Friday Fives

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It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
1. Small town. Went to school with mostly the same group of kids k -12. A few came n went over the years but small rural redneck schools so everyone went to the same parties..and most groups had a mix...mulitasked rednecks I guess..athletes, nerds, cowboys n girls, some dis fancy horse shies, others strait rodeos, track cheer softball choir, honor roll..
I went to my friends highschool graduation in Gilroy ca..near more city areas and the school kids politics were well defined and it was a culture shock. Her classmates were *******s..

2. Pups, barn cats, 2 aging 🐐, a slew of chickens n turkeys and all my trees n bushes that give me delicious fruit for my efforts.
And my lime tree..she's a sweet me limes.

3. Back yard for my view n chilling..bed when I'm tired, lazy chair for being for puttering..middle of field when I'm contemplating the universe..

4. Just what I always do..get stuff done n relax

5. Both..I love it all..I just have to control my gluttony

Fun questions..!!
That's why it didn't work out. It was 100% his fault for being named wrong.
No, that wasn't it at all.
I can share a lot of things but my husband isn't one of the things I will share.
My marriage was crowded: me,my husband, and his girlfriend was in it.
Wasn't room for me and our sons.
Hence why I have trust issues.
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Two Linux (Mint) computers, a couple Raspberry Pi's running Linux, and two Windows computers.

Tomatoes! Lots of varieties - please don't make me choose!

Three cats, a dog and a Senegal parrot. The parrot is the boss.

Favorite TV show would be Firefly. I really don't watch TV anymore. Favorite radio program is probably Echoes. I used to regularly listen to The Survival Podcast by Jack Spirko, but I haven't in a while. Maybe I'll listen to TSP today while I work.

Great questions!
Almost my bedtime and have been awake since about 2:30 am. When I first read you had two linux, I thought it was the pet question and read it as 2 linx and thought is that legal? - then reread 🙄
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
There were 46 people in my graduating class, so we didn't really break into groups or cliques. But I was friends with the computer dorks, being one of them.

2. What living things do you take care of every day?
Myself, my wife, three cats, a dog and a parrot.

3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
In the living room in front of a fire with the TV off. Unless it's summer, then my favorite place is probably my home office.

4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
Hiking in the woods or walking for miles along the Eerie canal.

5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
Savory, so that means salty. Probably smoked ribs or brisket is my favorite.
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
Athletes and nerds, small school
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
Cats, dog, chickens and the garden
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
Garage and my bar that can sit 8 people
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing? Depending on the time of the year, watching sports, fishing or hunting
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?salty either a good steak or ribs

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