Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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As absolutely sad and terrible as it sounds, we are maybe all heading in this direction if the wise and strong do not fend for themselves and the weaker. Our world has the space, food and water for many more people, if only the richest would not take up so much space, food, money, water and land for themselves which they cannot utilise anyway. I feel sorry for those there, and we must learn from their suffering so we do not end up in the same dilemma...plant, water and become self-sufficient people...Gary
Got the fish, buddy! 1.5 acres of channel catfish ponds (meant for cattle in the old days) but I haven't run beef for 20 years.... will just trade with my neighbor for that... he has hundreds, including buffalo.. but no fish.. should be putting in some Leghorns later this year if things are right
Got the fish, buddy! 1.5 acres of channel catfish ponds (meant for cattle in the old days) but I haven't run beef for 20 years.... will just trade with my neighbor for that... he has hundreds, including buffalo.. but no fish.. should be putting in some Leghorns later this year if things are right
This guide has folks dumping feed into them.
Channel Catfish in Farm Ponds (
Is there enough stuff naturally falling in those ponds to feed those catfish or are you supplementing them with some sort of feed? Thanks!
This guide has folks dumping feed into them.
Channel Catfish in Farm Ponds (
Is there enough stuff naturally falling in those ponds to feed those catfish or are you supplementing them with some sort of feed? Thanks!

Thanks.. not supplementing them NOW, but I have an appt with the local AgriLife guy on the 27th, 10:00am for his recommendations of max stocking and /or feeding...
I love Texas A&M.. I sent my brilliant daughter there and never bitched about the cost.... Texas A&M runs AgriLife and has personnel in EVERY county whose job is to help farmers/stockmen FOR FREE... He is going to walk my ponds and make recommendations for max yield and health of the two ponds.
Gardens, ponds, cattle, chickens... make no matter they have specialists in all fields available
The wife and I have plans to buy 20-50 acres of land this year to build a house on. In addition to tilling a large garden, we want to build a large greenhouse as well. Cattle will come soon after. We want to be as self reliant as possible as soon as possible. Plus I need a shop so I can start restoring a couple old cars I have lol
try to find a tract that will support at least a 1/2 acre stock pond... even better try to buy a place that already has one.....many side benefits to having a pond
I've got a large spring fed pond on my place and have it stocked with catfish and bluegill. The water lever drops by probably 6' in late summer but has never gone dry. This summer I'm going to put up a wind powered aerator to help improve the water conditions for the fish.
Another benefit in having a stock pond if possible... no water well... I had my water tested,,, high only in magnesium and iron, everything else fine... sooo I will be pumping and treating this water into a tank and that will be better than the water out of your faucet.... as long as you control all of the watershed feeding the surface runoff to the pond, you are in great shape.

My 650,000 gallon pond's surface runoff is a 30 acre area, all within my property. The surface runoff of this area into my pond is about 100,000 gallons per 1" of rainfall. Essentially just a big rainfall collection system and no chemicals will ever runoff into the pond from adjacent properties, because the watershed is all within my property..

A 400 ft well drilled and packed (no pump or pressure tank) would have cost me $16K. This water is just sitting there in place waiting to be pumped, filtered and treated. I am a zealot when it comes to ponds. If you have standing surface water, you can do anything!

My larger pond will be for catfish only

PS.. AD we are doing a solar powered aerator.... Have everything except the 12vdc/120vac inverter. using a hiblow HB 120LL air pump. Great pumps used normally for aerobic septic systems but works fantastic for ponds.....
A 400 ft well drilled and packed (no pump or pressure tank) would have cost me $16K. This water is just sitting there in place waiting to be pumped, filtered and treated. I am a zealot when it comes to ponds. If you have standing surface water, you can do anything!

We will be using our large pond for water too. Like you, we have a pump system and few ways to make sure it keeps pumping. Also have water filtration system components and a Big Berkey for drinking water as well as 2 backup drinking water systems. This pond is supplied by 3 springs and has a good runoff to keep it from overflowing. If a drought happens here we will be stopping the outflow pronto!

