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Your clueless. Many that are in jail never went inside capital or committed any crimes outside capital,
Many that are in jail went inside the capital and threatened workers there.
They should be held accountable. As should the rioters in Portland, Seattle, and other areas that were destroyed. Left or right, it’s flat out wrong.
Many that are in jail went inside the capital and threatened workers there.
They should be held accountable. As should the rioters in Portland, Seattle, and other areas that were destroyed. Left or right, it’s flat out wrong.

There are some that didn't do anything unlawful. Some are being denied there constitutional and international human rights. Its strictly a political abuse of power.
There are some that didn't do anything unlawful. Some are being denied there constitutional and international human rights. Its strictly a political abuse of power.
There are a lot of people who are locked up that are innocent.
Maybe these people should call the innocence project to help them out then. innocents being locked up for years is nothing new.
Why are the non sheep not fighting these insane Tyrrants?

PP, not only Australians have those problems - even Australia is an bad example how worse the state control can run those days. In Italy you're not allowed to go work anymore if you don't have the "Green Pass" (Vaccinated or every 3 days tested).
In Switzerland we're lil bit better, it's "just" not allowed to join restaurants or public events. If our gov would dare they would give us the same restrictions like Italy or Australia are using. The 735 years of an free, independ nation are gone over here, the country is broken in pieces - by politicans. It's just an question of time until the first shoot....
I think until now the citizens are behaving because they still have enough to eat, an roof top over the head and an job. But i'm pretty sure it dosn't need so much anymore to turn in an violent society. One very cold winter and not enoug power to heat the home, delivery shortages by food, loosing the job about an economical crisis, an big inflation .... and all of those we're really close by.
I'm affraid if the governments dosn't turn in another ways and give up their restrictions about "healthcarings" then we're on the best way to the WW3...

I got other pictures in my plans to go old.
There are some that didn't do anything unlawful. Some are being denied there constitutional and international human rights. Its strictly a political abuse of power.

It certainly is political abuse of power...not using Rule of Law! Many of the Americans locked up in solitary confinement, without trial, only have misdemeanor charges at best. Yet they are being tortured. YES TORTURED. They have been beaten. Many have attested to it! One man LOST AN EYE because of it!

They have been made to endure solitary confinement for MONTHS!! One man has been denied his Cancer Medication for at least a month now!!! Tell me again how this regime has done nothing wrong.

From one of the attorneys...

Solitary confinement is considered torture under the Nelson Mandela Rules,” said McBride. “Democrats agree. Both Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durban, as well as the ACLU, have all agreed on this issue.”

“If the United States Government is going to argue for the indefinite pretrial detention of American Citizens and frame them as terrorists, then the US Government should be subject to and constrained by international law (specifically The Nelson Mandela Rules) which prohibits prolonged solitary confinement and deems it torture,” said McBride.”
Many that are in jail went inside the capital and threatened workers there.
They should be held accountable. As should the rioters in Portland, Seattle, and other areas that were destroyed. Left or right, it’s flat out wrong.

"were" destroyed? It is STILL going on.. From this week:

'Lawless city?' Worry after Portland police don't stop chaos
'Lawless city?' Worry after Portland police don't stop chaos - ABC News (

A crowd of 100 people wreaked havoc in downtown Portland, Oregon, this week, smashing storefront windows, lighting dumpsters on fire and causing at least $500,000 in damage
By By SARA CLINE Associated Press
October 16, 2021, 9:30 AM

'A dangerous time': Portland sees record homicides
'A dangerous time': Portland sees record homicides | Local News |

Chief of Portland police calls reaching 1,000 shootings a 'grim milestone'
There were fewer than 900 shootings in Portland in 2020 and 388 in 2019 (Before George Floyd/BLM and the mayor dismantling the gang unit).
Portland surpasses 1,000 shootings in 2021 |
Your clueless. Many that are in jail never went inside capital or committed any crimes outside capital,
Last I checked only the ones inside the building or actively filmed fighting with the police or destroying property (vandalism) are being charged. Social media images made it pretty easy to show who was involved and who was a bystander. I still say they should apply the same rules for the BLM protests though.

And by the way, just because trump loved to insult people and call them names dosen’t make it acceptable or show any class at all.
Last I checked only the ones inside the building or actively filmed fighting with the police or destroying property (vandalism) are being charged. Social media images made it pretty easy to show who was involved and who was a bystander. I still say they should apply the same rules for the BLM protests though.

And by the way, just because trump loved to insult people and call them names dosen’t make it acceptable or show any class at all.

