Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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We have the best tasting well water in the world. It comes up through 650 feet of solid basalt. We drink water all day long, except right now I'm drinking a Ruby Red Squirt out of my frozen mug. And shooting birds out of the fruit trees, shooting at them anyway.

I was shooting crow's out of my fig trees this morning. I don't like grapefruit juice. One of the very few foods I don't like.
We make our own teas from the trees and plants around here. Helena likes mint and I do the nettles and a certain tree here we call a "harsh" tree. We get home bottled well water from a 800 m deep natural spring with some CO2 in it and mix it with special types of syrups here from all different fruits and natural sugars in them. The occasional homemade moonshines and wines from the neighbors rounds it off well.
On top of that we can get beer from 5 different nations and over 20 different breweries. in Ireland are expressing outrage over the globalist Irish government’s decision to cull 200,000 of the nation’s healthy cows to meet the green agenda’s climate goals.

The government is moving to reduce national cattle numbers over claims they contribute to “climate change” due to “carbon emissions.”

A report by the Irish Department of Agriculture outlined how 200,000 cows could be killed over the next three years to meet carbon targets.

The plan would reportedly come at a cost of around 600 million euros to taxpayers, with the document indicating that 5,000 euros per cow would be offered as compensation.

The country’s Environmental Protection Agency said that the agriculture industry was creating nearly 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions there, and much of it stems from the methane in livestock and the use of nitrogen fertilizer.

The country has committed to reducing its agricultural emissions by 25 percent by the year 2030.

They are calling the plan a “dairy reduction scheme,” but the result is the senseless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of animals in the name of somehow helping the environment.

The cull would entail killing 65,000 cows per year over the next three years, reducing the country’s overall dairy herd by 10 percent.

It is being positioned as a potential “retirement exit scheme” for aging farmers.

The president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, Tim Cullinan, said that the plan would only serve to increase farmers’ mistrust in the government and will not have the intended environmental aims.

He said: “Reducing dairy or beef production in Ireland will also lead to ‘carbon leakage’ with production moving to other countries with a higher carbon footprint.

“This is likely to increase global warming rather than reducing it.”

Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association President Pat McCormack believes that the focus should be on other sectors when it comes to helping the environment.

He said: “We’re the one industry with a significant roadmap, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago.

“Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

He added that any culling that takes place needs to be done on a voluntary basis.

McCormack said that farmers would be willing to do their part to help preserve the environment, but that forcing the issue is not a solution.

Other critics of the plan fear that the move could have a major effect on the country that is not unlike what happened during the potato famine.

Australian geologist Ian Plimer said that the move would “only end in disaster.”

“The Irish know about this from the potato famine,” he said.

“A third of their population died, a third emigrated, and the same thing will happen.

“They will lose productive people from Ireland, and they’ll go somewhere else.”

Elon Musk has also weighed in on the proposal, tweeting in reply to an editorial wondering if American herds would soon follow suit: “This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change.”

Animal meat has long been a target of environmentalists and governments looking to exert more power.

Frankenfoods like Beyond Meat are being pushed on the masses, and tactics such as carbon taxes, agricultural subsidies, and tax schemes are being used to limit the availability of meat.

Some have even called for meat consumption to be banned.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said that he believes all wealthy nations should switch to 100 percent synthetic beef, and he has provided financial backing for meat alternative brands like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat.

Synthetic meats are often made using genetic modification, and their long-term effects on human life are not known.

Lab-grown meats also fall short when it comes to nutrition, with many options lacking protein and other important nutrients. in Ireland are expressing outrage over the globalist Irish government’s decision to cull 200,000 of the nation’s healthy cows to meet the green agenda’s climate goals.

The government is moving to reduce national cattle numbers over claims they contribute to “climate change” due to “carbon emissions.”

A report by the Irish Department of Agriculture outlined how 200,000 cows could be killed over the next three years to meet carbon targets.

The plan would reportedly come at a cost of around 600 million euros to taxpayers, with the document indicating that 5,000 euros per cow would be offered as compensation.

