Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I'm going to have to start tracking my chicken feed costs. Bought 300# (half scratch, half crumble) for $72 today.
That's a good price on broth, Easterner. I've seen it for 50 cents a can, that's it.
I'm going to have to start tracking my chicken feed costs. Bought 300# (half scratch, half crumble) for $72 today.
That's a good price on broth, Easterner. I've seen it for 50 cents a can, that's it.
I did the math on both rabbits and chickens and it’s cheaper to buy them than raise your own. UNLESS you have a lot of land where they can forage a lot. Here I had land but too many predators. (Including my own dumb dogs)… but if your pen raising animals it’s for the experience, not the price.
I keep three cases of chicken, beef and turkey broth each. You can add flavor to everything with the stuff.
We raise rabbits, quineas, chickens, and turkeys but have land. I grow food for them, too. But, you know, winter coming. Still they can have all the arugula growing in the greenhouse that husband wanted me to plant and now decided he doesn't like it.
We incubate our own chicken and turkey eggs, raise our own replacer chicks. Use the excess eggs for barter.
We raise rabbits, quineas, chickens, and turkeys but have land. I grow food for them, too. But, you know, winter coming. Still they can have all the arugula growing in the greenhouse that husband wanted me to plant and now decided he doesn't like it.
We incubate our own chicken and turkey eggs, raise our own replacer chicks. Use the excess eggs for barter.

Our chickens are getting the kale I’m growing. Hubby decided he doesn’t want it and instead insists on arugula or romaine I’m also growing. Swiss chard isn’t ready yet, but have a feeling it won’t eat it either. We purchased 200 lbs of scratch and 300 lbs of crumbles to last us awhile. Nervous about the supply chain.
Ha, funny about the kale. I still have elephant kale growing outside that husband wanted, but he'll eat it in salad if it's chopped small. The animals eat most of it, and it's been going strong since spring. So I like to grow different greens in the greenhouse this time of year, and it's great till it gets to negative temps. He insisted on the arugula, but I also green mustard spinach, two types of lettuce, and another type of kale which is not as "thick" as the elephant . I get tired of buying iceberg. Not only is it bad quality, it's up to $1.50 a head.
Ha, funny about the kale. I still have elephant kale growing outside that husband wanted, but he'll eat it in salad if it's chopped small. The animals eat most of it, and it's been going strong since spring. So I like to grow different greens in the greenhouse this time of year, and it's great till it gets to negative temps. He insisted on the arugula, but I also green mustard spinach, two types of lettuce, and another type of kale which is not as "thick" as the elephant . I get tired of buying iceberg. Not only is it bad quality, it's up to $1.50 a head.

Agree! Iceberg is useless health wise too. We’ve got 2 kinds of kale in the greenhouse. One is thinner than the other. My spinach is doing pretty well...just not as fast as the kale. Hoping to keep all these growing through until the end of February. Do you put heat mats under yours? Or heat your greenhouse?
No we just close it off. There isn't any electricity out there or anything near it, but it's in a sunny spot. We did ok last year until January, I think. The herbs will freeze first. I have 5 super big tomatoes in there, too, and some spring onions that I keep going, and chop and dehydrate or use fresh as needed.
We plowed the garden on Sat. and re-filled it a bit with some sand, fertiliser, compost and hay to get it ready for next year. The early potatos, peas, garlic and onions go in deeper than normal and will come up around the end of Feb. Bought the V50 Volvo station wagon finally. Is better than we thought and much more safety items and is also more comfortable than any other car we have ever had.
Agree! Iceberg is useless health wise too.
What do you have against water GP?
I don't get the hate for iceberg lettuce. It doesn't have anything bad in it, it's mostly water, and I don't see how that is a bad thing. The glycemic index for iceberg lettuce is 32. Eat your lettuce and hydrate at the same time! :)
I did the math on both rabbits and chickens and it’s cheaper to buy them than raise your own. UNLESS you have a lot of land where they can forage a lot. Here I had land but too many predators. (Including my own dumb dogs)… but if your pen raising animals it’s for the experience, not the price.
I keep three cases of chicken, beef and turkey broth each. You can add flavor to everything with the stuff.
No it isn’t always cheaper to raise your own, but I know what goes into the meat and eggs that go into me, my 5 grandchildren and the rest of our extended family. Ditto with our beef cattle and our dairy cow. The yolks on our eggs are pumpkin orange, our chicken actually tastes like the chicken I grew up on, and the beef is flavorful. I have a huge poultry run with turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. I feed them a combination of garden surplus, cracked corn, free gleaned wheat, kitchen scraps and layer pellets. Life’s a trade off. I can buy cheap meat/eggs raised God knows where and fed God knows what, or I can walk outside and see exactly what they’re eating, if anyone is acting sick or injured, and that’s more than worth it to me.
What do you have against water GP?
I don't get the hate for iceberg lettuce. It doesn't have anything bad in it, it's mostly wate

