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Check all your foodstuffs, candy, chewing gum, kiddy yoghurts, cola and lite drinks...your aspartame sweetened crap is known to be related to about 47 different nervous diseases, hypertension, parkinsons, alzheimers and such.....
This is very misleading thought. It is on the lowest level the same as some thing we eat every day that isn't sugar free. I would never eat sugar free anything, but this is not what the headlines say
Warning, every substance known to man causes cancer only in the state of California.
Did you know walking into Lowe’s or Depot you see that warning because of sawdust?
If sawdust causes cancer I would have been dead a long time ago.

Aspartame Metabolism​

Aspartame consists of two amino acids (L-phenylalanine and L-aspartic acid). It is hydrolyzed and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (GI) through the action of esterase and peptidases. Digestion releases methanol (10%), aspartic acid (40%) and phenylalanine (50%) (Table 1), which are absorbable in the intestinal mucosa [10]. These metabolites can be harmful at high doses and hence prolonged aspartame consumption may be a risk factor [11,12]. Indeed, the metabolism products of aspartame are believed to be more toxic than the original substance itself [13,14]. Methanol is firstly oxidized in the liver to formaldehyde and again to formic acid; however, while methanol is known to damage the liver, formaldehyde and formate are also responsible for the destruction of liver cells. In addition, during the process the formation of superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide occur, which lead to protein denaturation and subsequent enzymatic changes [15,16,17]. According to the study on the impact of aspartame administration on trans-sulfuration pathway, decrease of most metabolites of the trans-sulphuration pathway in the liver was observed during experiment. Levels of cysteine, homocysteine, S-adenosyl-homocysteine, and S-adenosyl-methionine were increased. There was no significant change in methionine and cystathionine level [18]. All mentioned aspartame metabolites are toxic to the brain. Furthermore, rhenylalanine is mainly metabolized to tyrosine and smaller amounts of phenylethylamine and phenylpyruvate, while aspartic acid is metabolized into alanine and oxaloacetate [10]. It has been suggested that in human beings consuming large amounts, aspartame may be a significant source of formate, which can contribute to serious physiological changes. The role of aspartame in several disorders affecting human body remains to be investigated. Most importantly, people with phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder in which patients cannot convert phenylalanine to tyrosine, must avoid aspartame. Due to the harmful effects of aspartame on phenylketonuria patients, according to the FDA requirements all products containing aspartame must have a label informing about the presence of phenylalanine

Diabetes Mellitus​

Aspartame has also been blamed for causing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and may not meet the expectation of being healthy alternative to sugar in sweetened beverages [35]. A recent study investigating the effect of sucrose-sweetened and artificially (aspartame) sweetened food and drinks on inflammatory markers in overweight subjects found that consumption of sweetened items significantly increased plasma haptoglobin and transferrin but did not significantly increase the C-reactive protein level. This study corroborates findings from others that suggest that the pro-inflammatory process underlying the greater risk of diabetes may be exacerbated by a high intake of rapidly digested and absorbed carbohydrates and artificial sweetene

Impact of Aspartame on Children and Fetuses​

A healthy diet is particularly important during pregnancy to allow the proper development of both mother and fetus [41,42]. Many prospective cohort studies note a relationship between artificial sweeteners (ASWs) consumption and putting on weight in children [43,44,45]. Low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) are regarded as safe to consume during pregnancy and lactation if recommended levels are not exceeded [9,46,47,48,49]. However, some reports have associated preterm delivery and allergic diseases in offspring with consumption of ASWs in beverages [50,51,52]. Despite this, a review of papers found no such association between ASW and preterm delivery [53]. While a recent study found aspartame metabolism products to cross into the placenta [46], a dose of 200 mg/kg of bodyweight of aspartame, i.e., four to five times higher than recommended daily intake, was not found to result in methanol poisoning or mental retardation caused by increased Phe level in the blood of offspring [54], suggesting that consumption within recommended levels should not cause adverse effects to the fetus [46,49]. Another study on fish embryos from medaka (Oryzias latipes) found that aspartame treatment increased embryo heart rate, gently decreased head growth, and caused anxiety-like behavior; interestingly, aspartame in combination with caffeine demonstrated a lower increase than caffeine alone and caused advanced eye development and decreased hatchling body length. The authors ranked aspartame in second place for developmental toxicity
The biggest problem with aspartam, stevio, acesulfam and the tongue gets the signal of "SWEET" meaning SUGAR and the body should automatically start producing insulin and getting the sugar processed so it is usable in the right energy form...BUT, THERE IS NO SUGAR COMING....and the body has a bunch of insulin which is not needed...and a Google search of "insulin overdose" produced the following answer:
However, unsupervised administration of insulin into a non-diabetic may lead to many serious downfalls in the blood glucose level which may prove to be fatal. Therefore, these practices are very dangerous.
So, make your own decisions if it is OK to get your body activated to produce insulin and it not being needed and what happens to your "chemicals, salts and water" made-up body, when it starts to be in an overdose situation from the intake of fake sweetness.
Further searches revealed other interesting things about insulin...READ ON. Gary