The country’s Environmental Protection Agency said that the agriculture industry was creating nearly 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions there, and much of it stems from the methane in livestock and the use of nitrogen fertilizer.

The country has committed to reducing its agricultural emissions by 25 percent by the year 2030.

They are calling the plan a “dairy reduction scheme,” but the result is the senseless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of animals in the name of somehow helping the environment.

The cull would entail killing 65,000 cows per year over the next three years, reducing the country’s overall dairy herd by 10 percent.

It is being positioned as a potential “retirement exit scheme” for aging farmers.

The president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, Tim Cullinan, said that the plan would only serve to increase farmers’ mistrust in the government and will not have the intended environmental aims.

He said: “Reducing dairy or beef production in Ireland will also lead to ‘carbon leakage’ with production moving to other countries with a higher carbon footprint.

“This is likely to increase global warming rather than reducing it.”

Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association President Pat McCormack believes that the focus should be on other sectors when it comes to helping the environment.

He said: “We’re the one industry with a significant roadmap, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago.

“Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

He added that any culling that takes place needs to be done on a voluntary basis.

McCormack said that farmers would be willing to do their part to help preserve the environment, but that forcing the issue is not a solution.

Other critics of the plan fear that the move could have a major effect on the country that is not unlike what happened during the potato famine.

Australian geologist Ian Plimer said that the move would “only end in disaster.”

“The Irish know about this from the potato famine,” he said.

“A third of their population died, a third emigrated, and the same thing will happen.

“They will lose productive people from Ireland, and they’ll go somewhere else.”

Elon Musk has also weighed in on the proposal, tweeting in reply to an editorial wondering if American herds would soon follow suit: “This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change.”

Animal meat has long been a target of environmentalists and governments looking to exert more power.

Frankenfoods like Beyond Meat are being pushed on the masses, and tactics such as carbon taxes, agricultural subsidies, and tax schemes are being used to limit the availability of meat.

Some have even called for meat consumption to be banned.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said that he believes all wealthy nations should switch to 100 percent synthetic beef, and he has provided financial backing for meat alternative brands like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat.

Synthetic meats are often made using genetic modification, and their long-term effects on human life are not known.

Lab-grown meats also fall short when it comes to nutrition, with many options lacking protein and other important nutrients.

This post should be a warning to all preppers , regardless of which country they reside . Famine for the unprepared is planned and coming . Get your self in position for " total self-sufficiency " if you are not already there .
I don't think a government culling program would go over very well here. First the government would have to instigate a mandatory cattle registration. I don't know anyone who would register their cattle with the government. I realize that most farmers and ranchers are already on some kind of government handout program now, so maybe the government would tie the registration to their government welfare checks. I don't think any small producers would comply. in Ireland are expressing outrage over the globalist Irish government’s decision to cull 200,000 of the nation’s healthy cows to meet the green agenda’s climate goals.

The government is moving to reduce national cattle numbers over claims they contribute to “climate change” due to “carbon emissions.”

A report by the Irish Department of Agriculture outlined how 200,000 cows could be killed over the next three years to meet carbon targets.

The plan would reportedly come at a cost of around 600 million euros to taxpayers, with the document indicating that 5,000 euros per cow would be offered as compensation.

The country’s Environmental Protection Agency said that the agriculture industry was creating nearly 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions there, and much of it stems from the methane in livestock and the use of nitrogen fertilizer.

The country has committed to reducing its agricultural emissions by 25 percent by the year 2030.

They are calling the plan a “dairy reduction scheme,” but the result is the senseless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of animals in the name of somehow helping the environment.

The cull would entail killing 65,000 cows per year over the next three years, reducing the country’s overall dairy herd by 10 percent.

It is being positioned as a potential “retirement exit scheme” for aging farmers.

The president of the Irish Farmers’ Association, Tim Cullinan, said that the plan would only serve to increase farmers’ mistrust in the government and will not have the intended environmental aims.

He said: “Reducing dairy or beef production in Ireland will also lead to ‘carbon leakage’ with production moving to other countries with a higher carbon footprint.

