Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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“Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrell Calls into Greg Kelly’s Show from Jail – Guards Have Not Given Him Access to His Cancer Drugs for 166 Days! (This was in August)

Chris Worrell has been held for over five months after firing pepper spray during the chaos on January 6, which he says was aimed at people who he believed to be Antifa who were targeting police.

Worrell has been denied bail since March 12 — and has been shipped around from Florida, to Oklahoma, to Virginia, and now finally DC.

He has been subjected to horrific conditions including a lack of water for sometimes up to seven hours and contracted COVID on top of his non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer.

The proud and patriotic American is now severely at risk of dying from COVID or metastasizing cancer advancing while being denied bail. Chris has been denied his cancer medication by DC leftist authorities for 166 days.

His doctor, Dr. Bino Rucker, M.D., signed an affidavit that was included in an earlier motion saying that “[c]ontinuing confinement at the federal detention center presents a substantial risk of serious infection to Mr. Worrell and his transfer to home confinement would significantly decrease the risk to his health in connection with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.””


Beyond this he ”somehow” broke his hand and a tooth while in jail. The doctor that saw him wrote it up that he needed SURGERY. But the DC GULAG did not allow that to happen. A judge recently FINALLY called them out on it.

I don’t think there is an ulterior motive here but just the desire to protect the public health overall. The vaccine is not 100% safe, nothing is. But it is a lot safer than covid according to the science so far. And it’s been tested millions of times now. I was in the medical field and feel that vaccines while not perfect are better than risking the diseases they help prevent.

I couldn’t find anything from google about a protester dying from his medication withheld but would love a name or more info to investigate it.
You do realize there is a 99.7% survival rate if a person does contract Covid 19, right? The vaccine has killed hundreds of thousands. But you do not know this because you only listen to CNN or whatever other mainstream media you listen to. Thank you @GeorgiaPeachie for adding a name that I could not remember.
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant. You must have him mistaken for someone else. . . .
Jeremy was charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor. Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. The judge has refused to release Jeremy Brown from jail for standing outside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence and the FBI did not read Jeremy his rights.
Jeremy Brown is currently sitting in jail for attending the Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC… In this just released video, Brown is seen helping a woman who was assaulted by police and was down on the cement.
Watch Til the End: Jeremy Brown Rescues Helpless Woman from Capitol Police Assault on Jan. 6
Jeremy Brown is a hero.
Jeremy Brown has always been a hero.
Now he is rotting in jail due to the lies of the Biden DOJ.
I just tried again and the link worked this time. It is clear he was helping that woman in the video, which is commendable.. The text above said he did not go into the capital building but if you google his name many articles show he did. That’s what he was arrested for. The site with the video is called rumble. I’ve never heard of it before but have to go with the majority of sites that show he was inside the building and had intended to help overthrow the government that day. There are many sites out there that print whatever they want so the best I can do is read and go with the majority of them from the more reputable ones.
You do realize there is a 99.7% survival rate if a person does contract Covid 19, right? The vaccine has killed hundreds of thousands. But you do not know this because you only listen to CNN or whatever other mainstream media you listen to. Thank you @GeorgiaPeachie for adding a name that I could not remember.
The chart below shows the known cases of covid as of 10/18 worldwide. So your right, the survival rate is pretty high. But the fact remains that almost 5 million people died from it. Where I completely disagree with you is the number of people that died from the vaccine. Every reputable article shows the numbers to be extremely low. Like dozens at best, but certainly not hundreds of thousands. Science shows it saves lives. I’m still amazed people will consider taking bleach and horse medications over the vaccine and believe listening to the shock jocks on radio and tv is costing people their lives. But again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Personally I believe most of the worlds problems are from overpopulation. Why I would even debate this is silly because if enough people actually die from it then we need less energy and food and it reduces the strain on our planet…..

Total cases241,491,638
Total recoveries218,727,005
Total deaths4,914,431
The chart below shows the known cases of covid as of 10/18 worldwide. So your right, the survival rate is pretty high. But the fact remains that almost 5 million people died from it. Where I completely disagree with you is the number of people that died from the vaccine. Every reputable article shows the numbers to be extremely low. Like dozens at best, but certainly not hundreds of thousands. Science shows it saves lives. I’m still amazed people will consider taking bleach and horse medications over the vaccine and believe listening to the shock jocks on radio and tv is costing people their lives. But again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Personally I believe most of the worlds problems are from overpopulation. Why I would even debate this is silly because if enough people actually die from it then we need less energy and food and it reduces the strain on our planet…..

