Friday Fives

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Oh yeah- wanted to wait before posting my answers.
1: I want to try real Italian stuffed zucchini blossoms. I know- sounds odd, but there you have it.
2: favorite sound- I love the quiet of the mountains when there is just a little breeze in the trees. Love to hear both owls (like Patch) and quail. And babies laughing is up there too.
3: Marta
4: not sure- mountain lion, crickets or skull meat are all not so common.
5: When I first went to college out of HS, I was pre-vet/Ag major. I was in the cafeteria and this big dirty Neanderthal fella said “Hey babe, what’s your major?” No kidding we had castrated pigs that day- still one of the funniest moments of my life.
Adorable, just like Lady Locust.

Coming up next, long haired chihuahua.
Oh man, I’m late. But it was for a good reason, hanging with the family all week and weekend.

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).

See my kids become parents, own livestock other than chickens, goats, pigs and cows would be nice. I’ve seen so many places that if I never leave the states again, that’s fine with me.

2: What is your favorite sound?

Sounds corny, but hearing my wife and kids say “I love you” or “ thank you” I’m slowly losing my hearing, so that’s always great to hear.

3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
Stanky McWiggenbottoms

4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Toss up between kangaroo, rattlesnake and horse pizza

5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

Granted, this was a couple of one liners between two of my college classmates who enjoyed bantering back and forth. I’d never seen that girl accept defeat or rendered speechless so quickly.

Girl to guy in my class, “why don’t you grow out your hair, oh never mind, you’re losing your hair.”
Guy’s response, “the hair I have left is short and course not long, fine and silky, like the hair on your back.”
Girl’s response, “like you’ve ever seen my naked back.”
His response, “so I’m one of three guys on this campus who hasn’t seen you naked, congratulations you non-wh*re”.
And then. . . .got the security thing and had to reset my password :rolleyes: Never underestimate the power of a Pearl 😂

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?
1: to live in a world free of corruption
2: The sound escaping form a well muffled high compression big block Chevy with way too much overlap Idling
3: Naked, Buck Naked
4: Calamari, who eats squid arms???
5: I love beards, man beards on MAN men. (was she hitting on me??)
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How did I turn into a little dog? I’m short - maybe I should have said kneecaps 😂
Mo asked if you were a Chihuahua! Things just escalated from their! At least you are a cute ankle biter!!😉 And this IS on topic, great Friday Fives question, what kind of dog would you be?!😃
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
2. Does bees have ears?
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?
1. don't know without research
2. and again
3. there could be since hell is a control concept and several wierd experiments have been done in the arctic.
4 the kahzarian mafias minions.
5. Chrome.
4a as a means to control