Friday Fives

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  1. What book or movie left a lasting impression on you?
Book, the easy answer for me would be the Bible, but I think that might be too easy so I’ll go with the Outsiders. I identified with the poor kids, but it was then that I realized the rich kids had troubles too. And winning a fight didn’t change which side each came from.
Movie, Hoosiers, small town wins the state title against the big town.
  1. What do you think the purpose of life is?
To have a relationship with the Creator of the universe while enjoying His creations with the ones you love.
  1. What is your favorite hobby?
Either fishing, hunting or fixing things that are broke.
  1. Who is the least intelligent person alive?
Any DEI hire who thinks they are making a difference (ironically, they usually espouse how DEI is necessary, but hate being referred to as a DEI hire…)
  1. Who is the most attractive actor/actress from your childhood or beyond?
Kathy Ireland. Still can see those SI swimsuit issues in my mind’s eye…Dang what a looker
  1. What book or movie left a lasting impression on you? There have been so many! As a child I read a lot; Enid Blyton's series on children living on farms; Children of Willow Tree Farm/Cherry Tree farm etc. Lots of nature; and Anne of Green Gables. As an adult I think Toni Morrison- the first time I read Beloved- and the movie Revenant.
  2. What do you think the purpose of life is? Leave the place better than you found it.
  3. What is your favorite hobby? Anything creative
  4. Who is the least intelligent person alive? Not for me to say
  5. Who is the most attractive actor/actress from your childhood or beyond? I've also had a thing for Sam Elliott even though I don't like moustaches not attached to a beard!
  6. I got into a rock/metal phase I never grew out of :D so 80's hair did it for me -Jon Bon Jovi - but Sam's voice...mmmm
What book or movie left a lasting impression on you?
Atlas Shrugged

What do you think the purpose of life is?
I often wonder if we're living in a simulation and the designers of the sim don't know what we're supposed to be doing, either.

What is your favorite hobby?
Playing with my grand kids, but ham radio is a close second

Who is the least intelligent person alive?
The View continuum

Who is the most attractive actor/actress from your childhood or beyond?
There are too many...but I'm more attracted to an Erin Gray or Dawn Wells.
  1. What book or movie left a lasting impression on you? Oddly enough, almost all of them, but my favorite is a "Charlie Brown Collection". Never trust Lucy to hold your football (applies to MANY life situations). 1984, Animal Farm, books by Heinlein, Niven, Clarke ........

  2. What do you think the purpose of life is? Help people when you can , and be kind, until it's time not to bee nice.

  3. What is your favorite hobby? Reading :p

  4. Who is the least intelligent person alive? Any and ALL extreme leftists/socialists/communists.

  5. Who is the most attractive actor/actress from your childhood or beyond?
    Lynda Carter
Introducing Friday Zero's! No questions only random answers!

1. Three. No wait, two.
2. And the horse you rode in on!
3. 4th of July, 1989.
4. Thick cut pork chops.
5. Yes, but then she kicked me out.

Now you have to figure out the questions.
ok I will play

1. how many beers have you had already today?
2. ?

nope I quit too hard
Introducing Friday Zero's! No questions only random answers!

1. Three. No wait, two.
2. And the horse you rode in on!
3. 4th of July, 1989.
4. Thick cut pork chops.
5. Yes, but then she kicked me out.

Now you have to figure out the questions.
1) How many people gave you a dirty look today? 2) What was the nicest thing you said to someone today? 3) When was the last time you someone tried to light you on fire?? 4) Name something you like to swallow whole?? 5) Have you ever wore makeup to bed? And there are the questions to Marsh's answers!!🤣😉
ok I have some too

how about we do negatives?
least favorites
5 least favorite things
My five least favorite things ( not necessarily in order): 1) Brussel sprouts, 2) Back pain 3) Being sick ( got that one covered 😉), 4) Jerks who stand in the way at the grocery store, 5) Bad drivers!!
Least favorite things:

1. Pants with zippers near something that should never be close to a zipper.
2. Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Celebrities, Pedophiles, etc.
3. Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Zero, Cherry Pepsi, Diet Cherry Pepsi, etc.
4. People who turn into the incorrect lane while driving.
5. When someone buys a junk gun because of the price when they could have just bought a used or trade in good quality gun and been 10x better off.

1.) What Household chore do you hate the most? Inside or outside.
2.) What is the scariest ride you have ever taken in your life? Land, Sea, Air, Other.
3.) When the traffic light changes to Yellow, does your foot go for the gas or the brake?
4.) What was your favorite job?
5.) What would you like to be known for?

Hope everyone enjoys them. :thumbs:
Thank you Morgan!! 1) Dusting ( unless I'm at someone else's house and getting paid to do it)!! 2) On some stupid roller coaster, I'm not a fan, rather be driving it!! 3) Brake, pesses people off behind me! 4) When I worked on a prestigious Thoroughbred stud farm!! 5) Since I'll never be famous (thank goodness), I'd like to be known for being trustworthy and doing a great job!!
1.) What Household chore do you hate the most? Inside or outside.
I hate it all. Cannot name one that I like

2.) What is the scariest ride you have ever taken in your life? Land, Sea, Air, Other.
I had many scary rides with my dad as a kid when he was drunk. One ride in particular, it was dark and we were driving home from the ranch, about 100 miles, on a gravel road. He was famous for trying to light a cigarette while driving and not paying attention to the road. This particular night he hit loose gravel and we spun around. We did not roll, but as a result, I don't really like to ride with other people driving, especially people who are not good drivers.