LOL. Nothing against water! Try not to feed my hubby or myself “useless” food. It is hard enough to get vegetables down him, much less feeding him something as worthless as iceberg lettuce. If I get him to eat enough good, vitamin and mineral filled veggies, he doesn’t have any leg or foot cramps at night. 🦶
We plowed the garden on Sat. and re-filled it a bit with some sand, fertiliser, compost and hay to get it ready for next year. The early potatos, peas, garlic and onions go in deeper than normal and will come up around the end of Feb. Bought the V50 Volvo station wagon finally. Is better than we thought and much more safety items and is also more comfortable than any other car we have ever had.

That’s great news Gary!! Happy to hear you got the car you wanted! Those Volvo’s are the safest.
Thanks GP, it is a totally different ride tho, no 4X4, lower to the ground and lots more torque with the diesel motor. Built in Navi, Klima-tronic and all the gadgets you can think of, built in telephone, trailer hitch, station wagon sized family car and very quiet motor. Fast too if I need it: the speedometer goes to 260 km/h (155 mph) Don't think it would really do it and there are others on the road too...I did 290 km/h with some of the test vehicles when I was a test driver with Mercedes back in 2004/2006...scary sometimes doing 30 meters per second and 180 mph, things happen fast and sometimes they are not good.
Worth reading (if you don't already realize that food is a weapon against the masses):
Shortages are for a reason. The local farmers were pushed out of business for a reason. Our communities are smashed together on small parcels of land for a reason.

There will always be those who wish to rule the world. I think many people have forgotten that fact, and embraced dependency without considering its downsides.
Shortages are for a reason. The local farmers were pushed out of business for a reason. Our communities are smashed together on small parcels of land for a reason.

For those paying attention (and not using google for searches…use DUCKDUCKGO for Truth) the facts are in plain sight. Their plan that they are on video touting is to reduce the World Population by BILLIONS. They are well into their plan to starve as many as they can. Using the “global warming” scam is key. Has anyone noticed that Fertilizer Plants in the UK and USA have been shut down or greatly reduced? What do you think happens when farmers don’t have fertilizer?
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For those paying attention (and not using google for searches…use DUCKDUCKGO for Truth) the facts are in plain sight. Their plan that they are on video touting is to reduce the World Population by BILLIONS. They are well into their plan to starve as many as they can. Using the “global warming” scam is key. Has anyone noticed that Fertilizer Plants in the UK and USA have been shut down or greatly reduced? What do you think happens when farmers don’t have fertilizer?
We use crooked politicians, bad neighbors and far left democratic voters.


They’re Coming for your Animals

“Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely. The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people’s backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado’s PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system–but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, “We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE.” They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen.”


NEW HAMPSHIRE is passing a law to Register ALL ANIMALS. Yes even dogs and cats.