Will most likely be giving our backing systems to neighbors. I’ve bought many redundant things like that in case neighbors need them. I’ve lost track of how many grinding mills I’ve picked up! LOL
“As Omicron Pushes The Globalists Overthrow Of America To Its End Game, Stock Up On The Essentials Now Because Emerging Signs Show Soon There Won't Be Enough To Go Around

…So with every day that brings us new potential of an 'America grinding to a halt' if 'Dr Michael Osterholm', a former advisor to President Biden's transition team, who said he expects a 'viral blizzard' to exacerbate the situation in the coming weeks and who went so far as to proclaim he 'expects it will be hard to keep America running and everyday life operating', we'll next be taking a look within this story at many signs recently seen at numerous businesses that indeed, some places are already grinding to a halt.

And with Americans having proof that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the American taxpayer funded 'gain of function research' that went on in Wuhan, China, ensuring that eventually there'd be a 'bioweapon' emerging from this mess that would be spread much more quickly than some of the others such as 'Omicron the moronic' (if we are to believe a word that they tell us!), as this NPR story tells us, "The omicron surge is making it hard to staff stores and restaurants. Some are closing." From that story before we continue.,,,”

Read here: The Globalists Agenda Grind America Down Almost Complete


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Pope declares that pet owners are “selfish” for squandering resources instead of using them on children.

The key point here is that it establishes we are somehow competing for limited resources with animals. Just like the media narrative about China using too many soybeans to feed their pigs.

They are making animals into “the other” and villianizing them, following the classic genocide-justifying script.

And this is a blatant part of the WEF-driven agenda to move to a #PostAnimalEconomy, and end #AnimalAg.

This is actually a good thing. The reason is because we Preppers can endure these evil machinations, whereas biden’s base cannot. This is going to harm them and make them angry FAR before us.

I have to admit though, if they continue this long enough, there WILL be blood in the streets nation wide because lack of food is the number one reason the populous always, without fail, REBELS!
I watched the hungry in Saraevo run to the green strips in the highways to pick dandelions and nettles to make soup with in '91 - '92 under fire from snipers. I ate green ham and spoiled apples from hunger then and have learned to be able to eat many things which would normally turn your stomach, just a our POW's in Vietnam did. I drank moonshine with the locals with flies and bugs in it...what did I care what I drink today if I am dead tomorrow??? Thank God, I came home and learned my lessons, eat what you have, take what you get and STILL be thank-full. Live free, Gary
I know at MY grocery store that I actually work in, we have seen shortages, but not a lot yet. I've come in and the Deli Market wall will look a lot like those shelves, but that was because they just didn't know how to order. I told boss lady, this is why people are uploading pictures of empty shelves to social media. That was weeks ago and after a truck they were fully stocked. NOW I do think we are actually starting to see a "shipping crisis". All I can say is I hope everyone is prepared, it maybe coming to a location near you too very soon. Canadian/ US truckers crossing the border need to be vaxx'ed according from Biden starting Saturday the 14th. We do a lot of trading thru Canada, so expect the empty shelves. We are expected to lose 21-31 thousand truckers. That is huge numbers for transportation.
I'm not seeing food shelves empty in the PNW, but building materials get scarce in certain departments for a while. I expect everything to get much worse, soon. I keep saying there is NO WAY the democrats will allow another election in November. This is the year. Get what you need, now.
I'm not seeing food shelves empty in the PNW, but building materials get scarce in certain departments for a while. I expect everything to get much worse, soon. I keep saying there is NO WAY the democrats will allow another election in November. This is the year. Get what you need, now.

Couldn’t agree more! They have to stop us from voting. How will they manage to do that Is my question?
Couldn’t agree more! They have to stop us from voting. How will they manage to do that Is my question?

We can vote all we want, it won't matter if they still control the counting of the votes. Everytime I see more major corruption, I increase my preps another month. So far I never stop increasing my preps.