I think as is to often the case among my American friends you can only see black and white ( no pun intended) EG Race War / No Race War, or a full on conflict versus a few criminals stirring trouble. I dont mean to sound offensive but there are none so blind as those who will not see.
Consider what IS actually happening in the US and UK for that matter, The black community feels aggrieved and unfairly treated, dissent IS growing, riots occur frequently for the most inane of reasons, fundamentalism IS growing be it Black power, Communist or Islamic.
Communities are gradually segregating based upon skin colour and religion and or more extreme political belief. We in the UK had a long conflict with the IRA which lasted in its latest version from 1968 to 1996 with thousands being shot, blown up, maimed etc shopping centers, schools, government buildings, public gatherings, crowded bars even the government being bombed in Brighton. British army strength at that time was 200,000, the IRA a few hundred at best YET the war dragged on for decades.
Have you forgotten the 1770s when a rag tag bunch of colonial tea abusers resisted, then fought and finally defeated the greatest empire on earth?
In the US the growing disaffected black community WILL continue with its pointless criminality by rioting and looting and shooting cops, MOST blacks will not BUT their anger is simmering away, getting deeper and more vicious and they are looking for a way to fight back. Into the cooking pot comes the Islamic fundamentalists and Communists who offer the disaffected black community brotherhood, hope, a cause,and a fure filled with promise, often finding willing converts in the US prison system. More young blacks than ever are converting to Islam.
The black community can associate Islam (or communism)with their own cause, The black homeland becomes the black Islamic homeland something for them to unite in seeking to achieve. So what follows next is normal doctrine for Religious and Political ideologies since time began. RECRUIT willing desperate people , seek funds from sympathetic states (The middle east) start campaigning politically first peacefully, then via growing violent protests UNTIL the government clamps down hard on them. This gives the leadership the excuse and reason to tell their followers " look how the US government oppresses us and denies us our homeland".
The IRA numbered a few hundred front line activists ( terrorists / freedom fighters? ) over 30 years just imagine what many THOUSANDS of well funded and well trained black extremists could do inside the US even if their numbers by percentage are tiny compared with the community at large. A long term black Islamic or communist OR BOTH insurgency that follows the shoot and scoot policy YOU lot used in the 1770s, the IRA used, The French Marquis used, the Vietcong used etc etc.
They do not need a full on race war, they only need to create FEAR. a fear that is not stopped by having the biggest army because the enemy does not stand and fight, a FEAR that is not stopped by the millions of US gun owners because they dont get involved in shoot outs, they just blast off a magazine or two then withdraw. Fear caused by your local Walmart blowing up, the Uptown bus blowing up, the gas tanker blowing up, the pipe bomb in the play ground, a bomb at the multi plex. Each attack followed by a demand. Each group of extremists having no contact with the next, all operating independently after being trained by a small cadre of instructors JUST LIKE YOUR RANGERS DID IN NAM.
You are very likely to get a race war, but its not going to be the type of war YOU want to fight Man o Man.