Friday Fives

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Oh geesh. I’m not keeping track of who has and hasn’t done it! You’re good! @Pearl 😍
I don’t always follow the thread. If anyone feels like it, post a list of who has had the opportunity so far but post that you’re going to do it first. 😆
If there’s anyone who is psyched up to do it after @Ozarks hillbilly please let us know!!
Joel also volunteered to help out this week, so maybe he can take next week. You guys are way ahead of me. I was out this afternoon, so I just saw Ozark Hillbilly's response. Looks like we should be good for a couple of weeks.
Great idea....Ozark then Joel...then we'll make Patch do it!!😉😃
To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?

1.) My Life by Billy Joel.

2.) The location of Asheville, NC. My wife wanted to visit the mansion, and asked be to get directions. Not only was I wrong about where it was, I was going the wrong direction. I looked on a map.

3.) I think it was 2014 or 2015 when our neighborhood was flooded. The Fire Department came through door to door alerting people that we may be stranded, A lot of very worried people concerned about not being able to get out of the subdivision. I knew we would be fine, My wife went to stay with friends (on the other side of the bridge). There was a chance she could need medical help, and would have to get to the hospital. My son and I stayed in the house. Never a worry.

4.) This one is tough. I always tried to get along with everybody. My management style was a "Moderator". I guess as my political philosophy developed, maybe in my late 20's or early 30's, I became more of a loner, and less tolerant of progressives, and people who wouldn't give 100% to the job at hand.

5.) Ginger. I loved Tina Louise. Still do. Be still my heart.

Great questions, Ozark.
To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?

1. I never do well at these. Until recently I have never listened to much music or engaged in pop culture. I heard this song once and it rang true to me, so I am going to go with "Ain't No Rest For The Wicked" by Cage the Elephant.

"Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees
I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed
There ain't nothing in this world for free
Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back
Though you know, I wish I could
Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good"

2. That the 1st Amendment somehow allows big corporations to make massive campaign contributions to politicians as a protected individual civil liberty. @Morgan101 provided case law that specified this was a matter of free speech and not assembly as deemed [incorrectly IMO] by SCOTUS but regardless making it the ruling of the court and thusly protected case law. If you want to prove your point, evidence always trumps assertions.

3. Doing dishes. Every time I went to the lady's her sink was full of dirty dishes, so I would just clean up impulsively because I am not a fan of a sink full of dirty dishes. I did not realize how much she hated doing dishes and how very endearing such a minor thing would be to her. And thusly now doing the dishes 3-4x a day has become my thing.

4. This has happened to me a few times in the military and in my love life. When everyone in the service was desperately wanting out or trying to rank up, I was setting myself up and acquiring skills that would fill the bank and keep my boots on the ground. Same with women. All my friends were getting married and starting families while I was racking up the body count never planning to settle down until I was too old to continue. I moved on from both contracting and being a man-whore, but not for decades after I didn't have a close friend still in service or single.

5. Both. But in the end you party with Ginger, you get married to Mary Anne. Lovey Howell might have been good for a roll too, but I probably wouldn't have told my buddies about it.
To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
1. Raising Hell- don't know the artist.
Sound of Silence- Disturbed
2. 3 years ago, my Irishman and I stopped fighting our attraction to each other.
3. age 5 when I started public school, before I went to Base schools.
4. age 5
5.neither, but the Professor
I think we’re all highly anticipating your answers…
I'm hurrying, I'm at work!! 1). Rhythm of the Heat by Peter Gabriel. 2) I'm not familiar with the word "wrong", I' ll have look into that one!!😉😃 3) I always have the attitude/mind set that "I have it covered"!! 4). And here it goes ......I have always known I couldn't go along to get a long! Even as a small child!! I'm bossy and controlling and like things to be done correctly!! 😮. 5). I liked both Ginger and Mary Ann! But Ginger always had herself together better! Just look at her, imagine what she would look like not on a deserted island! 🤣 Just for the record, my brother nicknamed me "Ellie" after Ellie Mae Clampet! I always had critters, could keep a handle on the boys, and didn't dress in frilly things!!
Never considered Mrs. Howell a cougar. LOL

To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?
Lynard Skynard, Simple Man. Told my wife to play it at my funeral if she out lives me.

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?
Thought I was having an severe asthma attack. Dr told me it was a heart attack instead.

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?
Most of the time. I'll study on stuff till I figure it out. One reason I get stuck with so much crap at work.

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit
As an early teen. Went to school and church with a punk/jock that tormented my ass constantly. Everyone thought he was awesome. This told me going along wasn't the correct route to take.

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Mary Anne hands down. Ginger was too snobby. I can't stand snobs. She was cute though.
1: Anything by Puccini. I can’t understand a word of it but like it anyways.
2: I am wrong on a semi regular basis. Usually little things.
3: Difficult questions to answer. There are many things others get riled up over that I will either just take care of or tell the person what happens next. I know we’ve all had “stuff” in our lives, but I think the stuff I’ve made it through puts things into perspective and allows me to see clearly (usually).
4: I was maybe 7-8 but tried of course. Then being on my own really pointed it out. About the age of 30 I was moving away from “people.” After my divorce, I’m surprised I was allowed to go out in public. Yeah, and by now, my boat is facing upstream and I’m paddling like a loon.
5: MA I guess since I always laughed at Ginger because she was so ridiculous.
To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright alright”. It’s Friday and it’s time to ask five questions. It’s late, I didn’t look at past questions and tomorrow I’ve got a long drive to make. Therefore, if I asked a repeater…then answer with your second best answer (none of us are truly one answer deep anyways). I’m not trying to be Barbara Wawa (what kind of tree would you be) but I do think some of those questions give serious insight. So here we go friends.

