same. That tells me that our Representative-style government may cease to exist.

Before that, I heard that the world will be divided into "kingdoms" (for lack of a better word) and there will be about 7 of them and the leaders will work together to take the world forward.

Those two things I didn't hear from the same source, but they do sort of fit together. I heard (third source) that the paradigms of our world are about to drastically change.

What I hope is what whatever happens, the human trafficking, the quests for adrenochrome via children, and other heinously evil things will be stopped at least for a while and we will have a peaceful time in history.

All of this is, of course, speculation from sources that themselves have different sources. Nobody really knows what will happen. What we can all agree on is there is about to be huge CHANGE.
Given the new DOD authorization to use US troops against American citizens, I fully believe this was done so that if Trump is elected, “terrorism” would be ginned up as an excuse to deploy troops and stop the inauguration.

And as for civil war, someone much more important than me once said that those who clamor for war have never seen it.
And I totally agree.