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user 7704

Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Nov 27, 2015
It is a shame that a person can go anywhere with someone turning it into a bash Trump party.

I traditionally watch The Twilight Zone Marathon and it is pitiful. Every episode is a direct reflection of his presidency according to some.

The sad part is, most of these young people had no idea the difference between the Conservative and Liberal agendas.

Finally, I just told one guy that he had them confused and he was rooting for the agenda he thought he hated.

Idiot kids. This is what they are learning in school.

My rant is over.
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.
Sometimes attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler 200 years ago, but actual author unknown.
Social media bandwagon.

It's ironic that this generation wants to be seen as free thinkers and innovators, yet at the same time, they are terrified to go against their perceived social norm.

And because their idea of this social norm exists in a vacuum of just the friends and media that agree with them, they are completely oblivious that other viewpoints not only exist, but may even be the majority.

That's why they were so surprised during the election. Because their little social bubble firmly believed one way, while the rest of us who are aware of the different viewpoints, felt vindicated that this conspiracy of media to convince us Trump was going to lose, was thwarted by the voters.

That said, apart from a few items (Paris Accord, defeat of ISIS, and not bowing to NK), Trump has largely done a 180 on his promises.

Instead of draining the swamp, he's filled his appointments with them. Instead of repeal and replace, he (or rather the GOP) seems to be trying to dismantle ACA instead of having a ready replacement. Though I'm happy the wall nonsense hasn't had much traction. Stupid waste of money that is. (and if he really wanted it, there IS an easy way to make Mexico pay for it...he used to even have it spelled out on his website....but I have no idea where that idea went)....(basically a surcharge on money transfers to Mexico).

But, the Dems are talking about Sanders or Warren in 2020. Have they completely lost all touch with reality? Even being disappointed in Trump, I'd STILL have to pick him over these two idiots. Sanders is a total sell out, and endorsed the candidate who railroaded him in the primary. Warren is a complete hypocrite and possibly even less likable than Hillary. It's almost as if they WANT another Trump term (and maybe their puppet masters do? Who knows?).....
Because their little social bubble firmly believed one way,

That reminds me of 5 years ago. I was in a bubble. I thought "surely, the American people have seen 4 years of communism, they aren't going to vote for this idiot again."

I wasn't even worried that Obama would get re-elected. Oops, what a bubble I was living in. I'd love to think they'll get suprized, but 'public' opinion + voter cheating can't be predicted...
Oh, the millennials LOVE the idea of communism. They don't blame the ideology for it failing in Venezuela, or Russia, or China, or Cuba, etc. They blame the folks in charge. They refuse to see the ideology's flaws, because it fits in so well with their utopian ideals. They simply haven't yet had the world kick them in the teeth, and those that have, don't want any part of the hard work or self responsibility to provide for themselves, they want another to do it for them, even if that other is the state. (as long as it isn't crawling back to mom and dad and admitting they were wrong).

My daughter has had a taste of it. She moved out around the time of Irma. Since then, she's paid more per month to live a lower quality of life...but hey, she has her "freedom" right? (not that she couldn't come and go here as she pleases) Still though, we're behind her (and yeah, have her over often and give her a good home-cooked meal, or we go out). Her roommates currently kind of run everything though, but soon she's going to have to do all of the "adulting" there.

My son's in for a rude awakening though. He's moving out at the end of the month (and going to live with his sister, my daughter). That should be fun. He is a pretty typical millennial, but with the motivation of a stoner (he isn't, but you'd never know it). The two of them together are in for an interesting learning time. They'll both have to run the household, with no others helping. I think they'll get a good appreciation for all we've done for them while they lived here, and I think it will be a good learning experience for them. They both NEED this, and need to learn how to be on their own, so we're behind it (but also ready to provide the safety net of coming back home if they fail). Their pride will prevent it though.
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