Several hormones including insulin are used as an essential component of synthetic growth media for cell culture.[2] They promote growth of mammalian cells by increasing the permeability of cell membranes to glucose and making nutrients available to the cells. Although invariably every mammalian cell will require insulin for survival, the degree of requirement varies with different cell lines. Insulin is also used for similar reasons in organ preserving solutions. Organs extracted for transplant purposes are preserved in insulin containing solutions.
Insulin tolerance test is the most reliable provocative test for growth hormone deficiency.[3] An insulin tolerance test is age independent and reproducible. Insulin is administered into the patient and blood samples are taken after every 15 minutes over the next hour to determine whether the growth hormone levels have risen in response to insulin. Since growth hormone is a counter-regulatory hormone and is released when blood glucose level falls below normal, an insulin tolerance test deliberately lowers the blood glucose level to check whether there is an increase in the release of growth hormone. Failure of release of growth hormone would suggest growth hormone deficiency.
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Insulin is also used in narcoanalysis to reduce an individual's self-control over one's thoughts and cause him to reveal the thoughts or memories which he would otherwise have suppressed.[4] The central nervous system has an absolute requirement for glucose. A reduction in blood glucose level causes a decrease in all the higher mental functions. Narcoanalysis uses this principle to reduce the higher mental control on the thoughts or memories. This would cause the subject to reveal the required information which he might not have disclosed ordinarily. It is useful for psychiatric and forensic purposes. The legal status of narcoanalysis is still debatable.
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The solutions used for total parenteral nutrition often contain a small amount of insulin.[5] Regular insulin added to parenteral nutrition solution manages hyperglycemia, improves absorption of nutrients and reverses negative protein balance. Insulin availability in such solutions ranges from 10 to 95%. Rapid infusion of the parenteral nutrition, as is the usual case, would cause severe hypoglycemia if the insulin were not there to cause the glucose to be absorbed rapidly into the cells. It also prevents other complications such as muscle wasting which are common in bed-ridden patients.
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Glucose–insulin–potassium solution (GIP or GIK solution) is given after a myocardial infarction to increase the usage of glucose by the myocardium and maintain the integrity of membrane ionic pumps.[6] The GIP solution provides the glucose needed by the myocardium in reperfusion conditions and protects the cellular membrane and keeps the membrane pumps functional. It prevents changes in intracellular concentrations of sodium, potassium and calcium ions, thus preventing cardiac arrythmias. Insulin also has direct anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptoic effects. Although most studies have shown positive results, GIP solution has not received as wide an acceptance among cardiologists as one might predict and is therefore not very commonly used.
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Body Building​

Insulin has also been used by many as a substance of abuse for body building.[7] Insulin with growth hormone is being used by many athletes and body builders for increasing their muscle mass. When supplied with growth hormone, it causes an increase in lean body mass since both the hormones are highly anabolic. Since insulin has a very short half-life in the body, it is exceedingly difficult to detect insulin abuse using laboratory tests. This knowledge is attracting more and more athletes toward this illegal practice. Insulin supplied exogenously or produced endogenously also has an effect of suppressing ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for stimulation of appetite. Therefore, this leads us to believe that exogenously supplied insulin will result in suppression of appetite and weight loss.[8] However, unsupervised administration of insulin into a non-diabetic may lead to many serious downfalls in the blood glucose level which may prove to be fatal. Therefore, these practices are very dangerous.
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In a few patients with calcium channel blocker poisoning (verapamil and amlodipine-atenolol combination) who were unresponsive to conventional therapy, insulin–dextrose infusion has been used.[9] Insulin–dextrose solution led to stabilization of their hemodynamic profiles and accelerated their recovery. Insulin induces positive inotropy by provision of glucose to myocytes and reduces peripheral vascular resistance.[10]
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Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is a controversial, innovative cancer treatment which combines insulin with low-dose chemotherapy to prevent toxic effects and chemoresistance.[11] With IPT, dose-related adverse effects of chemotherapeutic drugs are prevented and anti-neoplastic effects are increased specifically. However, its effectiveness is still debatable and this has limited its wide usage.
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Deep insulin coma therapy (DICT) for schizophrenia was an extremely rigorous method where the patients were injected with insulin to induce severe hypoglycemia for 10–15 minutes.[12] Thereafter, the hypoglycemia was reversed by infusing glucose. This treatment was continued for a few days or until the patient's symptoms disappeared. It was said to be useful for treating schizophrenia but carried an enormous amount of risk. This treatment was discredited in the late 1950s.
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Wound Healing​

