Friday Fives

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To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
1. I'm not sure..I rarely listen to music anymore. Not because I don't like music..i love all kinds from all over the world. .but I just would rather process my thoughts n feelings more or catch up on news than listen to music . Music for me has always been a tool , like for expressions of a mood of sorts ,or for dancing, ballet, jazz, cheer, occasional cages n shadow boxes in nightclubs for or going for a long jog..or background noise while ti nkering. but music was/ is a distraction from my life's ponderings. There is a album by pink Floyd that is mostly instrumental I've liked over the years to relax too..maybe the consistency to the span of time that I've liked it for chill time wins this question...

2. ..I'm wrong about little stuff here n there..don't really keep track of that ..big stuff..there is a newer couple at work who I pegged at first to not being very self motivated n kinda lazy. But after spending some lunch time in the break room with them trying to get to know them better, I can see their perspective better n understand.

3. Daily...mostly. I do have moments where I don't want to .."I got this" n as I age ..this pops up more n more and I'm at that point where I want less n less to be responsible for and do because I'm tired of doing everything on my own.

4. I've felt I've operated off the main trail..even as a kid. I was around 5 when I realized I HAD to go with the flow. It wasn't untill I was older like 13 that I had the safety and confidence to become myself more . That journey took me years to figure out's been a trip.

5. Maryanne made the most sense and was very likeable down to earth gal.
Guess I should answer my own questions, that’d be fair.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?
Stay away from Elvis. I left my Ozarks for a long time and always felt the call to return.

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?
I chased money and position far too long. Sacrificed a little too much for not enough.

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?
Tons of time in the military. Most recently, working on a fix up car (did a lot of this when I was younger but paid others to do it due to being busy). Surprised to see I could get back into auto work so quickly.

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?
Third grade. Teacher had a rule of “you can always ask”, which I exploited, asked a lot about going outside for class and getting told no. When she said I shouldn’t ask so much, I pointed out her rule of “you can always ask”. She responded by writing a giant “NO” and the board and asked, “ do you know what this means.” With a smile I responded “no”. She laughed and the class laughed. We had class outside hat day.

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Ginger for play, Mary Anne to stay (one for fun and the other gets the ring).
5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Ginger for play, Mary Anne to stay (one for fun and the other gets the ring).

If you really wanted to stump me you would have needed to make it Elizabeth Montgomery vs Lynda Carter, Bewitched versus Wonder Woman.
If you really wanted to stump me you would have needed to make it Elizabeth Montgomery vs Lynda Carter, Bewitched versus Wonder Woman.
I should’ve gave you credit for your answer. I don’t think I could go with Tabitha Stevens (character name) because in the show, she’s married and her mother was awful. Plus she could put a hex on you and turn you into a newt, afterwards the towns people would have to burn her.
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?
Well, I'm up at 2:15 am (weather), so I guess I'll go first!! 1) Sharp White Vermont Cheddar! 2) Not sure, might be something to do with hymns? 3) Ooooo, I know this one!! It can spook the horses on set!!! 4) Stone! Or at least I'd try! Think baking stones on a fire pit, or a flat, slightly bevelled out stone. 5) Grapevines! I have plenty of access to them, and can be easily woven. I have read about weaving vines, guess I should practice! Would be a great thing to try this winter when I'm in the house early!! Super questions Joel, thank you!!
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?

1.) Swiss. Love it on burgers and sandwiches.

2.) No idea. I even looked it up and couldn't find anything.

3.) I didn't know that he didn't shout Action. I am stumped. I do not know why.

4.) My mechanical ability is probably around the level of a five year old. I would try to find old metal cans that could be cleaned as thoroughly as possible. Food cans mostly. Maybe a soft piece of metal that could be formed into a bowl shape, like a hubcap.

5.) I would use cloth. I am guessing that would be the material most readily available. Take the sleeves off of an old coat and close one end. If wire was available, maybe chicken wire, that could be used for a frame.

Good questions Joel. Some stumpers and some really made you think.
What is your Favorite cheese?
Ultra-sharp cheddar
What is a Sunshine train?
I...really don't know, but I'll go with what Pearl said: is it a hymn?
Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?
Not sure...again, going with Pearl's answer.
If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?
We have no shortage of clay around here and as a kid I made all kinds of things with it.
If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?
I would weave vines. We have a LOT of grape vines around here.

