Friday Fives

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1)What is your personal anthem or quote? If this is the worst it gets, I’m doing pretty good
2)What is your favorite memory with your family when you were a child? Anytime we were with my giant extended family and the guitars came out and all the singing that came with it
3)When was the last time you climbed a tree? Last week
4)Where or what is your personal heaven or place to be? Just at home with my wife and kids
5) Are you afraid to die? No, I know where I’m going, but I hate the thought of not seeing my little ones grow up
My parents were members of a fan club. The club set up pen pals for service members. They wrote letters and decided to marry never having met. They met two days before they were married.

I met The Princess when she had a large disk drive acting up and I was chosen to fix it.

My life is an unbelievable sequence of blessings. I could not imagine making it any better. So no changes.

When The Princess said " I do".

I was born with cleft palette. A dozen or more surgeries before I was in the 7th grade to repair the cleft and correct complications.

"I am woman" was my old answer just for the comic show. Not a choice these days.

Whatever rifle the Navy used to train recruiters back 76. I believe it was a bolt action riffle. 48 years ago so not sure.

Nice questions!

It's been awhile since your post about Pen Pals - - this site could use Pen Pals. Great subject.
Okay, I know this is early, but otherwise it would be late! I apologize if any of these are repeats. Here we go:
1)What is your personal anthem or quote?
2)What is your favorite memory with your family when you were a child?
3)When was the last time you climbed a tree?
4)Where or what is your personal heaven or place to be?
5) Are you afraid to die?
1. not sure
2. LOL NOT being with my family but staying at my aunt's farm
3. last time I picked apples, probably a few weeks ago, but its not a very high tree
4. not sure , I like living where we live now
5 . no, but afraid of getting there ( the suffering before you die, unless you just drop dead)
1)What is your personal anthem or quote? I have a tendency to say 'Yeah..No..' so much a relation bought me a t-shirt with it on!
But I do have a couple, normally directed at my kids- the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few; make a decision, the road is full of squirrels that couldn't; and in the case of females dressing inappropriately 'Boobs or legs, not both' :D

2)What is your favorite memory with your family when you were a child? As the eldest, when Mum wanted the smaller ones out of her way I would get a Mothercare catalog, each would pick a baby and 'shop' for it - we would spend hours doing that curled up on the couch
3)When was the last time you climbed a tree? Half a tree,earlier in the year
4)Where or what is your personal heaven or place to be? At home or Alaska
5) Are you afraid to die? Afraid, no, (unless its tomorrow in which case I'm not ready) it's the lead up to it I would worry about.

Thank you - not sure who posted these
1) Have you ever seen a ghost? --- No, but I've heard them.
2) Have you ever witnessed anything a ghost has move around? --- yes
3) How many countries have you been to? Here in the US, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Vietnam and Mexico.
4) What is the highest altitude you've been to? (Not in a plane) --- About 11,000 feet in New Mexico
5) How many states have you been to? --- 43.
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1) Have you ever seen a ghost?
2) Have you ever witnessed anything a ghost has move around.
3) How many countries have you been to?
4) What is the highest altitude you've been to? (Not in a plane)
5) How many states have you been to?
You were supposed to wait until FRIDAY! 😮😉 We might make you do a second set of questions this coming Friday! For the record, this is my bad, I asked if he would do the next questions and he doesn't participate in Friday Fives! Great questions by the way Lenny!!
You were supposed to wait until FRIDAY! 😮😉 We might make you do a second set of questions this coming Friday! For the record, this is my bad, I asked if he would do the next questions and he doesn't participate in Friday Fives! Great questions by the way Lenny!!

Oh lawdy you dun stepped in it now @Lenny! Auntie @Pearl fixin to get the switch!
You were supposed to wait until FRIDAY! 😮😉 We might make you do a second set of questions this coming Friday! For the record, this is my bad, I asked if he would do the next questions and he doesn't participate in Friday Fives! Great questions by the way Lenny!!
Oh. I can copy it, delete it and repost it on Friday. Would that work?
Alright, I'm answering Lenny's pre-Friday Fives!! 1) Just a hazy image! There is a ghost in the building I clean. 2) Yes! A chair at the break table in the building. And the ghost would turn the kitchen faucet on in the break room! 3) One, America. 4) Not sure. 5) At least a dozen.
I've done three of these in as many days 😂 glad they are so popular!
1) Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes - at a previous job
2) Have you ever witnessed anything a ghost has move around? Yes
3) How many countries have you been to? 10 that I can think of now
4) What is the highest altitude you've been to? Other than a plane, I'm not sure - been on a few mountains
5) How many states have you been to? 13 (with plans for others!)

Thank you@Lenny
Why not, I like these questions.

1) Have you ever seen a ghost? Maybe, I seen a young girl walk through our house when I was younger, thought it was my sister. When I ran to check on my sister (in the opposite direction) she was asleep in bed. I know I saw that girl and I know it wasn’t sis. But was it only my imagination or the ghost of the girl who was buried in our front yard a century earlier?
2) Have you ever witnessed anything a ghost has move around? No
3) How many countries have you been to? Including the U.S., 12
4) What is the highest altitude you've been to? Not on a plane, 11,240ish
5) How many states have you been to? I’ve been to all 50 and 3 territories. With the family that number is only 45, that’ll be remedied in the next two years.

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