Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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TSC has a very strange system for some of their sections. Vendors can only order section a couple times a year. I had issues trying to get pipe fence clamps in several TSC (where else you going to get that?). At the time, I traveled from San Diego to San Fran regularly.
Brick and mortar is dying.
That is surprising. . . Haven't seen that at our local Tractor Supply. Maybe a district thing? What we are seeing here is a shortage of Meds, like Ivermectin, Amoxicillin, and Penicillin. Only thing I see now is the pour on, for how long that will last, I don't know.
Sections like hardware and plumbing are always pretty poorly stocked here.
the stores told me they couldn’t order the fence pipe clamps.
Had the same issue with IBC tank couplers.
When my closest one is 45 miles away, I just get thing on line and shipped to my mailbox 12 miles away.
Does anyone else think it is odd that biden has mentioned Dark Winter a few times...and now his administration is encouraging Squealing/Reporting/Ratting out anyone who is Canning, Stocking Food, Preserving Food, Gardening and Raising Animals for Food?

Here is one such letter regarding canning.


YES, this is the message on FB, but it is indeed linked to biden’s administration.
I keep hearing that the worldwide supply disruption and shortages caused by the pandemic is why we are seeing higher prices and low supplies. The news is constantly saying worldwide. After seeing all the massive container ships that are just sitting off the coasts because they can’t get to port and off load I am more inclined to believe this is a US problem. We apparently have some crappy port workers and truck drivers that don’t want to work.
I keep hearing that the worldwide supply disruption and shortages caused by the pandemic is why we are seeing higher prices and low supplies. The news is constantly saying worldwide. After seeing all the massive container ships that are just sitting off the coasts because they can’t get to port and off load I am more inclined to believe this is a US problem. We apparently have some crappy port workers and truck drivers that don’t want to work.
A lot of our port workers and truck drivers took retirement when they started mandating vaccines. Just saying, this "crisis" is our current Government made. The guy Biden put in to replace the guy on "maternity leave" has no experience in this line of work. We'll see how that plays out, but I am not hopeful at all.
I had my FJ worked on by the dealer last week. I dropped it off while I was on vacation to have the damaged wiring and tubes repaired. When I picked up the car it wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. They jumped it off and I drove home. Of course the next morning it was dead again so I went to Walmart for a new battery. It was on the back of my mind about shortages of things of course, but thankfully they had a full rack of all different sizes. The reason I’m bringing this up is we all take for granted that the things we need are available. I only hope we will see things better in the future. In the meantime though I am considering all the things I could keep spares of.
A lot of our port workers and truck drivers took retirement when they started mandating vaccines. Just saying, this "crisis" is our current Government made. The guy Biden put in to replace the guy on "maternity leave" has no experience in this line of work. We'll see how that plays out, but I am not hopeful at all.
I don’t particularly like Biden a lot either but don’t think all our problems are from a president that’s been in for a short time. There is a huge system of wheels turning and a president dosen’t have that much ability to affect everything.
I will say that Swift, a trucking Company hired a disable veteran that I personally know for many years now, back in June, I beleive it was. This man has trucking experience, so a plus for him. The bad news is that he gets disoriented easily and falls often. My hunny has had to break his fall many a times over the 12 years he has rented with us. He also has problems with his eyes. He told me that he will eventually go blind. The VA has put him on multiple eye drops to slow this down.

I bring this up because, our trucking industry is desperate for workers. In the past, they would not hire this man. I personally know that for a fact. They are lowering their standards. How low, I do not know.
I had my FJ worked on by the dealer last week. I dropped it off while I was on vacation to have the damaged wiring and tubes repaired. When I picked up the car it wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. They jumped it off and I drove home. Of course the next morning it was dead again so I went to Walmart for a new battery. It was on the back of my mind about shortages of things of course, but thankfully they had a full rack of all different sizes. The reason I’m bringing this up is we all take for granted that the things we need are available. I only hope we will see things better in the future. In the meantime though I am considering all the things I could keep spares of.
I think things will improve a great deal when Trump gets elected in 2024. Biden reversed all of the great things that Trump did, which is why we're in the mess we're in now.
I will say that Swift, a trucking Company hired a disable veteran that I personally know for many years now, back in June, I beleive it was. This man has trucking experience, so a plus for him. The bad news is that he gets disoriented easily and falls often. My hunny has had to break his fall many a times over the 12 years he has rented with us. He also has problems with his eyes. He told me that he will eventually go blind. The VA has put him on multiple eye drops to slow this down.

I bring this up because, our trucking industry is desperate for workers. In the past, they would not hire this man. I personally know that for a fact. They are lowering their standards. How low, I do not know.
On my last job I had around 6,000 truck drivers. Never had a problem hiring them either. What happened between a few years ago and today? Could it be this phony "pandemic", the new dictator in the WH? Forced "vaccines"? Can it all be connected?
I think things will improve a great deal when Trump gets elected in 2024. Biden reversed all of the great things that Trump did, which is why we're in the mess we're in now.
Totally agree!! We have seen what a Democratic leadership has been doing for our country over the last FEW MONTHS. I am scared on what a total 4 years will bring us! MANY have been abanoning the Democratic party line. Biden has a 36% APPROVAL RATING. Lowest I have ever seen for a "President".
Totally agree!! We have seen what a Democratic leadership has been doing for our country over the last FEW MONTHS. I am scared on what a total 4 years will bring us! MANY have been abanoning the Democratic party line. Biden has a 36% APPROVAL RATING. Lowest I have ever seen for a "President".
And this fool hasn't even been in office for a year yet! Just think how bad its going to get in 3 more years, possibly 7 years if this idiot lives that long, or if Cameltoe gets elected.
I would rather see a conservative candidate from the republican side run other than trump. I don’t think he will be able to win this time either. I don’t like where the left is and know a lot of people feel that way too. But I really think if trump runs again all he is going to do is guarantee a democratic win for Biden again. I would vote for any conservative that is rational. I’d also like to see someone that’s not as old as either of these two guys.
I would rather see a conservative candidate from the republican side run other than trump. I don’t think he will be able to win this time either. I don’t like where the left is and know a lot of people feel that way too. But I really think if trump runs again all he is going to do is guarantee a democratic win for Biden again. I would vote for any conservative that is rational. I’d also like to see someone that’s not as old as either of these two guys.
I really liked John Kasich. Wish he would run again.
“US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed

The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has put Americans on notice that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves around the country is for every resident to be vaccinated. The frank warning came off as a threat to many.


Wally Adeyemo, the Biden administration’s second-highest official in the Treasury Department, appeared to publicly blackmail the still-sizable portion of Americans who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 during a Thursday ABC interview, seemingly blaming them for the ongoing shortages of consumer goods that have led many to mock the president as ‘Empty Shelves Joe’.

Despite viral photos depicting thousands of cargo ships lined up at the Port of Los Angeles ready to unload their goods, Adeyemo claimed that the supply chain issues plaguing so many US retailers are an international issue and will only let up when a sufficient percentage of the country has been vaccinated.”
I really liked John Kasich. Wish he would run again.
I just googled about him and his stance on most issues. Most everything I read was pretty good. One thing that stood out is he helped write a balanced budget in the 70’s. Saw he got kicked out of a greatful dead concert once for trying to climb on stage. (What, that’s not perfectly normal?) lol. Overall I think he is infinitely better than trump or Biden just based on a quick search. I also respect his standing up to trumps bullying and talking about how he is damaging the GOP and how most republicans are scared of him.

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