Great questions!
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?

I will give it ONE more try since you took the time to think up questions...

already answered 1

2: the commuter train they built in Florida to Orlando?

3: maybe he shouts " make my day" instead

4: I have a crockpot and solar to run it after SHTF , if our house gets destroyed and we have to live in the woods, I would just grill stuff on a fire

5, we have things to carry stuff in , not worried about making things, don't think we will go back to the stone ages, if a nuke war starts, we are all dead anyway
1 Pepper Jack or Colby, toss up.

2 crickets

3 Again crickets

4 I know how to work metal but if need be can hollow out wood with fire to eat out of and cook in. Clay if available.

5 Enough palm trees around here so weave some of the fronds. Pretty sure I can even make some sails too.
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?
1. What is your Favorite cheese?
So many choices! Cheese curds!

2. What is a Sunshine train? No idea!

3. Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?
No idea!

4. If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?
Clay, or ceramic.

5. If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?

Canvas! I have made/sewn aprons from canvas. I think canvas back packs would be sturdy. You definitely need good zippers and fasteners to make it come together.

I really like leather and would like a leather duffel bag. I'm sure it is kind of seen as more a more male thing than female, but I really like leather. My ex had a lovely one that he got in the Middle East when he was in the Air Force. The challenge for me is that I haven't done much work with leather.
1. What is your Favorite cheese?
Gruyere or Swiss

2. What is a Sunshine train?
A train that travels in FLA?

3. Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?
He thinks it upsets actors concentration / state of mind

4. If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?
Clay or ceramic.

5. If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHTF, what material & Technique would you use?
Leather, canvas cloth
What is your Favorite cheese? A good vintage cheddar

What is a Sunshine train? I've no idea...

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION? He doesn't need to shout, hes too cool

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use? The skulls of my enemies :D

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us? Nettle fibres
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?
1. Swiss from the Romano Cheese Factory..the best..Sicilian herbed Jack from the same place is divine too..but swiss is my ketsup..

2. ? Sounds like some hippie strain of herb..smoke this blunt n ride a train in your brain's all sunshine tho man..all 🌞 ..pass da bong cheech!

3. Emm...because he just looks at cha instead..with a stogie held in gritted teeth..make my day Mongo..

3. I have a disk from a plow I could use..or a flat rock..

4. Pillowcase would work well I suppose..wasn't it huck fin that had used a hankie and tied it on a stick?
What is your Favorite cheese?

What is a Sunshine train?

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION?

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use?

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us?

1. Deluxe American, aka Government Cheese. Tastes like taxpayer subsidies. Second to that I would say queso cheese made in the Chihuahua region of Mexico.

2. I have been warned by forum management to not talk about such things as this is a family forum. But this one time in South Korea... nope, nope, been warned too many times. ☀️🚂

3. Because he has an orangutan named Clyde to do it?

4. I would tactically enter an abandoned or mostly abandoned residential neighborhood, I would enter domiciles that appeared to be unencumbered with humans, locate a pot and take it into my possession. I am guessing there are 100,000,000+ pots and pans sitting in homes right now that would be readily available post SHTF. If a large percentage of humans survived the collapse, then I would turn to barter or provide protection in exchange for said pot/pan. While smaller than a pot, I could also use the skulls of my enemies to provide a small cooking pot or vessel in which to consume beverages before I arrive in Folkvangr and enjoy the favor of the goddess Freya.

5. Same as #4 only without the skulls. Plus I am told these grocery store sacks are supposed to last thousands of years and they are everywhere, so I should be good to go.
What is your Favorite cheese? Tillamook Extra Sharp White Cheddar.

What is a Sunshine train? Not a Clue

Why does Director Clint Eastwood never shout ACTION? Cause it's all ACTION :p

If you had to make your own cook pots after SHTF, what material & technique would you use? I don't think I will run out of Cookware, or reuseable cans.

If you had to make a basket/bag to carry after the SHIF, what material & Technique would you us? Whatever I can find when I need a basket, that college class in Basketweaving will finally pay off.
Cheese would be mozzarella. A slice of that with a slice of tomato. Mmm.
I don't know what a sunshine train is.
Don't know why about Clint Eastwood, either.
These sound like trivia questions.
Cooking pots...I have a kabillion, really, but can cook on a hot rock or a grate, too.
A basket...I use my apron alot

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