3.) When the traffic light changes to Yellow, does your foot go for the gas or the brake?
When I moved to Colorado, I soon learned that a yellow light means to step on it. If you don't you could easily be rear ended. My first awareness of this was when a light was changing and I came to a stop, while three cars in the lane next to me went through the light and the last one was a police car.

4.) What was your favorite job?
Watching dogs.
5.) What would you like to be known for?
Being an honest and reliable person.
What book or movie left a lasting impression on you?
Swiss Family Robinson, about a family surviving on a deserted island.
What do you think the purpose of life is?
To praise God
What is your favorite hobby?
Making things and redoing things!

Who is the least intelligent person alive?

Who is the most attractive actor/actress from your childhood or beyond?
When I was a kid, Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz), but now it is Colin Firth.
1) I hate cleaning anything thing in the house...Put me outside and I'm happy.
2) A run away horse
3) The brake!
4) Took a break from my nursing job and was an activities assistant at a nursing home ! I got to spend all day with the residents doing fun and social things.
5)That I am a reliable, honest, kind and caring person.
1.) What Household chore do you hate the most? Inside or outside.
2.) What is the scariest ride you have ever taken in your life? Land, Sea, Air, Other.
3.) When the traffic light changes to Yellow, does your foot go for the gas or the brake?
4.) What was your favorite job?
5.) What would you like to be known for?

1.) Not a secret I am in charge of KP. Don't know why, but I hate putting away silverware.

2.) Riding in an open Bass boat on a lake. Maybe had something to do with the person driving.

3.) Brake. I had a Police Officer friend who said the worst accidents he had ever seen were people speeding through Yellow lights.

4.) I was the only Sales Rep for a small family owned business. They knew their business better than anybody I ever worked for. Very smart. All decisions were sound, I never questioned anything.

5.) Honest, hard working, and dependable. Someone you could count on.

1.) What Household chore do you hate the most? Inside or outside.
2.) What is the scariest ride you have ever taken in your life? Land, Sea, Air, Other.
3.) When the traffic light changes to Yellow, does your foot go for the gas or the brake?
4.) What was your favorite job?
5.) What would you like to be known for?

Hope everyone enjoys them. :thumbs:
good questions

1. paperwork of any kind , right now I am putting off sorting receipts and bills and income records and putting them in a spreadsheet plus typing up my recipes on paper
2. I have a phobia of flying , have to be drugged to get on a plane so ANY flight, but some really bad ones : plane dropped A LOT landing in Orlando, we thought we were going to crash but it landed ok and everyone clapped, plane next to ours caught on fire taking off from Frankfurt , oxygen masks dropped down in the middle of the Atlantic and I didn't know why because I had headphones on, turned out someone was smoking in the wrong section ( back when you could do that) and a kid had a asthma attack, not sure why all of them came down near where I was sitting
then there was the head on crash my dad had in Germany on the Autobahn when I was a kid. We survived and only my brother had to go to the hospital , very lucky there, the car was completely totaled so was the other one
I don't like any transportation to be honest

3. lived in Orlando most of my life, you hit the gas or get rear ended

4 now, being a farmer , I don't like working for other people

5. I don;t want to be known at all

edit scariest bridge that made me have a panic attack, I don't like bridges either
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5 least favorite things from Sonya

Back Pain
Heart attacks/ Not being able to Breathe
Stupid People
People driving speed limit or below in the passing lane, refusing to move over.
Smart ass know it all's

And Morgans questions

17yo, driving my cousins to a hay field we were working in. I took a corner way too fast coming up to a 4 lane highway and hit a patch of gravel that spilled from a dump truck. I spun around and ended up backing into the first 2 lanes of the highway with a tractor and trailer bearing down on us.
Depends on traffic behind me. Usually will go thru if light just changed yellow
Manufacturing Engineer in a industrial department that operated automated equipment. Learned a ton and made a huge difference in the maintenance program
A Christian that does what he said, dependable
that made me have a panic attack, I don't like bridges either

OMG!!! Let me add the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to my list. I almost ruined a good pair of pants when we drove across that. Bridges don't normally bother me, but this one bothered me. A LOT!!

Sonya's Least Favorite Things:

Winter weather
Liberal hypocrisy
Car trouble
Slow service in a restaurant
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Sorry, y’all. I’m slow in my recovery and not on top of things yet.
I love the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Either one. The one with the tunnel is pretty cool. 😎
You are fine, hope you are feeling better! Friday snuck up on me too!! You might have to do the next four weeks in a row!!😮
OMG!!! Let me add the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to my list. I almost ruined a good pair of pants when we drove across that. Bridges don't normally bother me, but this one bothered me. A LOT!!

Sonya's Least Favorite Things:

Winter weather
Liberal hypocrisy
Car trouble
Slow service in a restaurant
My sister hates bridges. I love them, some of the higher one crossing open water give such a great view. But driving don't leave enough time to check it all out.