Looking for an affordable fertilizer with big benefits? Look no further than the nearest rabbit hutch. Rabbits are small animals that you can keep almost anywhere, and they create tons of wonderful, nutritious fertilizer on the cheap…
Rabbit manure is high in nitrogen and phosphorus. It doesn’t burn plants like some fertilizers because it breaks down quickly. Rabbit manure is dry and doesn’t contain as much ammonia or uric acids as many other manures, such as cow and pig.
Fresh rabbit manure is approximately 2% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 1% potassium. The condensed pellets actually have twice the nutrients as chicken manure and four times as much as horse manure.
In addition to the big three nutrients, rabbit pellets contain many macro and micronutrients. The elements of calcium, sulfur, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, and cobalt, are all present.
This means that you’re giving your plants a well-rounded fertilizer that benefits them in multiple ways. Using rabbit fertilizer increases the nutrients in your garden and adds important texture and tilthe to your soil…”
FREE FERTILIZER is a good way to save money without reducing yield.