Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I would rather see a conservative candidate from the republican side run other than trump. I don’t think he will be able to win this time either. I don’t like where the left is and know a lot of people feel that way too. But I really think if trump runs again all he is going to do is guarantee a democratic win for Biden again. I would vote for any conservative that is rational. I’d also like to see someone that’s not as old as either of these two guys.
According to you Biden was "rational". Nope, there is nothing rational about the democrats. Repubics aren't much better though, but we don't have any choice. A true conservative will never win a national election again. If Trump wins the repubic nomination I'll gladly vote for him again.
According to you Biden was "rational". Nope, there is nothing rational about the democrats. Repubics aren't much better though, but we don't have any choice. A true conservative will never win a national election again. If Trump wins the repubic nomination I'll gladly vote for him again.
Yeah, I thought Biden was going to be a lot more moderate. Unfortunately he is as financially irresponsible as all the other politicians. Let’s not forget trump spent 7 trillion as well. I think they both sucked. And most importantly let’s hope for someone decent to choose next time
Yeah, I thought Biden was going to be a lot more moderate. Unfortunately he is as financially irresponsible as all the other politicians. Let’s not forget trump spent 7 trillion as well. I think they both sucked. And most importantly let’s hope for someone decent to choose next time
I agree. Trump spent like a drunken, or stoned, democrat. Unfortunately this is what people seem to want now days, spend big. The numbers are so big now that its hard for most people to understand. The best canidate to me would be one who would cut every government department and program until the budget balanced.
Along with cutting govt department and programs to balance the budget they should cut all the give always as well.
Absolutely. Thats what I meant, every program, department, entitlement, and office. Including the military, foreign aid, corporate welfare, subsidies, handouts, everything. Then each department and program should be audited, starting with the Federal Reserve.
Locally we have not been seeing any shortages yet. Recently a local meteorologist was fired and joined new source on FB, I have not seen it, but only word of mouth from a co-worker. This new "facebook news" is reporting local news. They said that the shortages are coming and came to the local grocery store that I work for. There was an empty shelf down the chip isle, when Frito Lay was on strike. Hadn't heard the why, but my first thought was a vaccine mandate, but still have no idea since I am not around those people to ask. Point is, even our "local media" even on FB are trying to ramp up shortages, when there really are not any for now.
Point is, even our "local media" even on FB are trying to ramp up shortages, when there really are not any for now.
You make such a great point here. I think that there are things going on behind the scenes to entice people to fight with one another, and to create a sense of panic.
We have some shortages, and things off the shelves. Canning supplies, some chips, nothing super exciting. Toilet paper and paper good still there.
The shelves at the chef store where I stock up on bulk items were more full than a few weeks ago. So there's that.
You make such a great point here. I think that there are things going on behind the scenes to entice people to fight with one another, and to create a sense of panic.
We have some shortages, and things off the shelves. Canning supplies, some chips, nothing super exciting. Toilet paper and paper good still there.
The shelves at the chef store where I stock up on bulk items were more full than a few weeks ago. So there's that.
I will say that because we have a new FB News Media, with some very reputable people being hired, that are tying to report the news, are going to create another massive shortage.. . . We get those West End Momma's everyday. (I am just far farther West than they are 🤪 ) . . I am sure that the shortages will come eventually but I am near the Gulf Coast as many of you already know when we hit the hurricane season.
Locally we have not been seeing any shortages yet. Recently a local meteorologist was fired and joined new source on FB, I have not seen it, but only word of mouth from a co-worker. This new "facebook news" is reporting local news. They said that the shortages are coming and came to the local grocery store that I work for. There was an empty shelf down the chip isle, when Frito Lay was on strike. Hadn't heard the why, but my first thought was a vaccine mandate, but still have no idea since I am not around those people to ask. Point is, even our "local media" even on FB are trying to ramp up shortages, when there really are not any for now.
The news certainly likes to drum up fear. If they scare everyone enough it will create panic buying and you would see more shortages. But I don’t believe this is all made up by any means and do think we will see shortages and price increases for a while to come.
“US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed

The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has put Americans on notice that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves around the country is for every resident to be vaccinated. The frank warning came off as a threat to many.