Total cases241,491,638
Total recoveries218,727,005
Total deaths4,914,431
Considering the worlds population that isn't very many. If you believe these numbers that is.
I just tried again and the link worked this time. It is clear he was helping that woman in the video, which is commendable.. The text above said he did not go into the capital building but if you google his name many articles show he did. That’s what he was arrested for. The site with the video is called rumble. I’ve never heard of it before but have to go with the majority of sites that show he was inside the building and had intended to help overthrow the government that day. There are many sites out there that print whatever they want so the best I can do is read and go with the majority of them from the more reputable ones.
Can you share one of these links of " the majority of sites that show he was inside the building and had intended to help overthrow the government that day. " ? With video proof please. If not, it is just propaganda at this point.
“Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrell Calls into Greg Kelly’s Show from Jail – Guards Have Not Given Him Access to His Cancer Drugs for 166 Days! (This was in August)

Chris Worrell has been held for over five months after firing pepper spray during the chaos on January 6, which he says was aimed at people who he believed to be Antifa who were targeting police.

Worrell has been denied bail since March 12 — and has been shipped around from Florida, to Oklahoma, to Virginia, and now finally DC.

He has been subjected to horrific conditions including a lack of water for sometimes up to seven hours and contracted COVID on top of his non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer.

The proud and patriotic American is now severely at risk of dying from COVID or metastasizing cancer advancing while being denied bail. Chris has been denied his cancer medication by DC leftist authorities for 166 days.

His doctor, Dr. Bino Rucker, M.D., signed an affidavit that was included in an earlier motion saying that “[c]ontinuing confinement at the federal detention center presents a substantial risk of serious infection to Mr. Worrell and his transfer to home confinement would significantly decrease the risk to his health in connection with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.””


Beyond this he ”somehow” broke his hand and a tooth while in jail. The doctor that saw him wrote it up that he needed SURGERY. But the DC GULAG did not allow that to happen. A judge recently FINALLY called them out on it.

Ok, thanks for the name to look up. Chris worrel was dressed in tactical gear and sprayed pepper spray gel into a line of capital police. You failed to mention that part. This guy showed up looking for a fight. He wasn’t an innocent bystander by any means. As far as his medical treatment being delayed I believe you are correct. His hand was broken and he has non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. A judge just ruled that the corrections department must provide treatments for both. So he will get free health care paid by our taxes. I never have condoned treating prisoners poorly though.
Considering the worlds population that isn't very many. If you believe these numbers that is.
I actually agree with you. As far as fixing the drain on our resources we would need several pandemics and no vaccines….
The chart below shows the known cases of covid as of 10/18 worldwide. So your right, the survival rate is pretty high. But the fact remains that almost 5 million people died from it. Where I completely disagree with you is the number of people that died from the vaccine. Every reputable article shows the numbers to be extremely low. Like dozens at best, but certainly not hundreds of thousands. Science shows it saves lives. I’m still amazed people will consider taking bleach and horse medications over the vaccine and believe listening to the shock jocks on radio and tv is costing people their lives. But again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Personally I believe most of the worlds problems are from overpopulation. Why I would even debate this is silly because if enough people actually die from it then we need less energy and food and it reduces the strain on our planet…..

Total cases241,491,638
Total recoveries218,727,005
Total deaths4,914,431
You and I will forever rely on a different reality when it comes to Covid,
Can you share one of these links of " the majority of sites that show he was inside the building and had intended to help overthrow the government that day. " ? With video proof please. If not, it is just propaganda at this point.
That right there is really why I have been debating this with you. The comment about it just being propaganda. Both sides have a lot of misinformation and half truths out there, especially the radio and TV shock jocks. If you google his name you will get ten to one articles that say he was inside the building and had planned his overthrow of the government for weeks prior vs ones that say he was an innocent bystander. I did not see videos but didn’t dig long to find any. I just wanted to see a consensus of information on his case. I know he is being charged with being inside the building, and any evidence will come out at his trial. I’m sorry he got too caught up in the political chaos and put himself in this situation.
You and I will forever rely on a different reality when it comes to Covid,
I can respect that. I actually like when someone can show me different views on an issue. I’m still going with the mainstream science on this and most things but with new evidence things can always change things. I do agree that it isn’t as deadly as they justify to shut down the world. (Unless your happened to be one of those 5 million that died). And we don’t know if the vaccine will have long term affects down the road, but I haven’t seen even hundreds dying from it yet.
That right there is really why I have been debating this with you. The comment about it just being propaganda. Both sides have a lot of misinformation and half truths out there, especially the radio and TV shock jocks. If you google his name you will get ten to one articles that say he was inside the building and had planned his overthrow of the government for weeks prior vs ones that say he was an innocent bystander. I did not see videos but didn’t dig long to find any. I just wanted to see a consensus of information on his case. I know he is being charged with being inside the building, and any evidence will come out at his trial. I’m sorry he got too caught up in the political chaos and put himself in this situation.
Give me proof with videos of him being inside. Until then it is just propaganda from mainstream media. . . You can not believe everything you read. I provide video footage to back up my statements.
That right there is really why I have been debating this with you. The comment about it just being propaganda. Both sides have a lot of misinformation and half truths out there, especially the radio and TV shock jocks. If you google his name you will get ten to one articles that say he was inside the building and had planned his overthrow of the government for weeks prior vs ones that say he was an innocent bystander. I did not see videos but didn’t dig long to find any. I just wanted to see a consensus of information on his case. I know he is being charged with being inside the building, and any evidence will come out at his trial. I’m sorry he got too caught up in the political chaos and put himself in this situation.
Maybe you should be digging then. Do your homework because I have not seen any evidence he went inside. If you want to stand by what you imply, show me the evidence.
I can respect that. I actually like when someone can show me different views on an issue. I’m still going with the mainstream science on this and most things but with new evidence things can always change things. I do agree that it isn’t as deadly as they justify to shut down the world. (Unless your happened to be one of those 5 million that died). And we don’t know if the vaccine will have long term affects down the road, but I haven’t seen even hundreds dying from it yet.
You haven’t been paying attention to VAERS then and they are under reporting BIG time.
Ok, thanks for the name to look up. Chris worrel was dressed in tactical gear and sprayed pepper spray gel into a line of capital police. You failed to mention that part. This guy showed up looking for a fight. He wasn’t an innocent bystander by any means. As far as his medical treatment being delayed I believe you are correct. His hand was broken and he has non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. A judge just ruled that the corrections department must provide treatments for both. So he will get free health care paid by our taxes. I never have condoned treating prisoners poorly though.

