Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Been doing some prepping today. Finally got some of my herbs hung and dried last month and they were finished today. I dried some mint leaves for making fresh tea. I dried some nettles for making tea or making rennet for the use in making cheese and mozzarella, and, I dried some sticky cleavers also for making tea or making rennet.
The nice part of sticky cleavers is you can pick them fresh, form them into sort of a birds nest, put them in screen strainer or a noodle strainer and just pour the warm milk over it to collect the rennet directly from the cleavers and make your cheese. The nettles need to be dried for later, but then add water to get the rennet out to make the cheese when needed...
Been doing some prepping today. Finally got some of my herbs hung and dried last month and they were finished today. I dried some mint leaves for making fresh tea. I dried some nettles for making tea or making rennet for the use in making cheese and mozzarella, and, I dried some sticky cleavers also for making tea or making rennet.
The nice part of sticky cleavers is you can pick them fresh, form them into sort of a birds nest, put them in screen strainer or a noodle strainer and just pour the warm milk over it to collect the rennet directly from the cleavers and make your cheese. The nettles need to be dried for later, but then add water to get the rennet out to make the cheese when needed...
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I have been saving seed of some Thistle in case I need to make rennet with herbs, but it makes me nervous.

....not as nervous as cutting the stomach out of a dead calf, though. 😆

But anyway, I would love if you shared your process!
I have been trying to get up to speed on solar technology.
My first stab at it went fairly well, one panel (100 watt monocrystalline) and a cheap controller (worked better than I expected).
Then I started looking into the best way to scale up. And I had to learn about...
Amorphous vs Polycrystalline vs Monocrystalline panels
Parallel vs Serial panel connections
Proper wire sizing
PWM vs MPPT charge controllers

I still have some fuzziness about how the MPPT controllers work exactly, but I understand enough to know that scaling up works much better and is much more efficient with an MPPT controller and serial connections. One of my problems was wiring, specifically the wire required to connect the panels to the controller, which for logistical reasons can't be very close together. I have enough line loss already that using parallel connections will not work because the amperage would exceed the rating for the line. I'd have to run separate wires for each panel to the controller.

Theoretically my new MPPT controller can handle 4 100 watt panels, but I've read some things that make me doubt it can handle more than 3. It is rated for 100v, so I'm going to have to monitor the output of the panels I'm using and see if they ever get over 24 V. So far they haven't but on a cold sunny day they might (have to wait til winter to know for sure). Over 4 panels, I'll definitely need a more expensive controller.
The Republicans surrendering to the Democrats here in the U.S. yesterday will usher in an escalation of the food crisis . Those that only prepared short term will eventually find their short term preparations to be inadequate for what is coming . Their neighbors will not save them from the lean times as fuel for farming equipment is also in jeopardy .
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Now the government is beginning to spread a false campaign about nitrogen being harmful!!



nitrogen (N), nonmetallic element of Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table. It is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas that is the

most plentiful element in Earth’s atmosphere and is a constituent of all living matter.

Dead planets don’t have nitrogen.
View attachment 19999

The mother WEFers goal, as well as evil Gates, is to take FOOD RAISING 100% away from the people and make us all dependent upon buying their bugs and artificially grown everything!!! Of course complete with any mRNA death crap they choose to force feed us!!
I watched a documentary recently about seeds... I can't remember the name. But it was obviously bent towards the liberal side. It talked about Monsanto, etc. and how they hooked all of these poor farmers in India, Mexico, and other nations on using their seed exclusively.

It's sad because some of these liberals see conservatives at the bad guy and don't even realize they're being duped. Big Ag to them is like Big Pharma to me, but so many don't see that they're all the same.
Reality is slowly becoming more recognizable to those that whose survivability hinges on being able to purchase food as their chance to prepare has now run out . Preppers are having to slowly enter into their survival plans that they have established .while in the meantime watch the unprepared's increasing desperation .
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I watched a documentary recently about seeds... I can't remember the name. But it was obviously bent towards the liberal side. It talked about Monsanto, etc. and how they hooked all of these poor farmers in India, Mexico, and other nations on using their seed exclusively.

It's sad because some of these liberals see conservatives at the bad guy and don't even realize they're being duped. Big Ag to them is like Big Pharma to me, but so many don't see that they're all the same.
Yes, farmers can't save seed that Monsanto has sold them because they have modified them and now they farmers are forever in corporations' control.
Yes, farmers can't save seed that Monsanto has sold them because they have modified them and now they farmers are forever in corporations' control.
The thing I watched mentioned a seed buy back program. I am assuming that meant the seeds they were growing (open pollinated, heirlooms) were bought by Monsanto? If so, that's doubly dirty.

