FaceBook or Not

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We have large families consisting mostly of young people under 30. Most are conservatives who go along to get along with the liberal relatives.
I have no reason to judge is true but nor should I be judged. The radicals rule now and that's just the facts. After being on FB for awhile I'm the one who needs the prayers. They don't want your prayers or morals they want you to have theirs Bow down to their gods and agendas.
Look what we have accepted so far, has it helped or made us more Godly?
We are not more Godly, we are less so, imho. What does God want us as individuals to do about it?
We are not more Godly, we are less so, imho. What does God want us as individuals to do about it?

Weedy I really don't know what God wants us to do anymore. Basically I do but now there are so many ' prodacal sons ' it is hard to help them. Actaully we can't help them if they don't think they need help. So I left FB and hey can call me if they want to.
I didn't really leave although I was going to,FB said my account was disabled for breaking rues of hiding my personal info. I deleted my birthday and they deleted me.
@Meerkat It is crazy for any website to "demand" to know your birthday and in the interest of my privacy and security, I do not have my true birthdate on fake book.
For some reason, every time I log on to it, a thing pops up asking me if I want to create another account, in addition to the one I already have. What, for my alter-ego, my undercover account? No, my Potato Chip Eaters Support Group. I don't know. There is a lot of trash on fb but I rarely see it.
There is a lot of Christian-based stuff there. Good musicians post on it.
Like the Indian proverb about the wolf, which one gets fed. Feed the good wolf.
I know quite a few people IRL who do not have fb accounts.
@Meerkat It is crazy for any website to "demand" to know your birthday and in the interest of my privacy and security, I do not have my true birthdate on fake book.
For some reason, every time I log on to it, a thing pops up asking me if I want to create another account, in addition to the one I already have. What, for my alter-ego, my undercover account? No, my Potato Chip Eaters Support Group. I don't know. There is a lot of trash on fb but I rarely see it.
There is a lot of Christian-based stuff there. Good musicians post on it.
Like the Indian proverb about the wolf, which one gets fed. Feed the good wolf.
I know quite a few people IRL who do not have fb accounts.

Very good proverb Patch,thanks.My good wolf is about starved now so guess i'll feed it more often.
I was in Spain many years ago when I observed what was a new phenomenon. As I was out to get dinner I observed a circle of younguns standing in a circle not talking to each other but rather they were poking at the smart thingies. At that time I decided that smart things were a social disease that causes people to avoid eye contact with each other and become preoccupied with scratching their palms.

So I never signed up for FB, or sent a text or tweet. It only recently that I started to use the smart thingie to post to this forum since I am seldom in front of a PC and enjoyed the community posting here.

So no, no FB for me!

I was in Spain many years ago when I observed what was a new phenomenon. As I was out to get dinner I observed a circle of younguns standing in a circle not talking to each other but rather they were poking at the smart thingies. At that time I decided that smart things were a social disease that causes people to avoid eye contact with each other and become preoccupied with scratching their palms.

So I never signed up for FB, or sent a text or tweet. It only recently that I started to use the smart thingie to post to this forum since I am seldom in front of a PC and enjoyed the community posting here.

So no, no FB for me!

Me to Ben they made it east for me ,they disabld me. dancing chicken:)
I am active on Facebook. But mostly, it's in closed groups and specific topics. Having left a particular religious group I'd rather not mention, I find that there are people I can interact with all over the world that understand where I've come from that I just can't find locally. I still have some family and such that keep in touch that way. I rarely post anything of any significance and am cautious about what gets posted knowing that it will be kept on some server FOREVER, whether I end up deleting it or not. It can also be good for local chat groups (local farmers market has a page, for example). I know of a grower a few miles down the road from me that also posts what he's got for sale at any given time, which people really like. As tempted to just "shut it all down" as I am, I don't really have a replacement for much of it. I wish someone would come up with one, one that doesn't intrude so much. We tried to put up a FB page for our little "farm" but FB seemed like it wanted to control and manipulate and even delete posts. It's been since taken down. Maybe we didn't do it right. (?)