Your wrong! You should check again. There's more than one not only charged, but in jail. Here is one for you, Jeremy Brown. There's also a DEA agent and some others that made bail. All charged.
Cricket noises on fellow Americans being BEATEN in the DC Gulag. I thought any caring, moral American would speak out against it. Silly me. Not a care about their rights being violated or illegal solitary confinement for months on end. Ditto on the poor guy actively being MURDERED by not allowing him his Cancer meds. Don’t EVER act like you have a right to judge anyone doing anything when you put up with what is being done to Americans right now in DC!

But they are Trump supporters, so it’s okay, right?!
Your wrong! You should check again. There's more than one not only charged, but in jail. Here is one for you, Jeremy Brown. There's also a DEA agent and some others that made bail. All charged.
And I’m sure you feel they did absolutely nothing wrong.
jeremy brown was charged with knowingly entering the capital building, having zip ties, and dressed in tactical gear. Yup, sounds like he was just a typical spectator there to show his support. Nothing fanatical at all about him. You’ve got to come up with something better than that.
Cricket noises on fellow Americans being BEATEN in the DC Gulag. I thought any caring, moral American would speak out against it. Silly me. Not a care about their rights being violated or illegal solitary confinement for months on end. Ditto on the poor guy actively being MURDERED by not allowing him his Cancer meds. Don’t EVER act like you have a right to judge anyone doing anything when you put up with what is being done to Americans right now in DC!

But they are Trump supporters, so it’s okay, right?!
Give me a name of someone not getting medical treatment while arrested, and let’s find out why they were arrested too. I don’t condone the mistreatment of any criminal, but also don’t condone breaking the law.
And for your last statement about someone thinking it’s ok to charge them because they are trump supporters, would it be fair to not charge them for a crime because they are trump supporters? A crime is a crime regardless of the persons motivation for doing it.
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And I’m sure you feel they did absolutely nothing wrong.
jeremy brown was charged with knowingly entering the capital building, having zip ties, and dressed in tactical gear. Yup, sounds like he was just a typical spectator there to show his support. Nothing fanatical at all about him. You’ve got to come up with something better than that.
Again your information is wrong. He never entered the capitol building.
And I’m sure you feel they did absolutely nothing wrong.
jeremy brown was charged with knowingly entering the capital building, having zip ties, and dressed in tactical gear. Yup, sounds like he was just a typical spectator there to show his support. Nothing fanatical at all about him. You’ve got to come up with something better than that.
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant. You must have him mistaken for someone else. . . .
Jeremy was charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor. Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. The judge has refused to release Jeremy Brown from jail for standing outside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence and the FBI did not read Jeremy his rights.
Jeremy Brown is currently sitting in jail for attending the Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC… In this just released video, Brown is seen helping a woman who was assaulted by police and was down on the cement.
Watch Til the End: Jeremy Brown Rescues Helpless Woman from Capitol Police Assault on Jan. 6
Jeremy Brown is a hero.
Jeremy Brown has always been a hero.
Now he is rotting in jail due to the lies of the Biden DOJ.
Give me a name of someone not getting medical treatment while arrested, and let’s find out why they were arrested too. I don’t condone the mistreatment of any criminal, but also don’t condone breaking the law.
And for your last statement about someone thinking it’s ok to charge them because they are trump supporters, would it be fair to not charge them for a crime because they are trump supporters? A crime is a crime regardless of the persons motivation for doing it.
How about the man who was denied his cancer treatments after being arrested as a Jan 6 insurrectionest that recently died in jail? Sorry I can not remember his name.
How about the man who was denied his cancer treatments after being arrested as a Jan 6 insurrectionest that recently died in jail? Sorry I can not remember his name.
I’m not saying it isn’t possible that this happened, but I’m suspicious by nature and would like to be able to verify it before just accepting it as real.
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant. You must have him mistaken for someone else. . . .
Jeremy was charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor. Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. The judge has refused to release Jeremy Brown from jail for standing outside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence and the FBI did not read Jeremy his rights.
Jeremy Brown is currently sitting in jail for attending the Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC… In this just released video, Brown is seen helping a woman who was assaulted by police and was down on the cement.
Watch Til the End: Jeremy Brown Rescues Helpless Woman from Capitol Police Assault on Jan. 6
Jeremy Brown is a hero.
Jeremy Brown has always been a hero.
Now he is rotting in jail due to the lies of the Biden DOJ.
I agree Jeremy brown was an exemplary soldier and being a soldier I can and do respect that. But the facts say he went into the capital building with zip ties on him, looking to restrain his captives. I’m sorry he was caught up in believing the lies about a stolen election and was impassioned to break the law. I tried to view your link to show him helping a woman but it didn’t work. I don’t even doubt he tried to help a woman, but that would hve been after he had been inside the capital building. That is what he was arrested for. Not protesting, not observing or standing by idly. He was dressed in battle gear for this, showing intent to do what he did.
I’m not saying it isn’t possible that this happened, but I’m suspicious by nature and would like to be able to verify it before just accepting it as real.
It is real and did happen. The man is dead now. There is another that lost his eye because of prison guards beating him while he was handcuffed behind his back. . . I am suspicious by nature too. The reason I do not believe in these non "vaccines" being pushed down our throats so that we can live a "normal life". I truly believe even if they can convince 90% of Americans to actually accept the vaxx, it will not end. Where do you think it will end?
I agree Jeremy brown was an exemplary soldier and being a soldier I can and do respect that. But the facts say he went into the capital building with zip ties on him, looking to restrain his captives. I’m sorry he was caught up in believing the lies about a stolen election and was impassioned to break the law. I tried to view your link to show him helping a woman but it didn’t work. I don’t even doubt he tried to help a woman, but that would hve been after he had been inside the capital building. That is what he was arrested for. Not protesting, not observing or standing by idly. He was dressed in battle gear for this, showing intent to do what he did.
The link just worked for me since I tried after you said it didn't. Not sure why you can not see it. Anyone else here having problems??
The wife and I are putting together a list of needed items for food self sufficiency. So far on the list is:
1. Commercial meat/cheese/bread slicer from LEM
2. Meat grinder, stuffer, mixer also from LEM
3. Fruit press from Happy Valley
4. Freeze dryer from Harvest Right
5. More canning supplies
I am loving your list!! I would add in a lard press too. Just because if you do add in the milk cow next year, this is what I got for cheese making. At this point I honestly dont know how it will turn out but hopefully in about a year I can give you a review. A Fruit press might work? I would definitely stock up on the canning jar lids, especially and jars too.