Insulin has a specific healing effect on the cells which are embryologically derived from the ectoderm.[13] The insulin is applied topically or injected in much smaller quantities than those used for diabetics. Some of the many organs which may benefit from the use of insulin are the sensory organs, central and peripheral nervous system, vestibule and palate of mouth, tongue, nose, nails, hairs, sweat and sebaceous glands, eyes and the ears.
Zinc protamine insulin (ZPI) has been shown to accelerate wound healing in open wounds, surgical incisions and lacerations.[14] Insulin is required for cellular proliferation in devitalized tissues. After the exudate and necrotic tissue has been removed, insulin accelerates the metabolism of adjacent layer and stimulates it to regenerate and proliferate. It also arrests bacterial growth and enhances phagocytosis, thus lowering the chances of infection.
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Insulin has also been associated with an increased release of Klotho, the anti-aging protein.[15] This suggests the possibility that insulin might be involved in the processes of anti-aging and longevity. It is an area which needs further research before it can be used practically.
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It is known that surgery induces a catabolic state with insulin resistance.[16] Aggressive insulin therapy postoperatively or postoperative carbohydrate loading has been shown to significantly reduce hospital stays, lower the occurrences of surgical complications and a return to normal activities faster.[16] The exact mechanism behind this observation is unknown.
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Insulin has conventionally been associated with diabetes. Surely enough, the discovery of insulin did change the course of treatment of diabetes altogether and even today its major use comes in diabetes, but the diversity of applications of insulin suggests that it has the potential of curing many more diseases than previously anticipated. The many non-diabetic uses of insulin should also be investigated; since there may be many more aces hidden in this old lady.
The biggest problem with aspartam, stevio, acesulfam and the tongue gets the signal of "SWEET" meaning SUGAR and the body should automatically start producing insulin and getting the sugar processed so it is usable in the right energy form...BUT, THERE IS NO SUGAR COMING....and the body has a bunch of insulin which is not needed...and a Google search of "insulin overdose" produced the following answer:
However, unsupervised administration of insulin into a non-diabetic may lead to many serious downfalls in the blood glucose level which may prove to be fatal. Therefore, these practices are very dangerous.
So, make your own decisions if it is OK to get your body activated to produce insulin and it not being needed and what happens to your "chemicals, salts and water" made-up body, when it starts to be in an overdose situation from the intake of fake sweetness.
This same effect to the body happens with High Fructose Corn Syrup In some people. (Me included). This has been commonly used as a a Soda Sweetener since the late 80”s.
Remember New Coke/Coke Classsic? They didn’t want taste comparisons between Sugared Coke and HFCS. That’s why it was gone for 6 months and brought back With the ingredient change.
I worked for a competitor at the time.
When I drink Pepsi, I buy the real sugar type. I know that Dr. Pepper also has a real sugar product too. Isn't it a Texas thing?

The Coke in Mexico is said to be the same. I never drink Coke.
Any sweet soda in the US is HFCS. Unless marketed as pure sugar In some brands. I get an Australian Ginger beer to get real sugar.
You have to get Mexican Coke or Pepsi around here to get cane sugar.
Took my kids to Cancun and they thought the soda tasted funny. Never had real sugar soda.
I cut out sugary drinks way back in the 1970s. I did the artificially sweetened thing for a while but cut them out in the 1980s after both me and my wife noticed mental cloudiness after drinking Diet Dr. Pepper.
I mostly just drink water now, but also drink unsweetened tea, or fruit flavored (real fruit) soda with no sugar added. I just made some blackberry fizzie water. Fresh picked blackberries and SodaStream carbonated water. Nothing else. At first I tried squeezing the juice out of them, but finally just put the whole blackberries in the fizzie water and let it sit overnight in the fridge. So when I finish the blackberry fizzie water, I "drink" the blackberries in the bottom of the bottle.
My favorite soda drink is Ruby Red Squirt in 20 oz bottles, when I can get it. The nearest place that carries RRS in bottles is almost 150 miles north of here, so I don't get it very often. Mostly I just drink water.
I have never heard of that drink AD. Sounds interesting. Is it grapefruit as in Ruby Red grapefruit?
I didn't drink pop for years then I started drinking one Pepsi per week. Sometimes for a super sweet treat, I drink a Big Red.
I have never heard of that drink AD. Sounds interesting. Is it grapefruit as in Ruby Red grapefruit?
I didn't drink pop for years then I started drinking one Pepsi per week. Sometimes for a super sweet treat, I drink a Big Red.
Yes it is. Occasionally I can find it in cans at the grocery store 75 miles south.
I went into detail about HFCS because another member has stated she has hypoglycemia. It took me 20 yrs, an ambulance ride, and having a DVMDACVIM next to me to correct the ER MDs mistakes in explaining it
Not many people have that medical knowledge sitting in their corner to finally explain it to me.
The example I quoted is because Gary‘s example is what i finally found out after 20 yrs.
I dont do much soda anymore. But I did learn what I can do.
I have never heard of that drink AD. Sounds interesting. Is it grapefruit as in Ruby Red grapefruit?
I didn't drink pop for years then I started drinking one Pepsi per week. Sometimes for a super sweet treat, I drink a Big Red.
Remember when Big Red used to be less sweet before they changed the recipe?

I'm curious if any of you ever drink beet Klass. I tried it recently. It was... interesting.
I love water. We have it with every meal, even breakfast and always have a glass at the ready.

I also love salad. I really, really love salad.
We have the best tasting well water in the world. It comes up through 650 feet of solid basalt. We drink water all day long, except right now I'm drinking a Ruby Red Squirt out of my frozen mug. And shooting birds out of the fruit trees, shooting at them anyway.

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