Please pay close attention to those who are warning of impending food crises (and then being promptly replaced):


Sri Lanka Agriculture Sect. warns of food crisis before being removed

Agriculture Secretary Senior Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe yesterday warned of an imminent food crisis before he was removed from his post.

Authorities may have to impose further food rations and seek foreign aid to help feed the most needy, he told reporters.

“We may have to borrow grains, such as corn, from friendly countries and think of rationing food so that mothers and the sick can be fed,” he said. “Others may have to make sacrifices.” [IAF: if you follow @iceagefarmer you are aware there ARE NO GRAINS to borrow -- this is a WORLDWIDE crisis]

But within hours, Jayasinghe was replaced by another official, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s office announced, without saying why he was sacked. [IAF: Everything is just fine!]

Food shortages have been worsened by the Government’s ban on agrochemical imports, which was lifted last month after widespread crop failures and intense farmer protests. [IAF: Much like Botswana banned veg imports, literally citing the “Reset Agenda” — these are ENGINEERED food shortages to force compliance]

Sri Lanka’s inflation hit a record 11.1% in November, official figures showed Wednesday, as authorities warned a worsening economic crisis could”
“China Is Feverishly Preparing For The Coming Global Famine, But The U.S. Is Taking A Completely Different Approach
December 28, 2021 11:01 pm by IWB

We live at a time when global food supplies are getting tighter and tighter and global food prices just keep going higher and higher. Bizarre weather patterns and widespread natural disasters have been playing havoc with food production all over the planet, and the COVID pandemic has thrown worldwide supply chains into a state of complete and utter chaos. As a result, the world is “currently battling the worst hunger crisis this century”, and it is expected to get even worse in 2022. Of course this is just the beginning. For a very long time, I have been warning that global trends indicate that we are heading toward a horrifying global famine, and that is just one of the reasons why I have been relentlessly encouraging my readers to get prepared while they still can.

Apparently, the Chinese government can also see what is coming, because right now they are hoarding food on an unprecedented scale

The hoarding is taking place in China.
If everything is going to be just fine, why would China be doing this?

It simply would not make sense.

But if famine is on the way, the Chinese are being extremely prudent. And the amount of food that they are now stockpiling is definitely eye-popping

According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China is expected to have 69% of the globe’s maize reserves in the first half of crop year 2022, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat.”
Another reason why we should all become as food self sufficient as possible. Most of us could produce much, or all, of our own fertilizer, albeit on a smaller scale. Rabbit's produce great fertilizer, pigs, goats and or cattle also produce a lot of fertilizer. Every fall I clean out our feed lot and dump it in the garden area. Same with the manure from the pig pen and chicken coop. Every spring I drag the area where I fed the cattle all winter to spread out the approximately 75 ton of manure. I'm a very small livestock producer, not a farmer so I dont need massive amounts of fertilizer. Our plans for this year is to expand our garden, orchard, chicken flock, add rabbits and grow and preserve as much food as possible.
Our plans for this year is to expand our garden, orchard, chicken flock, add rabbits and grow and preserve as much food as possible.

Everyone needs to be following your example! I too am increasing our gardens. Will be adding raised beds soon. Already started gathering the material. Will be adding to the chicken flock in March. Praying it won’t be too late. I do have a backup locally, just in case. Would really like the ones I get from on line though. They lay so many more eggs. The garden shed we are building shortly will be used for the rabbits. What type of rabbits are you adding Arctic?

Anyone else raising rabbits? I’d like to have some information on breed types that work well for homesteaders.
Everyone needs to be following your example! I too am increasing our gardens. Will be adding raised beds soon. Already started gathering the material. Will be adding to the chicken flock in March. Praying it won’t be too late. I do have a backup locally, just in case. Would really like the ones I get from on line though. They lay so many more eggs. The garden shed we are building shortly will be used for the rabbits. What type of rabbits are you adding Arctic?

