Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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There's a couple things that I've noticed lately on food labels. First, many items don't say where the product is made. It just says; "made for...." or "produced for..".
Second, I've seen in very tiny words; "contains geoengineered food products". WTH does that mean!?!
Maybe this isn't anything new to most people, but I'm starting to pay attention to food labels now days.
There's a couple things that I've noticed lately on food labels. First, many items don't say where the product is made. It just says; "made for...." or "produced for..".
Second, I've seen in very tiny words; "contains geoengineered food products". WTH does that mean!?!
Maybe this isn't anything new to most people, but I'm starting to pay attention to food labels now days.
Unfortunately we all have to pay attention in what goes into our food production. It really is sad that our nation has even come to this point.
--- Here is a prelude of the hunger spreading like a plague and shows the desperation of people coming like a hoard of locust into the United States . Unfortunately we can expect the same plight to deepen in the United States as the U.S. leadership is " extremely incompetent " .--- This scenario though is not just confined to the American continent but is also the future on other continents .
“Second, I've seen in very tiny words; "contains geoengineered food products". WTH does that mean!?!”

The fda has gotten rid of GMO - A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an animal, plant, or microbe whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

They have replaced it with Bioengineered.

“The way the BE law is written — with exemptions, loopholes and technical limitations — many products made from these bioengineered ingredients will not require a disclosure.

Every state needs to push their reps to force open and complete disclosure of DNA. modified foods!!

  • Animal feed, pet food and personal care products are all exempt from the BE labeling law.
  • Some foods for direct human consumption are also exempt, such as meat, poultry and eggs.
  • Multi-ingredient products in which meat, poultry or eggs are the first ingredient listed are exempt even if other ingredients with detectable modified genetic material are included in the product. “
Consider , where we are seeing starving desperate people living in countries with abundant rich soil , a climate extremely suited for growing food with rain and long growing seasons , yet they are starving . The question we should ponder " is why " . This is where the prepared and un-prepared stand out in stark contrast . Sadly most people that are still able to buy what food they need , as long as they see food on the shelves can not fantom what is approaching .
The article is slow to load, so I copied as much of it here as the board will allow’s holomodor?

By Ezequiel Doiny

On May 20, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “John Kerry is targeting family farms. The Biden regime’s climate czar says farms produce too much greenhouse gases. He wants that to stop in order to combat the climate “crisis.” Farms also happen to produce food. Kerry is not worried about that. The global elites are not worried about that.

“Recently, the Netherlands announced they were shutting down family farms to combat global warming. Tough luck if you happen to own one of the farms or work at the farms. This insanity comes at the same time Europe is seeing it highest inflation in decades. The Dutch Government announced they will close up to 3,000 farms to comply with their global warming goals…”

As I wrote in Israelunwired in 2022 “CLIMATE CHANGE” IS A TROJAN HORSE.

“The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” (which Biden is implementing) is Neo Marxism packaged in a way that if you oppose it you either want to destroy the environment or you are a racist. Supporters of the World Economic Forum and sympathizers of the Fabian Society are using the façade of “Climate Change” to subvert democracies worldwide and impose a “Great Reset” to eradicate national frameworks and create globalist, borderless, godless, neo-marxist, multicultural, open societies. The destruction of the centrality of the US dollar in the Global Financial System and the transfer of Economic Power to the IMF is key in the Globalist’s strategy. They are using “Climate Change” as a cover to replace democracy and capitalism with a neo-marxist global tyranny…”

Former Secretary of State John Kerry – Biden’s special presidential envoy for climate declared that “the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine…”

The Biden Regime claims they embraced the “Great Reset” to fight Climate Change but it will have no actual environmental benefit. On January 21, 2021 the Epoch Times reported “Rejoining the Paris climate agreement as it stands now will have devastating economic consequences for the United States, with little actual environmental benefit, according to experts… “Because there is really no teeth to the Paris climate accord, developing countries are getting a free pass in terms of their emissions…It’s likely that the Paris climate accord is not going to reach its intended goal.”

“…Anthony Watts, senior research fellow of environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, said according to their analysis, the agreement would cost the United States “about 2.7 million jobs by 2025 due to scaling back parts of industries. Now that would have been about 440,000 manufacturing jobs that we would have lost.”

It seems the goal of the “Great Reset” is not to fight climate change, the goal is to destroy the American economy and the centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System, the goal is to transfer power to the IMFClose
Biden’s holomodor?

This should strike fear and the motivation to do about anything to make sure you and your loved ones are ready!!!

Minimum Requirements

1) are in the “right” location
2) are well armed and know how to shoot
3) have a year’s worth of stocked food or be in a location where you can grow most of the year
4) have sufficient seeds and know how to grow them
My wife occasionally leaves our survival grounds to forage for food at the stores . She has been telling me about the seemingly short supply of meat , especially canned meat . Yesterday she returned to tell me a worker at a store told her , they simply are not receiving much in the way of food . --- I suppose all of our members have been expecting this and hopefully have prepared for the new normal . The new normal will continue into the quagmire that the planet has seen as countries slowly descend into famine and desperate unprepared people . --- Some may remember of the video that I posted of the situation now in Central America where their diet is mostly beans now and even the beans are becoming too expensive for them to purchase .
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