Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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@amish @hashbrown @Lenny and I are going to start a gang, but instead of Harley's we are all going to drive Dodge muscle cars and run electric vehicles off the road.
Yep, I'm in.
Yesterday when I was at the amish grocery, the young amish girl running the register asked if that was my Challenger. Ha Ha. I told her it was, and she said she LOVED my car. I told her that I love skidding it out on the dirt roads here, and she cracked up.

T = total estimated weight of building in lbs
N = number of carriers.
W = median weight carrying capacity of carriers in lbs.


N= T/W

Add a safety margin.


Naa, there's an easier way...
You just count the legs and divide by 2! :p
How many "whacks" does it take to take down an old silo? Or how many people whacking? Got to be a formula for that, too. I've seen it done on youtube. We have three silos. One of my cousins says he wants one, so I told him I'd put his name (Jay Yoder) on a sticky note on one and he can come pick it up.