Anyone else raising rabbits? I’d like to have some information on breed types that work well for homesteaders.
Im not sure what type of rabbits that we'll get, other than meat rabbits. Years ago we had rabbits but most of them were smaller pet type. The wife can make a pet out of anything. Maybe someone can start a rabbit thread...
We're working on our chick order now. We'll get 50-75 meat chickens and probably 25 or so laying chicks plus a couple roosters. We need to pick out layers with short combs to prevent frostbite. We'll place our order next week for a May delivery. I'm also going to order a couple hundred quail, chucker and turkey eggs, plus an incubator.
Im not sure what type of rabbits that we'll get, other than meat rabbits. Years ago we had rabbits but most of them were smaller pet type. The wife can make a pet out of anything. Maybe someone can start a rabbit thread...
We're working on our chick order now. We'll get 50-75 meat chickens and probably 25 or so laying chicks plus a couple roosters. We need to pick out layers with short combs to prevent frostbite. We'll place our order next week for a May delivery. I'm also going to order a couple hundred quail, chucker and turkey eggs, plus an incubator.

I don’t even know what a “checker” is! LOL. Sounds like I’m a mushroom. If my hubby wold let me I would get meat chickens and turkeys too! Quail are great lookouts.

EDIT: I meant “chucker”.
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We are starting with rabbits this spring. So far I have 2 females in a cage, both related, a related male in another cage, and an unrelated to all of them male in another cage. So I need another female not related to anybody. We have a fowl and small animal auction in our little town at the end of each month. If I don't make it there this month, farm neighbor said he'd get me a female. Usually run between $5 and $10. We have Norwegian somethings. They look meaty. Want to wait till spring to breed them just because it's cold right now and it'll add an extra annoyance. Our son in New Mexico and my nephew in Oklahoma have bred rabbits for years for food, I just ask them questions if I can't figure something out. Next month I'll start incubating chicken eggs again, and will look for turkey eggs. Our turkey breeding stock should start laying this spring. We have 2 toms and 3 hens. And next month will be starting my cabbage and broccoli seed starts indoors. Also potatoes outdoors. Busy February. Hopefully I can release the 26 french guineas I have in the milkhouse by then. They were hatched mid November.
I don’t even know what a “checker” is! LOL. Sounds like I’m a mushroom. If my hubby wold let me I would get meat chickens and turkeys too! Quail are great lookouts.
Chucker, not checker. Its kind of like a grouse and its usually found at lower elevations in the deep canyons around here. They may be in other areas too in different parts of the country. The turkey, quail and chuckers will be turned loose to provide more food opportunities if needed.
I don’t even know what a “checker” is! LOL. Sounds like I’m a mushroom. If my hubby wold let me I would get meat chickens and turkeys too! Quail are great lookouts.
We have valley quail here with a few rare pockets of mountain quail, which are bigger. The quail, wild turkey, deer and elk all head down to lower elevations in winter. Its kind of interesting to see hundreds of deer and elk tracks all heading down hill after we get our first deep snowfall.
Coming to a country near you
Important to note the PORT is shut down as well — another wrench thrown into gears of global #shipping / #SupplyChain!

As well as the insanity of not being able to buy food...


Locked-down residents of Chinese city Xi'an struggle to secure food, turn to bartering

Residents of the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an are being forced to barter for food and essentials, while a second city has been put under restrictions following the discovery of just a handful of COVID-19 cases.

Social media posts from residents of Xi'an, who have been confined indoors since December 23, show them swapping things like cigarettes and skincare products for food.

People living in the epicentre of the outbreak are not allowed to go out at all, and must have goods delivered to them.

"[We are] returning to primitive society," one person complained on Weibo. "I'm starving to death, there is no food, but my community won't let me go out, help me!" said another.

A video that went viral on Chinese social media shows a man trading a Chinese cabbage, a carrot and a tomato for two packs of cigarettes. "The most reliable hard currency in Xi'an now is the cigarette," a Weibo user wrote.

One resident offered a one-hour maths tutorial for three potatoes.

"Five eggs for a piano lesson," another posted.
