Do You Have Dead Butt Syndrome?

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I used to be able to do that ..sit on a hardfloor..all my weight of my tailbone n just the right angle it thunk/pops n I'm a inch shorter on the floor..
Sit on a hard floor? I can't! Or a hard chair for long either. After I fell down about 12 cement stairs with metal pipes on the edge of them in college, there are many places I cannot sit. I haven't been able to sit in the middle in the back seat of a car normally since. One time I had a ride home from college, about 100 miles away, and I got the middle in the backseat. No one was willing to trade with me and this was close to the time that I had had my fall. I leaned forward, almost folded in half, to relieve the pressure. It was an odd way to sit, but I certainly couldn't sit upright and put the pressure on my tailbone.
I couldn't approach a wooden chair normally for a long time. I could sit halfway on a chair, but with my tailbone not on the chair. All of this has greatly contributed to poor posture.
My butt isn't dead, isn't boney, isn't flabby, isn't crunchy ... it's also not an admirable butt ... basically a flat butt. No woman ever told me she loves my butt!

wow your one of the flat bottom boys? great band. a lot better than being a soggy bottom boy--or a flat bottom pumpkin. those things are scary
Sit on a hard floor? I can't! Or a hard chair for long either. After I fell down about 12 cement stairs with metal pipes on the edge of them in college, there are many places I cannot sit. I haven't been able to sit in the middle in the back seat of a car normally since. One time I had a ride home from college, about 100 miles away, and I got the middle in the backseat. No one was willing to trade with me and this was close to the time that I had had my fall. I leaned forward, almost folded in half, to relieve the pressure. It was an odd way to sit, but I certainly couldn't sit upright and put the pressure on my tailbone.
I couldn't approach a wooden chair normally for a long time. I could sit halfway on a chair, but with my tailbone not on the chair. All of this has greatly contributed to poor posture.
Ouch weedy...

I discovered this butt tailbone cracking move by accident. I really screwed up my butt landing hard taking flying lessons off my mare one too many times..
I used to be able to adjust my butt n hip doing a hard floor sit on the tailbone or doing a ballet spready n everything would move back where it needed to be.

A few years ago I wacked my head hard walking under my incline chains on my machine.felt n heard my neck crack hard as I flailed backwards onto my butt n back in a heap of sawdust.

I thought for a sec I broke my neck..hurt like a MF at first but then I felt a cool tingly rush and it ended up being the best spontaneous chiropractic adjustment I've ever had..

I needa good butt cracking

I haven't been able to yank my hiney back in line for awhile n my right leg gets that swollen throbbin feeling if I sit too long or yank it too hard sideways or push off too hard.
I gotta walk it off so it all don't explode ..

I love those spontaneous adjustments tho..
I really screwed up my butt landing hard taking flying lessons off my mare one too many times..
I wonder how many people have messed up backs and tailbones from things like this.

For me, it was thunking down the stairs, starting at the top and landing hard on each step until I hit the bottom of the stairs. All I could do was just lay there for a while. People walked by and stepped over me until I could get up and pick up my books.
Stairs can be awful. I went down hard on the third to bottom steps in our house, Thumped down the last few and hit my back, too. I had a huge bruise the next few days. After that, I ordered and put down felted stair pads. They work really well, and provide a grip. That, and remember to use the rail and not come down the stairs with both arms full of stuff.
My butt is fine

I wonder how many people have messed up backs and tailbones from things like this.

