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Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
2. Does bees have ears?
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?
1. Mount Vesuivus is in Italy.
The more well know city was Pompeii.
Herculeaum was also buried.
2. Do Bees have ears?
No they do not, they hear through their antenna and their feet.
3. Is there a hole in the Arctic>
Yes, there is.
4. Who drill the hole?
The Russians after World War II.
During the Cold War.
5. What is your favorite color?
Yellow because it reminds me of sunshine.
Bonus question:
Why was the hole drilled to start with?
To weaponize the Earth and be first to reach the center of the earth.
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Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
Well, there's Herculaneum and Pompeii, but everybody knows about them. What/who else did Vesuvius smother?
2. Does bees have ears?
I'm guessing they do not.
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
Kinda sorta. There's Batagaika Crater in Siberia that's referred to as the gateway to hell, and there's the Kola super deep borehole.
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Blue, because all the other colors aren't as nice as blue.
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?
Various scientific research including studying the composition of the rock and seismology.
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
2. Does bees have ears?
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?
1.) I don’t know. It’s a secret.
2.) no
3.) yes
4.) Putin
5.) orange. Bright and cheery.
Bonus Question.) so we all can have access to hell.
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
2. Does bees have ears?
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?
I was in the dark about all of the questions except #5


1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
This was confusing to me. I learned about Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. I just didn't understand the question and related answer. Mount Vesuvius erupted and Pompeii was where it hit hardest.
You're making the answers to hard.
But the correct answer was Herculeaum.
Yes, Pompeii was the hardest hit.
But so was Herculeum was also hit.
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim? There was another not so famous town, Herculaneum? I saw a show on History channel.

2. Does bees have ears? NO

3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic? YES, To Drop Biden into. The 9th circle of hell is a frozen place, as I recall. Could be the antarctic.

4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell? Everybody that knew Biden

5. What is your favorite color and why? Red. Reason is unknown

Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with? To drop Biden into.

Some will take further study, but these are my responses.
You actually got two of the questions correct.
You got the first two questions correct.
As for rest , you're answers are kinda sketchy.

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