1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?
Weird Al Yankovic.

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?
I'd always believed that my family is a constant thing that will never change. The realization that family is not forever came when a family member went off on me for refusing the covid vax. From that moment, I stopped considering them part of my family.

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?
A few weeks ago, I was on-call for work and got a 2:00AM call about some obscure software problem. Bleary-eyed and knowing I'd never seen this stuff before, I was confident I could fix the problem. It took an hour of tracing it down, but I solved it.

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?
Way back when I was a young kid. But back then, I kinda wanted to fit in more like some of the other kids. I got over it when I was in college; caring about what other people think of me was just never something that motivated me.

That's not to say I go out of my way to tick people off. But I absolutely don't go along to get along. I prefer to think for myself. (See: covid vax refusal above)

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Mary Ann!

These were great questions!
1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?
Classifieds, CW McCall. It just kinda reminds of everything I do

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?
Yesterday, Lori told me I was wrong :p

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?
I don't think I ever "KNOW" something is covered, Murphy has a way of biting you in the butt when you least expect it.

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?
I was raised by a pack of feral engineers and machinists, after that you just don't think like "normal people"

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Mary Anne
1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why? This requires much more thinking, but Pink's 'Raise your glass' springs to mind Lyric's 'Raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways'

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it? I'm wrong often, try not to admit it publicly lol. But I have recently realised how youth makes you judge people, and also, that people change. So for instance an actor/sportsperson I always dismissed as not being nice, I've realised are not what I thought.

I recently told a cousin that there would come a moment in basic training when he would feel like, “hey, I got this, I know what I’m doing and I’ll be fine.” I believe we get these moments in life so…

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”? When I became a parent. You fake it till you make it. Also in the past 4 years, learning to care a little less about how people perceive me for doing certain things.

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different? Always felt a little like that; but see answer above. I quit work and do things a little differently. There's still room for change

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of? I remember the show being on, but I was actually too young to comment on either! I was, and still are a fan of Wonder Woman- kicking ass while wearing boots -oh yes!
1. What song (which artist) do you feel that describes you best and why?
Classifieds, CW McCall. It just kinda reminds of everything I do

2. When was the last time you were wrong about something and what made you realize it?
Yesterday, Lori told me I was wrong :p

3. When was the last time you knew “you had this covered”?
I don't think I ever "KNOW" something is covered, Murphy has a way of biting you in the butt when you least expect it.

I kinda feel that most of us on here are a bit “different” from the majority of society, if so…

4. When did you realize you couldn’t, “go along to get along” and was built a bit different?
I was raised by a pack of feral engineers and machinists, after that you just don't think like "normal people"

And because I think these are deep questions, I’ll add a lighter one. So….

5. Ginger or Mary Anne (Gilligan’s Island) and for the ladies, which woman did you think more of?
Mary Anne
Going by question #2, Lori must still be in bed!!😉
Weird Al Yankovic.

I'd always believed that my family is a constant thing that will never change. The realization that family is not forever came when a family member went off on me for refusing the covid vax. From that moment, I stopped considering them part of my family.

A few weeks ago, I was on-call for work and got a 2:00AM call about some obscure software problem. Bleary-eyed and knowing I'd never seen this stuff before, I was confident I could fix the problem. It took an hour of tracing it down, but I solved it.

Way back when I was a young kid. But back then, I kinda wanted to fit in more like some of the other kids. I got over it when I was in college; caring about what other people think of me was just never something that motivated me.

That's not to say I go out of my way to tick people off. But I absolutely don't go along to get along. I prefer to think for myself. (See: covid vax refusal above)

Mary Ann!

These were great questions!
OK, I'm just going to duplicate all of BKT's answers except for the computer one. Same song, same covid thoughts, same Mary Ann (I don't think much of Gingers). So for the problem solving... weird stuff happens when we have company, and the company freaks out. I usually just roll with it. Like last Thanksgiving our houseguests from New Mexico decided to drive their Corvette here. Well we had the snow of the century, and they were stuck here for a couple weeks instead of a couple days. I thought that was too much for them. And I had stuff to do...keep the fire going, get the meals cooked for everyone, had an animal run cave in that I had to fix because there were a dz turkeys in there and they put on boots and tried to help then freaked out. Ha. Couldn't stand the constant tv and smart phones out of boredom. I got a dz meat chickens butchered on the porch by myself. They'd peek out the window now and again. So they're coming again, will be arriving in 3 weeks actually. Planning on staying four days this time. Last summer we had a sis and her husband and the New Mexico people again stay a week and husband ended up in the hospital for the week. Sis and husband were jerks and NM people really stepped up. Always something weird goes on with company.

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