No where did I make an assessment of his “Guilt”. NONE of us have enough information to do so. There are pictures of him spraying pepper spray...but even those that arrested him admit they could NOT tell who he was attempting to spray. He claims he was aiming at an antifa person, who was headed for the police. I have no idea which is true. At any rate, I don’t know and that was not my point. The TREATMENT of him is beyond the pale…and he is far from alone with this type of tyrannical treatment.

Every American needs to stand for Rule of Law!!!
That right there is really why I have been debating this with you. The comment about it just being propaganda. Both sides have a lot of misinformation and half truths out there, especially the radio and TV shock jocks. If you google his name you will get ten to one articles that say he was inside the building and had planned his overthrow of the government for weeks prior vs ones that say he was an innocent bystander. I did not see videos but didn’t dig long to find any. I just wanted to see a consensus of information on his case. I know he is being charged with being inside the building, and any evidence will come out at his trial. I’m sorry he got too caught up in the political chaos and put himself in this situation.

Frankly, the results you get in any search depend WHICH search engine you use. Try DuckDuckGo. You will see a big difference. When google started using AI to determine what information we are ALLOWED to read I stopped using it. Below shows the headlines they put out last year when they started “programming what Americans are permitted to see”.

“How AI is powering a more helpful Google”
EVERYONE, please make certain you have what you need in food supplies. Also, encourage family, friends and neighbors to gather food.

“I’m disturbed to hear talk of FedGov soon to take control of food distribution, and even ration it.

They would need a massive media campaign to convince people that there is no other way.

They would need to make the case that “some people” are selfish and illogical and hoarding food, and it must be stopped by intervening.

They are making this case now…

‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch

In Denver, public-school children are facing shortages of milk. In Chicago, a local market is running short of canned goods and boxed items.

But there’s plenty of food. There just isn’t always enough processing and transportation capacity to meet rising demand as the economy revs up.”
ALERT: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food. Holodomor 2.0?

“German farmers are unable to find fertilizer. Italian farmers are facing 6x costs for drying grains. Propane is exploding in the US. As the energy crisis spill over into food production, it has immediate impacts -- but the true cost may come next season as fertilizer shortages push yields worldwide down under 50%. Against the backdrop of already strained food production and a supply chain in cascading failure, there is only one question: who gets to eat in 2022 ?”

FULL SHOW NOTES: ALERT: No Energy, No Fertilizer, No Food. Holodomor 2.0?
Give me proof with videos of him being inside. Until then it is just propaganda from mainstream media. . . You can not believe everything you read. I provide video footage to back up my statements.
I went back and read much more about Jeremy and the charges. I’m actually more inclined to believe he may not have gone into the building. The charges are worded to make it seem like he did, but there is an ‘or’ referencing to the grounds. There is no doubt he was there on the capital property as your video shows. He did show up in battle gear and had zip tie restraints. I don’t see him as a Boy Scout here as his intentions were likely to help overthrow the government. But I do agree after reading more most of the articles are written to make him look more guilty and going inside. I will be interested in his trial and what evidence comes out of it. I still see this as a technical detail, but it does put him in a much better light than the guy spraying pepper spray.
Not just food in short supply - from a member on our Aussie site Ausprep:

Bunnings is rationing timber !!! Parked in the Tradies section and couldn't help noticing the holes on the timber racks. No 200mm X 35mmmm or 50 timber rails, no 180mm same, only 3 lengths 250mm X 6 meters, no larger lengths in stock.
Not just food in short supply - from a member on our Aussie site Ausprep:

Bunnings is rationing timber !!! Parked in the Tradies section and couldn't help noticing the holes on the timber racks. No 200mm X 35mmmm or 50 timber rails, no 180mm same, only 3 lengths 250mm X 6 meters, no larger lengths in stock.
Are those measurements on the Celsius scale?
yes, metric.
I don't know anything about metric but I am having a hard time finding certain types of building materials, like siding.
Not because there's any shortage of lumber but because there's a building boom going on in much of the country. The lumber mills are putting out all the lumber they can cut. Their yards and ponds are full of logs. Log trucks coming in and lumber trucks going out 24/7. Every mill is hiring, every construction company is hiring, every trucking company is hiring, logging companies are hiring. Its a great time to be looking for high paying jobs right now.
I'm thinking of buying another sawmill, I've got a lot of standing timber.
I don't know anything about metric but I am having a hard time finding certain types of building materials, like siding.
Not because there's any shortage of lumber but because there's a building boom going on in much of the country. The lumber mills are putting out all the lumber they can cut. Their yards and ponds are full of logs. Log trucks coming in and lumber trucks going out 24/7. Every mill is hiring, every construction company is hiring, every trucking company is hiring, logging companies are hiring. Its a great time to be looking for high paying jobs right now.
I'm thinking of buying another sawmill, I've got a lot of standing timber.
I bought a fully hydraulic bandsaw mill. I cut the lumber and built the house here completely with just me and my son. I took a year off and played Daniel Boon you could say. I’ve since sold the mill and still hve some stacks of lumber from it stored, mostly hardwoods for furniture. I believe it would have been cheaper to just buy all the lumber looking back on it. Of course that was pre shortages and inflation. I learned that it’s a backbreaking way to make a living and would recommend staying in school to any young person! Lol.
I bought a fully hydraulic bandsaw mill. I cut the lumber and built the house here completely with just me and my son. I took a year off and played Daniel Boon you could say. I’ve since sold the mill and still hve some stacks of lumber from it stored, mostly hardwoods for furniture. I believe it would have been cheaper to just buy all the lumber looking back on it. Of course that was pre shortages and inflation. I learned that it’s a backbreaking way to make a living and would recommend staying in school to any young person! Lol.
I've had 2 band mills over the years. Of course its hard work, I always thought that was a good thing for a young man. I milled hundreds of thousands of board feet of lumber by my self. I'd fall the timber, skid it to a sorting yard, using a couple teams of horses that I trained, keep the good logs for my mill and send the rest to area mills. I made good money from the lumber and timbers that I cut with these mills. Sure I had a couple accidents, who doesnt? I broke my leg once when I slipped on the ice and the horses dragged a large log over my legs turning one leg around backwards. Another time I got tangled up in some rigging on a draft mule and was dragged for over a mile before I could cut myself loose. Just broke most of my ribs and had a serious concussion.
I'm looking for a good broke team of draft horses now. I'll probably get some young horses and train them too. I kind of miss logging and milling lumber.
I've had 2 band mills over the years. Of course its hard work, I always thought that was a good thing for a young man. I milled hundreds of thousands of board feet of lumber by my self. I'd fall the timber, skid it to a sorting yard, using a couple teams of horses that I trained, keep the good logs for my mill and send the rest to area mills. I made good money from the lumber and timbers that I cut with these mills. Sure I had a couple accidents, who doesnt? I broke my leg once when I slipped on the ice and the horses dragged a large log over my legs turning one leg around backwards. Another time I got tangled up in some rigging on a draft mule and was dragged for over a mile before I could cut myself loose. Just broke most of my ribs and had a serious concussion.
I'm looking for a good broke team of draft horses now. I'll probably get some young horses and train them too. I kind of miss logging and milling lumber.
Another good reason to get a bobcat to handle the logs over horses! Lol. Of course when no one can afford gas anymore those horses will be looking pretty good….
I always felt cutting hardwoods was worth the work but common building lumber just didn’t seem very profitable. But I’m sure it’s better than working as a server in a restaurant or other entry jobs. I never begrudge making an honest living though. But at this age my perspective has changed and I think earning a living with your head is a lot better than with your back. I have enough scars and worn joints now that I earned the hard way too. It wasn’t until later in life I learned to make decent money with less physical effort. Too bad we aren’t born with experience.

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