“This is likely to increase global warming rather than reducing it.”

Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association President Pat McCormack believes that the focus should be on other sectors when it comes to helping the environment.

He said: “We’re the one industry with a significant roadmap, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago.

“Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

He added that any culling that takes place needs to be done on a voluntary basis.

McCormack said that farmers would be willing to do their part to help preserve the environment, but that forcing the issue is not a solution.

Other critics of the plan fear that the move could have a major effect on the country that is not unlike what happened during the potato famine.

Australian geologist Ian Plimer said that the move would “only end in disaster.”

“The Irish know about this from the potato famine,” he said.

“A third of their population died, a third emigrated, and the same thing will happen.

“They will lose productive people from Ireland, and they’ll go somewhere else.”

Elon Musk has also weighed in on the proposal, tweeting in reply to an editorial wondering if American herds would soon follow suit: “This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change.”

Animal meat has long been a target of environmentalists and governments looking to exert more power.

Frankenfoods like Beyond Meat are being pushed on the masses, and tactics such as carbon taxes, agricultural subsidies, and tax schemes are being used to limit the availability of meat.

Some have even called for meat consumption to be banned.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said that he believes all wealthy nations should switch to 100 percent synthetic beef, and he has provided financial backing for meat alternative brands like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat.

Synthetic meats are often made using genetic modification, and their long-term effects on human life are not known.

Lab-grown meats also fall short when it comes to nutrition, with many options lacking protein and other important nutrients.

Seems there are hard times coming for pets....
I don't think a government culling program would go over very well here. First the government would have to instigate a mandatory cattle registration. I don't know anyone who would register their cattle with the government. I realize that most farmers and ranchers are already on some kind of government handout program now, so maybe the government would tie the registration to their government welfare checks. I don't think any small producers would comply.
Government can't get us to register guns for now much less cattle.
I don't think a government culling program would go over very well here. First the government would have to instigate a mandatory cattle registration. I don't know anyone who would register their cattle with the government. I realize that most farmers and ranchers are already on some kind of government handout program now, so maybe the government would tie the registration to their government welfare checks. I don't think any small producers would comply.

I don't think it would go over well here in Texas either. When you think about it, most areas where there is land for cattle are quite Red, as in not Blue. It wouldn't be something that would go over well.
I don't think it would go over well, but even the attempt would be a PITA.
(See, I'm showing my millennial side with the acronyms! 😆)

It does concern me that so many people I thought were strong minded and stood for their beliefs went ahead and got the jab because they didn't want to rock the boat, though. I don't blame the folks who were genuinely worried about how they might impact others or their own health and were simply duped, but those who knew it was a bad idea and went ahead and did it concern me. I am not sure we would have as much resistance as I once thought to something like this.
I don't think it would go over well here in Texas either. When you think about it, most areas where there is land for cattle are quite Red, as in not Blue. It wouldn't be something that would go over well.
About the only way they could make it work is to require slaughter houses and auction yards to accept only government registered cattle. They might require all meat sold in the US to have a stamp certifying that it's US government complaint too. We already have that system in place now; all meat is stamped USDA inspected.
I don't think it would go over well, but even the attempt would be a PITA.
(See, I'm showing my millennial side with the acronyms! 😆)

It does concern me that so many people I thought were strong minded and stood for their beliefs went ahead and got the jab because they didn't want to rock the boat, though. I don't blame the folks who were genuinely worried about how they might impact others or their own health and were simply duped, but those who knew it was a bad idea and went ahead and did it concern me. I am not sure we would have as much resistance as I once thought to something like this.

Depends how it is done.

I got the vax because I wanted to see my aunt before she died. Couldn't get into the hospital without it....didn't like it much but, took the risk. When it is my time, I will go. Jab or no jab it is above their paygrade to decide or force that. Not noticing any problems so far so I must still have a reason to be here.