View attachment 13866
Wally Adeyemo, the Biden administration’s second-highest official in the Treasury Department, appeared to publicly blackmail the still-sizable portion of Americans who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 during a Thursday ABC interview, seemingly blaming them for the ongoing shortages of consumer goods that have led many to mock the president as ‘Empty Shelves Joe’.

Despite viral photos depicting thousands of cargo ships lined up at the Port of Los Angeles ready to unload their goods, Adeyemo claimed that the supply chain issues plaguing so many US retailers are an international issue and will only let up when a sufficient percentage of the country has been vaccinated.”
That is nothing but EXTORTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Report from Melbourne Australia

I went shopping yesterday and there was plenty of empty spaces in our supermarkets shelves.

The Victorian Government is blackmailing everyone to get the jab or you can't attend anything or go anywhere.
People in the metro area are not allowed to travel to regional areas, but people from interstate can visit anywhere with no restrictions.

50% of nursing staff in the cancer clinic at the local hospital have been sacked because they refused the jab.
All elective surgery whether in public or private hospitals has been cancelled until further notice.

The States renown volunteer fire service (CFA) has mandated vaccination for everyone, or else you are not allowed to attend.
About 5000 volunteers have refused the jab, last I heard. Just what we need with the summer fire season quickly approaching

Yet 10,000 can attend the Melbourne Cup (Horse Race) coming up in November. They have to be double vaccinated.

Heard a report on the radio this morning that International studies have shown that the vaccine is only effective for 6 months.

Talk about corruption, it's a bl..dy farce. There is no such thing as Democracy here.
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Report from Melbourne Australia

I went shopping yesterday and there was plenty of empty spaces in our supermarkets shelves.

The Victorian Government is blackmailing everyone to get the jab or you can't attend anything or go anywhere.
People in the metro area are not allowed to travel to regional areas, but people from interstate can visit anywhere with no restrictions.

50% of nursing staff in the cancer clinic at the local hospital have been sacked because they refused the jab.
All elective surgery whether in public or private hospitals has been cancelled until further notice.

The States renown volunteer fire service (CFA) has mandated vaccination for everyone, or else you are not allowed to attend.
About 5000 volunteers have refused the jab, last I heard. Just what we need with the summer fire season quickly approaching

Yet 10,000 can attend the Melbourne Cup (Horse Race) coming up in November. They have to be double vaccinated.

Heard a report on the radio this morning that International studies have shown that the vaccine is only effective for 6 months.

Talk about corruption, it's a bl..dy farce. There is no such thing as Democracy here.

Why are the non sheep not fighting these insane Tyrrants?
We don’t have much freedom either. And absolutely no Rule of Law is being followed by the biden regime. Innocent people are falsely charged and locked up in DC now for nearly 10 months.

But BLM and antifa who shot police officers, destroyed entire blocks of cities, beat up old men and women, ran over cops, threw molotov cocktails and destroyed more public cars and buildings than I can count were not locked up or punished!
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I don’t believe any innocent people were being prosecuted for Jan 6th. Breaking and entering is a crime last I checked. As far as the blacks not being prosecuted for rioting I couldn’t agree more that it’s a crime to not be going after them equally as hard. Justice for all is not quite for all when it’s racial or for the rich.
I don’t believe any innocent people were being prosecuted for Jan 6th. Breaking and entering is a crime last I checked. As far as the blacks not being prosecuted for rioting I couldn’t agree more that it’s a crime to not be going after them equally as hard. Justice for all is not quite for all when it’s racial or for the rich.

Your clueless. Many that are in jail never went inside capital or committed any crimes outside capital,

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