Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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The local grocery store has been out of frozen blueberries for over a week. They dont know when they'll be getting more. I love frozen bb's, so kinda bummed.
Very little chicken on the shelves for months now.

Last week I made pot roast with a 3lb bottom round & chili with 80% hamberg both bought the same time that week. Each time Id eat a bowl my right kidney would hurt, like a dull pain above the kidney, then Id have muscle pain in my pecs/chest/heart like I tore muscles. Then when Id make a bowel movement it exited me like a shotgun. These were the symptoms I got when I was infected by the ccp bioweapon in early '21 (except I didnt lose my sense of smell this time, natural immunity kicking in perhaps). It seems to attack the muscles and organs (for me at least). I wonder if that beef I ate last week was tainted with the mrna bioweapon? Im done eating beef/pork until they ban mrna.

As far as rotten food I wont touch anything from Tyson, keep getting sick when I do. I picked up some pork pot stickers from walmart and a few hours later I violently threw them back up. Last time I threw up that didnt involve alcohol was when I was 5yo and got food poisoing from chicken.

We're living in very exciting times!
Mike Adams bought various cricket “food” off the grocery shelves. Here are closeup pics from his microscope.

First up, the poop shoot.


Cricket eyeball…black area.


Head of a cricket.


Different product…cheese and spices coated cricket.


Ground meal cricket…for baking. Just ignore the blobs of poop and cricket hair.

Mike Adams bought various cricket “food” off the grocery shelves. Here are closeup pics from his microscope.

First up, the poop shoot.

View attachment 18844

Cricket eyeball…black area.

View attachment 18845

Head of a cricket.

View attachment 18846

Different product…cheese and spices coated cricket.

View attachment 18847

Ground meal cricket…for baking. Just ignore the blobs of poop and cricket hair.

View attachment 18848
The third photo looks like Mitch McConnel.
If it isn't in stores, some will go without because they are too lazy to look for alternatives.
Or choosing other stores where's meat still aviable. Guess it would be my way to go then. If i wanna eat meat then i do eat meat. And if an store don't sell it anymore then i choose an store who sell it. And buy all the other stuff there too. So if the sales decrease and the share holders go unhappy they will stop it.
And if there will be an general sale stop of meat - well, crossbow, bow, gun - choose an option....
I just made a deal with one of the local farmers last week for some meat. He is buying 30 or so piglets and will be raising them on the little farm he just bought, which is near his big farm. I promised to do odd jobs for him over the next year and I will get one of the pigs in Dec. when it is big enough to slaughter which will be around 300 lbs.
He will do the slaughtering and let the pig hang for a few days and then we will get together with the german neighbors and cut it up. The neighbor lady worked in a butcher shop in germany for 15 years and can do the cuts as we want them done. She also worked in the butcher shops private restaurant cooking for several years and knows lots of baking and cooking secrets. We will probably split the pig with them as they do the work and we cannot use all the meat since we do only have 3 freezers and could not get all the meat in anyway. We will also be doing the smoking at my house since they do not have a smoking capability yet...
I tried to order Meyer lemon trees last year here in Fla. Was prohibited..Couldn't get them...ordered several patio citrus instead with mixture of lemons/limes...none did very well.

My orange, grapefruit and lime trees are still living, got a few oranges and 2 poor looking grapefruits off trees this year...limes were very small, fell off the tree, hoping next year will be Asian pear trees I think are gone for good, as well as plum..Oh well..I'll be happy if the orange, grapefruit and my peach tree/s continue making it.
I tried to order Meyer lemon trees last year here in Fla. Was prohibited..Couldn't get them...ordered several patio citrus instead with mixture of lemons/limes...none did very well.

My orange, grapefruit and lime trees are still living, got a few oranges and 2 poor looking grapefruits off trees this year...limes were very small, fell off the tree, hoping next year will be Asian pear trees I think are gone for good, as well as plum..Oh well..I'll be happy if the orange, grapefruit and my peach tree/s continue making it.
I ordered mine though an affiliate on the walmart site. Got moringa too, but it died and I cannot get the seeds to even sprout.

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