As for the cattle, we know the progressives never just come out and do things for the reasons they state. They might say something crazy, be exposed, then do something that furthers that agenda, saying it is for xyz instead and any other reason attributed to it is a conspiracy.
About the only way they could make it work is to require slaughter houses and auction yards to accept only government registered cattle. They might require all meat sold in the US to have a stamp certifying that it's US government complaint too. We already have that system in place now; all meat is stamped USDA inspected.
Don’t give them ideas.
The wife just returned from foraging for food in the grocery stores . The shelves of the stores were wiped clean of flour and cornmeal . She went to several stores only to find bare shelves where flour and cornmeal was labeled to sit at . Finally she bit the bullet and went to Walmart where she found some . -- Just like those that cleaned out the flour and cornmeal , she cleaned out the shelves of canned crowder peas and dog food . ---
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The wife just returned from foraging for food in the grocery stores . The shelves of the stores were wiped clean of flour and cornmeal . She went to several stores only to find bare shelves where flour and cornmeal was labeled to sit at . Finally she bit the bullet and went to Walmart where she found some . -- Just like those that cleaned out the flour and cornmeal , she cleaned out the shelves of canned peas and dog food . ---
Everything is well stocked here. I don’t need much, but thought I would go while I was out to see if I could find any peaches to can.
Yep! I'll buy the Irish at that price before I will the other. I honestly didn't look at the kerrygold brand, just checked on purpose the off brand which I normally get at Wally for $4.00 plus a lb..(still too much)..a lot of my prepping has revolved around the dang food prices going up so much ..can't seem to find much of a deal anywhere anymore except buying in bulk wholesale from where my son can get it from food supplier he used to work for or what i can raise myself (minimal).....maybe I'm just not able to change with the times. I've adjusted to gas prices at least still under $4.00 a gal. Here but everything seems to be more of a struggle.
I hear all this doom and gloom talk about shortages, but I don't see it. Yes, prices are up and packages are getting smaller, but everything is well stocked where we shop. It is possible that we'll have some hard times and shortages coming up in the future, until then everything looks normal around here and we'll get by like we always have. We normally have a years supply of food and non food items on hand. That's just smart planning.
Yeah, as far as food stock, there is plenty around here at all the grocery chains, and the dollar stores, produce stands, farmers market. Real estate prices are still up, people are still buying homes and moving in here from all over the country, new automobiles, boats, all that seems to keep on moving. You really wouldn't think anyone in my area is expecting anything to come to a screeching halt anytime soon. Restaurants are full, tourists still flocking here.
What I have noticed at our grocery store is that people have slacked off on buying the higher end priced items and going with the cheaper alternatives. I'm still having issues with getting certain products in. But it still amazes me on how many high priced Made Simple items people still buy. . . premade salads, sandwiches, dinners, ect.
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What I have noticed at our grocery store is that people have slacked offon buying the higher end priced items and going with the cheaper alternatives. I'm still having issues with getting certain products in. But it still amazes me on how many high priced Made Simple items people still buy. . . premade salads, sandwiches, dinners, ect.
People really have gotten so busy and/or lazy they can't do anything for themselves. It's no wonder we have such a health crisis. How would you ever know if something was wrong with you if that's all you ate?
--- It at first may seem strange that I posted this link on this thread , but this link may explain why about 4 days ago my wife was finding store after store to not have flour or cornmeal on their shelves . If this is the reason , expect to see this at the stores in your area in the near future .
This video , I don't think will be new news to anyone , but it shows our future as grocery stores close down . These store closings as the video explains is based on one ethnic group . As demographics change , stores will close across countries as no store will operate at a loss . Unreversible descendance into 3rd world squaller , starvation and looting at an accelerated pace . Prepare , be self sufficient and ready to defend .
The wife just returned from foraging for food in the grocery stores . The shelves of the stores were wiped clean of flour and cornmeal . She went to several stores only to find bare shelves where flour and cornmeal was labeled to sit at . Finally she bit the bullet and went to Walmart where she found some . -- Just like those that cleaned out the flour and cornmeal , she cleaned out the shelves of canned crowder peas and dog food . ---
Follow up - The US Department of Agriculture has put out a WARNING . We are running out of flour . Also at least one but probably more US Airforce Military base " can not " get flour . Source ---

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