Friday Fives

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And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?). Go across Canada and down the Pacific coast
2: What is your favorite sound? My kids laughing together, or a good guitar solo
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character. I hate naming characters, avoid it as much as I can
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Kangeroo
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said? "Springer Spaniels - the red bull of dogs" heard last week, but might be lost in translation

Thank you!
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).

I want to see America return to its former glory so I can visit places in the communist states I would never travel to today.

2: What is your favorite sound?

The full experience of a properly suppressed and gassed rifle. The slow mechanical action clanking as you hear that muffled pop and the now oddly loud sound of brass hitting the concrete.

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.

Lieutenant Charlie Foxtrot

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

Smoked Gator or Menu #6 Beef "fingers of death" frankfurters

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

I used to have some real success at the bars by walking up to ladies and saying "Damn, you look so good I am making love to you tonight if you are there or not".
And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

1.) Swim with sharks. Preferably in Australia so they will be Great Whites.

2.) Does music count? I know that is a lot of sounds. The roar of the engines when a full field NASCAR race gets the green flag and goes into the first turn.

3.) Michael Butler

4.) Squid or Goat

5.) "When I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21 I was astonished by how much he had learned in 7 years." Mark Twain

Great questions LadyLocust!! :great:
🤔😃1) Go see some beautiful water in the touristy Caribbean! 2) leaves in the wind! 3) Pearl 4) Snapping Turtle!🙁 5) one I can't say on the forum 😮🤫, so I'll go with when I met Hubby. I walked up and asked him his name, and he asked "how old are you?" Since we were in a bar, I responded with, "old enough to be in here!!"
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1. Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?). Go to Europe and visit my ancestors home villages and cottages.

2: What is your favorite sound? My daughter's voice

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character. I've always known that writing something fictional is just not in me. I can't even understand how people can make up lies.

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Octopus, so chewy, and alligator.

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said? Not a one liner, but this stuck with me when I heard it on Poldark.
“Women. None are created equal. Some are never satisfied, some could never be brought so low, and others…thumb their nose at adversity and roll up their sleeves.”
Ross Poldark
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

waiting on bread to bake so I have a few minutes, but these questions get harder and harder LOL

1 nothing, all done
2. quiet, no wait I just thought of one : birds singing outside
3. no idea, I have a hard enough time naming our animals , so probably something generic like Caroline
4. I definitely do not consider goat strange LOL , but to me lobster is strange, and totally groce and nasty , so I will go with that
5. no idea

changed #2
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And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
Visit Hawaii. We've always wanted to go, just never have. Maybe we'll get a trip in before we're too old to enjoy it.
2: What is your favorite sound?
Thunderstorm with heavy rain
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
Rob Loblaw (best said aloud) springs to mind. Maybe Max Phil Lyne as the antagonist.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
A locust. I was two. Next oddest was rattlesnake chili which was really good.
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
You haven't been yourself lately, and we've all noticed the improvement.
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?). The South Pole

2: What is your favorite sound? PING : The PING of an ejected M1 Garand clip.

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character. Kipling

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? That disgusting green goop "a delicacy" in a lobster. My MIL will pay for that one.

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said? My one liners are all extemporaneous, I forget them milliseconds after I utter them.
And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
I) go to Woodstock New York, maybe Maine, take my time going up & coming down again.
2) My wife sleeping next to me.
3)Claire Foxworth, an 6000 year old Vampire with a soul & therefore a conscience.
4) River eel,snails, Ostriches,Frog legs, crayfish, Gater & raw uncooked meat.
5) I do.
And then. . . .

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).

Teach the granddaughters to operate the steam engine

2: What is your favorite sound?

A pinball machine when you win a new game.

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.

Gotta pass on this one. Writing a novel is not my thing.

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

Peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
I was walking with a customer and passed a panhandler with only one arm and one leg. She quipped " I wish I could stand around and people give me money." I replied...

You could but it would cost you an arm and a leg.

1) Find my soulmate and get married. Yes, I’m serious.

2) The sound of wedding bells. Yes, I’m joking.

Seriously, I’m pretty fond of the sound of my Harley Davidson. Then there was the sound of an old Ford engine a rebuilt and modified. Sounded great running with open headers.

3) I wouldn’t write a novel, but could probably come up with a workable name. Maybe later.

4) A dog treat, Milk Bone…. Actually one bite was enough. I don’t get the fascination with them that dogs have.

5) My memory isn’t serving me well enough at the moment… but Neb’s reply ranks right up there.
Trip to Alaska

Sleepiin by a Creek, Sitting by a creek, Waves lapping at the beach, rain on our tin roof. Guess I like listening to water.

Not much of a writer

Mustard and mashed tater sammich. They were pretty good.

Don't have one here.

LadyL stumped me
You get on the ball and answer these correctly!! No more nonsense, lol!!
And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1. Learning how to drive a Sherman tank
2. Small children giggling, when they think they're pulling a fast one on their Granny.
3. Smoke,toke
4. Gator sausage
5. Suck it up Buttercup
1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
-> Ireland

2: What is your favorite sound?
-> A mare, just after birth, nickering at her foal.

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
-> Seabiscuit - oh wait, that's already taken. LOL

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
-> Cow Tongue? Gator? Sea Irchin?

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
-> The day I met my husband's brother for the first time, he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Let me know when you get ready for a REAL man." Without missing a beat, I replied, "Why? Do you know one?" ... And haven't liked the jerk one minute since. lol
And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1.) I’d love to visit Australia. Also see the Aurora Borealis in Alaska.
2.) a baby laughing that big belly laugh. Maybe my cat purring loudly.
3.) Megan McCorkle.
4.) alligator. I didn’t like it.
5.) “I just released my own scent. No one in the car seemed to like it”.
And then. . .

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1. too many...Sequoia trees; forests in southern Alaska, Tongass NF. Cities in other countries where my ancestors lived. Ruins of ancient civilizations.
2. There is not one I favor over others. Owl hooting (heard another one last night that may be a great horned owl). This sound I wish i was hearing the sounds the metal things on ropes make against the metal poles on boats, plus the wind that causes it, and the water lapping against the sides of the boat. Waves crashing at the beach. Rain. My grandchildren's voices. Cat waking up with an inquisitive huh purr. Cracks me up.
3. Alphonso Paradigm
4. Black tip shark
5. Too many and they happen all the time.