Edit to say that I would think a fruit press would work as a cheese press after I looked up what Happy Valley had.

I recently bought a manual shoestring french fry chopper, but my thoughts for it was onions, peppers and tomatoes mainly.
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I am loving your list!! I would add in a lard press too. Just because if you do add in the milk cow next year, this is what I got for cheese making. At this point I honestly dont know how it will turn out but hopefully in about a year I can give you a review. A Fruit press might work? I would definitely stock up on the canning jar lids, especially and jars too.

Edit to say that I would think a fruit press would work as a cheese press after I looked up what Happy Valley had.

I recently bought a manual shoestring french fry chopper, but my thoughts for it was onions, peppers and tomatoes mainly.
I've been wanting to make cheese for a long time. The Happy Valley press I'm looking at is the Homesteader model. Never thought about using it for cheese making...
I've been wanting to make cheese for a long time. The Happy Valley press I'm looking at is the Homesteader model. Never thought about using it for cheese making...
I dont see why you couldn't use it as a cheese press too. Once you wrap your curds in cheese cloth or like me a white t shirt cotton to press. Just need to add enough pressure to your cheese to press out all the liquid,. I am sure a fruit press could do that too.

Hand crank till the needed pressure and just set it there to do its thing. Kinda jealous since that can hold a bigger piece than my 5 lbs at once.
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The wife and I are putting together a list of needed items for food self sufficiency. So far on the list is:
1. Commercial meat/cheese/bread slicer from LEM
2. Meat grinder, stuffer, mixer also from LEM
3. Fruit press from Happy Valley
4. Freeze dryer from Harvest Right
5. More canning supplies

Good list! Was thrilled the other day to get my hands on several hundred canning lids! Woo! Where is the emoji of Snoopy Happy Dancing when you need him?! :D

For cheese preservation be sure and coat it with wax so it will last a long time. Wipe the cheese blocks with vinegar prior to coating with wax. No mold will grow!

I’ve gone a bit overboard on meat grinders, wheat grinders and corn grinders. I now have 3 each. Plus replacement parts…but if big trouble lasts a long time I figure i can help others with these items.
It is real and did happen. The man is dead now. There is another that lost his eye because of prison guards beating him while he was handcuffed behind his back. . . I am suspicious by nature too. The reason I do not believe in these non "vaccines" being pushed down our throats so that we can live a "normal life". I truly believe even if they can convince 90% of Americans to actually accept the vaxx, it will not end. Where do you think it will end?
I don’t think there is an ulterior motive here but just the desire to protect the public health overall. The vaccine is not 100% safe, nothing is. But it is a lot safer than covid according to the science so far. And it’s been tested millions of times now. I was in the medical field and feel that vaccines while not perfect are better than risking the diseases they help prevent.

I couldn’t find anything from google about a protester dying from his medication withheld but would love a name or more info to investigate it.

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