Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?

1.) Yes. Having been a Road Warrior I always appreciated a heads-up.

2.) A beach on a tropical island. Hawaii comes to mind, but I would like to see a lot of the others.

3.) I have a hand carved bust of my Mother when she was 5 years old, that was carved by my Great Grandfather. We have a kitchen clock, and a set of china kitchen canisters from my Grandmother that are about 120 years old. The kitchen clock was an original 8 day clock. For those that never heard it, look up the old adage.

4.) The family bible, and our legal binder that holds our entire life.

5.) Probably History, but Civics would be a close second.

Does anybody want to volunteer for next week? I'm not sure who has done it, and who hasn't.
Sorry, Pearl. I had to do KP. Here we go!!

1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?

1. Absofreakinglutely! I have lost a lot of money to speed traps and even had to take a safe driving course or two to keep from having my license suspended. There are even smart phone apps for marking speed traps.

2. A reasonably sized deserted island with fresh water, ample natural food sources, and enough weapons, tools and basic supplies to ensure self-sufficiency and safety for the rest of our days. Also a still for making homemade liquor.

3. That's a tough one. Probably that old Colt .38 my dad gave me when I was a kid to protect myself with when he wasn't home. Made me feel safe. I don't really have anything from my egg donor except one photo and never knew any grandparents.

4. Just human beings. Everything else I own is replaceable. Although if Charlene was in the garage I would probably take the risk of getting her started and out of there. She is replaceable too, but don't tell her I said that.

5. Home economics. So many ladies, so little competition. Home Ec produced at least 14-15 different girlfriends through the course of high school, including a teaching assistant from a local college when I was 16. Although she may have been under the mistaken impression that I was an 18 year old senior. She was pretty mad when she found out otherwise, but we still dated for another month or so.

Well done @Morgan101, thanks for stepping up!
Great questions Morgan.

1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?
Yep. I travel a long ways to get home every weekend, appreciate it when someone warns me, I like to pass that along.

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?
Home, I don’t get much time here on weekends, but retirement is coming soon.

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?
My wife bought me a great guitar from her last check before becoming a stay at home mom. The most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. And the rifle my grandma bought my grandpa years ago.

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?
If all humans are out, the animals then the briefcase with important files in it. Like someone else has said, everything else is replaceable.

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?
I was always good at math, but really liked history. My senior year however, we got a new English teacher, 22 and hot. I relayed liked flirting with her in class and won’t say anything else about that
1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them? Oh yes!

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be? Somewhere remote and fully off grid

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most? The leather biker jacket which my husband gave me when we were dating our first Christmas together, and a few childhood books

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire? Humans, animals, papers

5.) What was your favorite subject in school? Art
Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
No these questions have not been asked before.
These are the type of questions I would ask.
1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?

Yes. I haven't done that in decades, but I used to. I always appreciated it when I was the recipient.

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?

I am a home body, love to be home and don't like traveling much any more. But if I could be anywhere, I would like to go to the villages of my ancestors in Czechia, Rhineland and Bavaria, Germany and Limburg, The Netherlands. I have done 100s of hours of research for these people, and have found images of their records, homes and land they farmed.

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?

I have a few.
I have a vase that held flowers at my mother's funeral.
One of my grandfathers was a butcher. I have his hand meat grinder. I always wondered if they also used that to grind wheat to make flour.
My great grandmother had a brother in Wisconsin that made a spinning wheel for her out of an apple tree from his yard. I have it now. It is old and rickety. I spun wool on it briefly, but bought myself a Schacht. G grandma's spinning wheel is more of a conversation piece and something that I want to have it put in the historical museum in my hometown where there is a trunk, one of 3 that g grandfather, her husband, made for bringing their things when they sailed to America. He was a blacksmith. One of the trunks, with his tools, never made it. It was stolen either on the docks in Germany or on a dock in America. I have a piece of his equipment that he used, a hand grinder, that attaches to a post.

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?

My notebooks containing daughters and my genealogy, credentials, photos, Montessori albums (100's of hours in making them).

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?

Art. I am not a great artist, but I like making things. Art class was a place where I could create and it was therapeutic for me. I did receive a few awards, but don't let that fool you. I am not a great artist. I like to make things like embroidery, quilting, ceramics, wood working.
1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them? Oh yes!

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be? Somewhere remote and fully off grid

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most? The leather biker jacket which my husband gave me when we were dating our first Christmas together, and a few childhood books

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire? Humans, animals, papers

5.) What was your favorite subject in school? Art
1. Yes and No depends if I am on patrol that shift.
2. Somewhere that feels like home.
I am soldier, I have lived all over the world.
Some where that makes me feel like I've come home, peaceful.
3. The Christmas baubles my sons made me of their hand prints when they started school.
4. Safe filled with important papers.
5. Science
Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
1. Most politicians are ate up with dumb a******.
Positive thing they're not running for re-elections.
2. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane for night jump and landing in water.
No not doing that again.
3.Spicy version of Mo's version of Tex- Mex.
And I like spicy food.
4. Can't or won't answer because the so- called forum police will turn me in again.
And I would be banned from forum, I've been warned by the so called forum police.
5. You should pick a name or something you love.
So my new name will be "Coffee".
It sings with my real name.
That and I have a warped military sense of humor.
Sorry, Pearl. I had to do KP. Here we go!!

1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?
No. But I do it if a deer is on the side of the road or other animal. People drive too fast

I like where we live now. But if it was just for a day to visit China or some beach in Thailand ( if I didn't have to fly there)

don't have any, maybe some photo albums

depends on if it is just the house or a forest fire and how close it is and how much time I have, animals first, then what's in the safe, then anything else I can manage to get out without burning to a crisp, no homeowner insurance

4. Can't or won't answer because the so- called forum police will turn me in again.
And I would be banned from forum, I've been warned by the so called forum police.
I can't imagine what you could possibly write as an answer for this that would get you banned....everyone should be able to believe what they want. I am sure nobody on here agrees with my #4 but nobody tried to ban me.....
Sorry, Pearl. I had to do KP. Here we go!!

1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?
Oh yeah

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?
Up in the mountains

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?
Grandma's coin collection, and tools from various family members

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire?
Wife, dog, important papers, laptop, thumb drive

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?
History, and girls
Sorry, Pearl. I had to do KP. Here we go!!

1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them?
Of course!

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?
Right here.

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most?
Photos first, but next would probably be the last coin my dad and I purchased - a 1759 Spanish Milled Dollar in AU condition. He and I were big into collecting coins and I know this one was his favorite. It's now my favorite.

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire? house? Failing that, anything living in my house. Then photos, and the bug-out bag of paperwork and other things we have prepared.

5.) What was your favorite subject in school?
Probably math. I wasn't impressed with any of the subjects, but I really enjoyed the optional computer and electronics classes I took. I learned a lot from those that I actually used later in life.

Excellent questions!!
1.) If you see a Police Officer parked in their car in an area you would consider a "speed trap" do you flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them? Never, I hate speeders. I hate tailgaters more. But I did flash my lights at an oncoming car outside of Skagway when we saw a boulder roll down the side of a mountain and stop in his lane.

2.) If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be? Warm weather: front porch with a good cigar. Cold weather: in my recliner, a cup of coffee, good book, and fire in the woodstove.

3.) What keepsakes or family heirlooms do you treasure most? My Eagle Scout medal.

4.) What would you save if your house caught on fire? The computer and the two quilts my wife has made.

5.) What was your favorite subject in school? Shop

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