One woman in India was talking about how she had an uncle who took out a loan for the Monsanto seed and the crop failed. He couldn't buy any seed because his entire savings was in the Monsanto crop, so he killed himself by drinking the herbicide he had for the crops. They said the number of suicides among Indian farmers had skyrocketed since the introduction of the seed. I couldn't help but think of the dairy farmers whose suicide rates skyrocketed a few years ago when Land O' Lakes was forcing them to dump their tanks.

There has been so much orchestrated evil for so long, it just boggles my mind.

Sorry for the angry rant. I'm in one of my moods today. :)
My entire garden this year was planted with heirloom seeds that I had collected and saved with the one exception someone gave me some heirloom running butter bean seeds that " they " had saved . Not one plant was bought . Preppers that don't already have their seed and fertilizer plan established may have a chance to remedy their failure to do so , as of this morning the Nuclear War hasn't started yet .
My entire garden this year was planted with heirloom seeds that I had collected and saved with the one exception someone gave me some heirloom running butter bean seeds that " they " had saved . Not one plant was bought . Preppers that don't already have their seed and fertilizer plan established may have a chance to remedy their failure to do so , as of this morning the Nuclear War hasn't started yet .
I save my seed. I switched to determinate tomatoes this year, so I used some purchased from Totally Tomatoes. I will save these this year if they produce. Then my gardens will be from saved.
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Years ago I used to feed my work horses and cattle a feed mix that contained whole oats. Plus I fed them oat hay at times. Everywhere I fed the horses, and everywhere they pooped, oats would start growing.
Now days I get very little regrowth from the hundreds of tons of grass, oat or trick hay that I've fed around here. Recently for the fun of it, I bought a bag of whole oats, the same brand that I fed years ago, and not a single plant came up.
When I was a kid, some years we'd get a nice volunteer grain crop. So in some of our grain fields we'd only need to plant every other year. I also seem to remember that most of our grass hay fields were good for about 7 years, due to reseeding. Now I see some people replanting their grass fields about every 4 years.
Saving seeds on a small scale is fine, but what if you have hundreds of acres to plant? It seems like the WEFers have found a way to control agriculture and eventually starve the people.
The thing I watched mentioned a seed buy back program. I am assuming that meant the seeds they were growing (open pollinated, heirlooms) were bought by Monsanto? If so, that's doubly dirty.

One woman in India was talking about how she had an uncle who took out a loan for the Monsanto seed and the crop failed. He couldn't buy any seed because his entire savings was in the Monsanto crop, so he killed himself by drinking the herbicide he had for the crops. They said the number of suicides among Indian farmers had skyrocketed since the introduction of the seed. I couldn't help but think of the dairy farmers whose suicide rates skyrocketed a few years ago when Land O' Lakes was forcing them to dump their tanks.

There has been so much orchestrated evil for so long, it just boggles my mind.

Sorry for the angry rant. I'm in one of my moods today. :)

This should make us all angry. But not like these poor farmers who killed themselves. Things like this make me even more determined to BEAT THEM!!!
My entire garden this year was planted with heirloom seeds that I had collected and saved with the one exception someone gave me some heirloom running butter bean seeds that " they " had saved . Not one plant was bought . Preppers that don't already have their seed and fertilizer plan established may have a chance to remedy their failure to do so , as of this morning the Nuclear War hasn't started yet .

I‘m right there with you on the all heirloom seeds being planted in the garden! I did however use a hybrid on one type of tomato and broccoli in the greenhouse. That broccoli has been growing very well. When my seeds are all gone from it I will miss these type of plants. They don’t give you one head of broccoli and stop…they give you lots and lots of small 2” heads and keep producing after you harvest some.

Just a gentle reminder that poo fertilizer works well! You don’t need artificial fertilizer folks. So don’t panic when fertilizer is too expensive or simply not available. As long as you have animals, you can grow food. Rabbit urine tea (mixed with water) is fabulous as well as their poo!

Also, Bone Meal can be made at home. It takes a little effort, but it works well on your plants! Fish emulsion can be made at home too. We never fish in our large pond, but those fish will become valuable at some point.
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The mother WEFers goal, as well as evil Gates, is to take FOOD RAISING 100% away from the people and make us all dependent upon buying their bugs and artificially grown everything!!! Of course complete with any mRNA death crap they choose to force feed us!!

