Friday Fives

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1) I was 4 0r 5. My neighbor taught me. And I am addicted to books from that point on!
2) I guess if I wanted to be one when I was a kid, it was always a fairy.
3)When I was 20 years old. First time I saw an IV put in a patient when I was a student nurse.
4)Smile, say thank you, and pay it forward.
5)A cousin of mine has traced Mom's side of the family back a number of generations. Scots / Irish on that side. Dads side mostly unknown. His Dad was adopted at 5 years old as he and his 4 siblings parents died and they were left with no family in Oregon in the late 1800's. Know a bit more of Dads mother history but not much. No one would talk of it. My Dads maternal Grandmother was German. Had tattooed numbers on her arm from Germany that my mother saw as Great Grandma Neuman was dying in hospital...Still no one would talk of it...
Little early due to the holiday.
Here are your Friday Fives (@Morgan101 )
How old were you when you learned how to read?
Which mythical creature do you wish was real?
Have you ever gone unconscious or been knocked unconscious, not by drugs, but by accident, health condition, or someone desiring to hurt you?
How do you show your gratitude?
Through your own knowledge, research, or information that was passed to you, how many generations back can you trace your family ancestry?(Or to what time period?)
1. around 4 I think, I was reading the Pippi Longstocking books by the time I started elementary school at 5

2. I would like to be a real Harry Potter style witch

3. yes , recently in spring, passed out from dehydration when I got the covid and flu and taking care of the animals
before that I have slipped and fell on my head and had a concussion, and once doing martial arts , and once getting into fight with ex boyfriend

4. not sure, if people are nice to me I am nice to them also, if people are not nice, I am not nice either, so I reflect how I am treated by other back at them

5. my dad researched our ancestors on his side back to the middle ages, and found something interesting, a female decendent of his mom's family has been living in the village he was born in for 12 generations
his ancestors were mostly poor peasants and farmers

edit sorry typo
Little early due to the holiday.
Here are your Friday Fives (@Morgan101 )
How old were you when you learned how to read?
Which mythical creature do you wish was real?
Have you ever gone unconscious or been knocked unconscious, not by drugs, but by accident, health condition, or someone desiring to hurt you?
How do you show your gratitude?
Through your own knowledge, research, or information that was passed to you, how many generations back can you trace your family ancestry?(Or to what time period?)
Since I forget to stay caught up with this thread...
I was 5, almost 6
Loch Ness Monster or the Kelpie
Yes, once in a bad car accident and when my heart was failing me and I almost died.
Extend help to anyone who needs it. Doesn't need to be a big deal or huge favor, just being nice, holding a door, going the extra mile.
Somewhere in the 1600s with one line, as far as personally tracing; but my mom did a lot of the research before I got that far. More records are translated or brought out all the time now, from old church and cemetery records and old government records, that hadn't been available when she was still alive (1990s).
How old were you when you learned how to read?
my grandparents taught me to read a newspaper at 4 years old. Didn't know what I was reading, but did it anyway.
Which mythical creature do you wish was real?
Don't know about them.
Have you ever gone unconscious or been knocked unconscious, not by drugs, but by accident, health condition, or someone desiring to hurt you?
Not yet!
How do you show your gratitude?
I'm from the South so Food.
Through your own knowledge, research, or information that was passed to you, how many generations back can you trace your family ancestry?(Or to what time period?)
Not many. I keep saying I am going to get Ancestry, but haven't yet.
Since I forget to stay caught up with this thread...
I was 5, almost 6
Loch Ness Monster or the Kelpie
Yes, once in a bad car accident and when my heart was failing me and I almost died.
Extend help to anyone who needs it. Doesn't need to be a big deal or huge favor, just being nice, holding a door, going the extra mile.
Somewhere in the 1600s with one line, as far as personally tracing; but my mom did a lot of the research before I got that far. More records are translated or brought out all the time now, from old church and cemetery records and old government records, that hadn't been available when she was still alive (1990s).
Who are you picking for next week's questions???
Buttercup Kid is getting another shot at it. 🥃💣
If you have not been given the opportunity to come up with the questions yet and would like to, please comment here in the thread @Morgan101 or @Magpie @Pearl or me and let us know or do so by private message.
You do not have to have a turn at doing the questions. If you just want to answer the questions to participate that is fine. No pressure.
Buttercup Kid is getting another shot at it. 🥃💣
If you have not been given the opportunity to come up with the questions yet and would like to, please comment here in the thread @Morgan101 or @Magpie @Pearl or me and let us know or do so by private message.
You do not have to have a turn at doing the questions. If you just want to answer the questions to participate that is fine. No pressure.
Alright ButtercupKid!! The pressure is on.....err, I mean no pressure!!😉
1 About 5, dad bought a set of encyclopedias
2 Roc, imagine the buffalo wings from that!
3 Yes
4 By trying to be helpful in return
5 Can't count that many. Viking or Norse, first known use our family was when the Vikings occupied France in the early 900's the area now known as Normandy, Nordman land. They built boats to sail up river to plunder the towns and cities. Born 1400-1474 in England, an ancestor received the family coat of arms from King Henry the 6th.
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
3) Are you happy where you live now?
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
Oh WOW, cool questions!! 1) Born in Passaic New Jersey. 2) 1800 miles, in north central Texas now. 3) Yes, happy where I live although it's getting busier than I like!! 4) Nope! I grew up on a ranch in the middle of NJ, that's all gone now, would not want to be there!! 5) Never been back, moved in January of 1990! Thanks ButtercupKid!!
1. Santa Clara, California
2. We've lived all over, because of husband's job. The furthest away was Cannes, France in the 80's. Now we're in however far it is from California to Kansas.
3. I love where we live now. I'm not moving
4. No. Huge city, outside of San Francisco. That place is a nightmare now.
5. No. Don't know anyone there anymore.
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
3) Are you happy where you live now?
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
ok, waiting on bread to bake , all ovens are full
so I have a few minutes and these are easy questions , thank for that!!

