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Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
I still don't know.
Rolling down a 300-yard hill in a D-9 tire fan-tailing tequila puke.
Hard to answer, I get new examples daily.
Personal advisor or Grand Vizier.
Shooting and STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl.
Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
these questions are getting harder every week!!!

1. the very first thing I wanted to be when I was a kid was a farmer. I loved being on my aunts farm and I already had a husband picked out too, Wolfgang, a distant relative ( like second cousin or something) who lived on the farm down the road and I helped out when they let me. I also wanted to be an Olympic skier, and when I was a teenager a rock star. Ended up a civil engineer and now....a farmer LOL

2. birth of my kids

3. life has not been very kind, can't say

4. defense secretary

5. Settlers of Catan and skiing
The pressure is off Patch, you did it, great questions!!🤸 1) I always wanted to work with horses and did for a good part of my life! I'm glad I don't now!! 2) My job interview day on a big ranch when I first moved to Texas. I had to saddle and ride a bunch of horses and move cattle. 3) I used to help an elderly lady I cleaned for with things like shopping and taking her to appointments. Her son gave me a car!! 4) I would never want anything to do with working in politics! 5) I always loved horse racing. I also loved running, I can't anymore. And if I count those two as one thing "running", I can add in playing baseball. I don't watch it, but I love to play!!
1 Told my grandma when I was 3 that I wanted to be a garbage man. I thought riding on the back of the truck looked fun.
Actual first thing was a auto mechanic, which I did for a few years. And that led to electronics/industrial maintenance
2 For a past job I was sent to Vienna Austria for 3 months to learn to repair and operate 3 production lines of automated equipment. Learned a ton, got to take 2 pneumatic classes. And had nights and weekends to explore the area. So much history, fantastic architecture, and outside the city was amazing. Made multiple trips to both Salzburg and Innsbruck.
3 My grandparents helping my mom out and taking care of me after her divorce and going back to work. They taught me so much
4 Hard choice here, but probably Secretary of the Interior,
5 Chess and Backpacking, close 3rd would be motorcycle racing, but I gave that up after high school
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1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Forest Ranger

2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
The day I found my wife. It was a real miracle that I'll have to tell you about sometime.

3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
Wife bringing me a warm towel from the dryer after a shower.

4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
Secretary of Education

5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
NFL football (until players started kneeling) and the Iditarod.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Major League Baseball player
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
When we got married or the days when my children were born.

3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
There’s been a lot, but I’d say it’s been when complete strangers have paid for a meal without me knowing it when I was in uniform. Dont think I ever got to say thank you as they always seemed to slip out before I found out.

4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
Secretary of Defense

5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
Baseball and football
1: an artist
2: Aside from Hubby and kids - I worked at a place once where I was completely alone out in the middle of nowhere, could see into 4 states from one place there and knowing the closest human being was over an hour away. There is a special kind of peace in such a place.
3: When my kids were little a wonderful gal babysat them. One day they went to our house and cleaned it while I was at work so came home to a clean house. So many more but that one popped into my head when I read the question.
4: like @Cabin Fever Education but also like @Pearl I want nothing to do with politics.
5: I’m not really a game person, not competitive at all and willingly lose if I think it will make someone’s day to win.
I got to see all the gramchilgruns today! That rarely happens.
I wonder if @Bacpacker is up for the week. You game?
Yeah I'm game. Or is that GAMEY?? :ghostly:

I figured somebody would nail me with this at some point. Gave it some thought and had a list of questions to ask....Now where's my list???

Some body better remind me Thursday!!!! :Dancing Chicken: :Dancing Chicken:
Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
1. National Park Ranger. I knew a farm boy that went to college and became a Park Ranger. We could see him at the NP near where we lived in VA.
2. Too many. Most recent, hearing I’m a grandma, again. And the euphoric feeling of seeing stars in every direction from horizon to horizon.
3. One of many. A friend gave us their older van, worked fine.
Years ago: We were away on a Christmas Day one year, all the kids were under 18. We got home and someone had stuffed our sitting car with many wrapped gifts.
Years ago: Never used welfare or food stamps, but one day a dear friend stopped by with groceries. He knew. I cried.
4. Secretary of Transportation
5. Used to have Cosmic Wimpout game, total fun. Can’t find the original. Egyptian Rat Slap card game with my daughters. Pool, I enjoy the billiards.
1: an artist
2: Aside from Hubby and kids - I worked at a place once where I was completely alone out in the middle of nowhere, could see into 4 states from one place there and knowing the closest human being was over an hour away. There is a special kind of peace in such a place.
3: When my kids were little a wonderful gal babysat them. One day they went to our house and cleaned it while I was at work so came home to a clean house. So many more but that one popped into my head when I read the question.
4: like @Cabin Fever Education but also like @Pearl I want nothing to do with politics.
5: I’m not really a game person, not competitive at all and willingly lose if I think it will make someone’s day to win.
Come on over for game night, I'm crazy competitive!! 😉🏃⛹️🤾🚴🏇🤺
Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
Young again.
Child being birthed.
A neighbor taught me his trade, which I still use today, fifty year later.
Rummy & fishing.
Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.

Sorry for the late reply. We were out of town.

1. Play centerfield for the New York Yankees.
2. The birth of our daughter.
3. This one is really hard. Maybe getting my first real adult job, and getting the opportunity from my first boss. It was the starting point of a very rewarding career.
4. Secretary of Education. I would fire all the Libtards, and go back to basics.
5. Can't limit it to two. Baseball, Volleyball, and Golf.
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We will do this early, so you have something to think about with your Morning coffee.

1. Name a person that you most admire.
2. If you could go bck in time what period or event would you most like to see?
3. What place would you most like to visit?
4. What event would you most like to attend?
5, What was/is your dream car?

I will wait for some responses before I give my answers.

Alas, the question of what LadyLocust wears to bed at night will have to remain one of the great mysteries of the universe; right up there with Why do tornadoes always hit trailer parks, and Why do Kamikazee pilots wear helmets?
1. My Dad
2. Steam train era
3. Mars 🤣
4. Gettysburg address
Not waiting.
Heheh. These are essay questions.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.
1. Me
2. Buying my house
3. Mom and Dad raising me
4. Department of Justice
5. Survival, for a game and a sport. ;)

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