For me, it was thunking down the stairs, starting at the top and landing hard on each step until I hit the bottom of the stairs. All I could do was just lay there for a while. People walked by and stepped over me until I could get up and pick up my books.

a few years back i took a fall and hurt my tailbone--man, that is some hurting. i tried some cushions, got the ones for pissed off tailbones and it helped but not enough. went to one chiropractor, the type that bends and twists you, it didnt help. went to another chiropractor the ones that use the little 'activator' thing that taps / pops things back where they belong and got fixed the first visit. hes the only guy i go to now. tailbone hurt is a special type of hurt.
That, and remember to use the rail and not come down the stairs with both arms full of stuff.
Denver Public Schools used to put out a safety newsletter each month. One of the newsletters was about stairs and safety. Of course that was decades too late for me. One of the things in that newsletters was about holding onto the railing when on the stairs. When I had my fall, I had a big stack of books, and that is probably why I missed the first step, because I didn't see it because of the books in the way.
isnt it wonderful that we all survived such things in our lives and out butts survived and do not have amnesia. i am slightly curious as to the ratio or percentile average of deb butt amnesia syndrome for libs vs conservs. just going from thjose i know, the ibs appear to have way more bnutt sitting jobs than the conservs. inda like the libs see themselves as the thinkers and planners so therefor sit more, vs the conservs that appear to be more do-ers not all, just average
This topic cracks me up.
I'm laughing so hard I have tears rolling own my face.
I wonder what the next topic will be about.
You think you are?
Every time I look at the thread title, I see: "Do You Have Head Butt Syndrome?". 🤣
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Is “Bony Butt Syndrome” a problem?

Asking for a friend.
I was sick for awhile and lost my butt padding. So bony butt is a real problem for me. Sometimes you dont realise where you loose weight till you plop down on the porch step and it hurt. I remember my granddad carrying a seat donut around but think it was for a different reason.
I saw a x ray of a potato in... da butt butt butt
Better than a gerbil I suppose...
You outta see what inmates will shove up dare...females have 2 hidy holes ..the keister n the can imagine it gets crowded n folks start walking funny..
Too much info!!😮
I have heard of both male and female inmates trying to sneak small knives in sheaths, and small tools like a file, into a prison. Guess where the hid them? I your guess is anything other than in their hind end - well, you don't get the prize...
98% of the time it was drugs, pills and tobacco packed in balloons or condoms then shoved up da butt or snatch or both.
Especially after drug court on Monday mornings. If they knew they were going to violate they pack up it up n be ready. Especially if they were taking a hit for their team and violating on purpose to get into jail to do a drop off to someone who was staying longer. Drug court violations were usually a few days for was lame.
Often folks who got caught alot before trying to bring in stuff just went into a observation cell for usually 12 hours untill they crapped. Toilets turned off..I saw one guy..a regular and parolee..**** out a balloon n reswallow it ..had a **** streak down his mouth.
And our county DA rarely took on a case if a officer made a thing of it. The DA would toss the case or use it to bargin a plea deal with..maybe..but the majority if the time it was tossed because it wasn't worth the time and money to take to court for very little actual consequence. And the regulars knew it and we had some dirty Co's who would let stuff slip in so regulars knew that too.. it was a circus.
yall stand up right now and check yer butts. it also s known as gluteus amnesia. thats right. your butt can get amnesia.. my foot or arm can 'fall asleep' and get numb but my butt will get amnesia? no ones talking about what if the butt never remembers its a butt and somehow thinks its an elbow or brain? this has got to be the most serious dangerous new disease ever and praying for a new vaccine to save us.

Do You Have Dead Butt Syndrome?​

  • Dead butt syndrome may be a trendy, funny term — but it refers to real warning signs that something may be wrong
  • A weak gluteus medius caused by sitting or slumping can cause nerve problems in the future
  • Taking breaks from sitting at your desk — and adding stretching or workouts — can help engage your butt muscles and stop the condition from getting worse
And I thought that I'd heard it all...
a wiggler huh? thats called Jumpy Butt Syndrome, it can be very dangeorus unless one is on a dance floor. john travolta suffered from it and it almost ruined his life. be careful friend, when you feel the restless wiggle start hold o tight n to both arms of your chair til it passes. or you fart. could be that instead but you never know.
I belly dance as a form of exercise.
And my Irishman likes my wiggling on his lap pretty much.

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