1. Germany ( tiny town in the middle of nowhere )
2. lived in Florida most of my life, now Virginia
3. yes, love it here, well don't love the current weather but usually
4. not just no but HELL no
5. yes, went this year in spring to visit dad and my brother and family , picked up Covid and the flu on the plane, so no more trips anytime soon
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
3) Are you happy where you live now?
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
1) Born in Pierre, S.D. (pronounced peer, not pea air)
2) I grew up 50 miles from Pierre, and have lived in a few states since. I currently live 600 miles from Pierre.
3) There are many aspects of life that have been very good to me since I have moved to Colorado. I had a desirable job for many years, got a real steal of a deal on a home, have a good life. I think everyday of living on some land in the country though. I'd like to have at least one or more acres of land that I can plant, develop for food, house, animals, workshop(s). I think we are going backwards in aspects of land ownership though. Owning land by average people will be a thing of the past IMHO. Just give us a few years and we will be back to nobility and peasants.
4) I have considered moving back to my home town. Around the year 2000, there were a few homes available for $3,000 to $5,000. I should have bought one then, but I was too distracted by life. Hometown people are a special breed and do amazing things to keep the community thriving. Would I move back there? Lots of painful memories of growing up there. As soon as I am there, I feel different, and it is not necessarily a good feeling.
5) I go back to visit every few years. One of my classmates asked why I never go home? I haven't had a home there in decades. That is okay, I have a home somewhere else. I do have a few cousins who live there.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
Call it 1200 Miles
3) Are you happy where you live now?
I like the state and general area, moving out to more rural digs. Even then, less than 50 miles from where I grew up.
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
Still in my "hometown", lived in the Cincinnati area for over 6 decades.
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
Still visiting :p
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
3) Are you happy where you live now?
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
1. Teaneck, New Jersey
2. Depends ... 3,000 at most, now about 1,400 miles
3. VERY happy with where I live now in Texas
4. No, been there done that, no reason to move back (Fairfield CT)
5. No, never been back to my original home town (Teaneck NJ), but did visit my old neighborhood where we moved to when I was 6 mos old. But was only there for 2 years before moving to Missouri, where I grew up ... yes been back once since moving from there.
Last edited:
1) Where were you born ? St. Paul/Minneapolis area near the Univ of Minnesota
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born? About 150 miles
3) Are you happy where you live now? Absolutely!
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could? Never
5) Do you ever go back to visit it? Not on purpose. I feel like I'm in a 3rd world country when I do.
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?

Army hospital in Munich Germany

2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?

4290 miles

3) Are you happy where you live now?


4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?

What does "hometown" mean to an Air Force brat?

5) Do you ever go back to visit it?

Well, I guess I should answer my own questions!
1) Missoula Mt
2) 1000 miles
3)I am content as it is a nice area...But not home.
4)Yes I would. always planned to move back home when I retired.
5)I go back to visit every year as all my relatives are still there.
Any ideas for nominees for next week? I noticed Digout has been playing but hasn't had a turn coming up with questions!!
Sorry I was slow this morning.
1) Where were you born ?
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
3) Are you happy where you live now?
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?

1. In a hospital, somewhere in Illinois, soon before pops was transferred.

2. Roughly 1,000 miles.

3. Yes. Also no. I am happy with the people I live with, our careers, opportunities, income, geography, etc. I ******* hate the politicians and the related stupidity.

4. This is close to a home town as I have ever known. Where I was born is just some place on a map.

5. Nope.
1) Where were you born ?
Rochester, NY
2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
0 miles by way of Toronto, Williamsport, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Baltimore, MD and Albany, NY with a few other stops here and there.
3) Are you happy where you live now?
With my home, family, friends and most neighbors? Yes. But the high taxes and inane laws make me nuts.
4) Would you move back to your home town if you could?
5) Do you ever go back to visit it?
Per above, yes. But I have not been back to the other places I've lived to visit. There's no reason to.

Great questions!
Good questions.

1) Where were you born ? Missouri

2) How far away did you end up from where you were born?
At one point, 10,095 on an island called Diego Garcia, currently about 100 miles.

3) Are you happy where you live now? Yes, the town and people are nice.

4) Would you move back to your home town if you could? I plan on fixing up the old homestead after retirement to make a cabin for visits.

5) Do you ever go back to visit it? Yes, all my family lives there still.

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