They act, we react. This is what happens when people who just want to be left alone get attacked. After every attack, we give more ground, then rush back to being left alone to live our lives.

Meanwhile, they spend their time plotting their next attack. We are in perpetual defense. We will lose. I think this is why so many don't bother preparing -- they know it's hopeless. Nobody is willing to do anything to stop any of these people: from the punk anti-fa, to the militant LGBT, to henchmen wearing government uniforms, to the captured school system, to the jet-setters planning it all.

No action means we are just followers, letting them lead -- whether we like it or not doesn't matter. They have spent years war-gaming this stuff. They have the tech needed to wipe out rural America. Unlike Stalin, they can drone us at night using heat-seeking tech. They will enjoy that.

All they need to do is vilify us to the point where the "military" sees us as the enemy. They're working on that psy-op right now.

When we wonder how Communist Russia or Cuba or North Korea came to be, this is how.
Years ago I used to feed my work horses and cattle a feed mix that contained whole oats. Plus I fed them oat hay at times. Everywhere I fed the horses, and everywhere they pooped, oats would start growing.
Now days I get very little regrowth from the hundreds of tons of grass, oat or trick hay that I've fed around here. Recently for the fun of it, I bought a bag of whole oats, the same brand that I fed years ago, and not a single plant came up.
When I was a kid, some years we'd get a nice volunteer grain crop. So in some of our grain fields we'd only need to plant every other year. I also seem to remember that most of our grass hay fields were good for about 7 years, due to reseeding. Now I see some people replanting their grass fields about every 4 years.
Saving seeds on a small scale is fine, but what if you have hundreds of acres to plant? It seems like the WEFers have found a way to control agriculture and eventually starve the people.
I agree. For us to really have enough grain, we'd need to plant at least 1/4 acre for people alone and that gives no room for crop failures. The animals would need much more. We can allow ours to graze/free range and that will reduce the amount, but depending on the animals and such, it takes a LOT of seed.
They act, we react. This is what happens when people who just want to be left alone get attacked. After every attack, we give more ground, then rush back to being left alone to live our lives.

Meanwhile, they spend their time plotting their next attack. We are in perpetual defense. We will lose. I think this is why so many don't bother preparing -- they know it's hopeless. Nobody is willing to do anything to stop any of these people: from the punk anti-fa, to the militant LGBT, to henchmen wearing government uniforms, to the captured school system, to the jet-setters planning it all.

No action means we are just followers, letting them lead -- whether we like it or not doesn't matter. They have spent years war-gaming this stuff. They have the tech needed to wipe out rural America.
I agree with this 100%!
Just a gentle reminder that poo fertilizer works well! You don’t need artificial fertilizer folks. So don’t panic when fertilizer is too expensive or simply not available. As long as you have animals, you can grow food. Rabbit urine tea (mixed with water) is fabulous as well as their poo!

Also, Bone Meal can be made at home. It takes a little effort, but it works well on your plants! Fish emulsion can be made at home too. We never fish in our large pond, but those fish will become valuable at some point.
Ashes, bone meal, poo, pee, compost...we have a lot of ways to get all the nutrients that plants need without paying for fertilizer.
Just a thought on my part but have been thinking about agriculture crops in Canada burning and passing overhead in the form of smoke . Canada's exports of food likely will range from little to non-existent and their needs of imports vastly escalating , pushing food and other commodities into an out of reach financially . This global bidding war for the X amount of food available is leaving some countries devastated and starving as they have been outbid for the available food . If there are any that are unaware of this starvation sweeping the globe , I recommend going to You Tube to see the poor starving individuals posting about their plights . This starvation crisis is growing at an ever increasing pace .
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I have been saving seed of some Thistle in case I need to make rennet with herbs, but it makes me nervous.
I have a large amount of cleavers in the cold frame drying. No idea what I am doing.
It is always better to watch a film than read a description of how I do things...

--- Food crisis - Preppers have been warning of this . If the video link is correct many of us will be eating a lot of wild game . The un-prepared will become the enemy of those that had the foresight to prepare . Be alert and ready to defend your preps . My clan had to deal with the desperation of the un-prepared just last week . If you are using an attack dog , make sure you will be able to keep it feed and operational .

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