Love little vignettes like this, you describe all the stuff you have found in your yard. I post some of my stuff like this in @Pearl 's thread about her property. Comparing notes. I used to find living toads in bags of open potting soil or tucked into a flower pot with a plant.Wasn’t sure where else to put this, but the garden time has been good this year. I’ve seen hummingbirds — we’ve never had them in our yard — nearby, but not in. Today I saw a new-to-me bumblebee with a broad orange stripe, didn’t get a picture or it’d be in the Post a Photo thread.
The rabbits think our apples are the best. So do the squirrels. I can’t argue. If we have fat and happy rabbits and squirrels eating the apples, that’s fine by me, we’ve got more than we can eat, and frankly more than I can reach, even with the pole picker.
It’ll sound weird to say this, but I found the corpse of a frog, too. A frog! Fully grown, not a baby. We don’t even have a fountain on our property, although I would like to get one, or a birdbath, or something. I’m thrilled they’re even here, and it makes me feel good that my place is somewhere the wildlife are enjoying, even in the middle of the suburbs.
(Yes I know this means we probably have rats and mice too — but we also have at least one garter snake, so there’s that.)
We do have wild rabbits! Not too many, since most of our neighbors have dogs, and there are hawks and owls in the neighborhood.Love little vignettes like this, you describe all the stuff you have found in your yard. I post some of my stuff like this in @Pearl 's thread about her property. Comparing notes. I used to find living toads in bags of open potting soil or tucked into a flower pot with a plant.
Today I noticed the squirrel had dug a deeper hole, about 3 inches and later saw that he had his hind legs and part of his butt in the hole.
Anything to keep cool, I water the soil there at least once a day to assist.
Those apples sound good. You have wild rabbits? Something has been washing up in the bird bath, I guess a raccoon there too.
One this little plot of land, less than 1/4 acre, we have had snakes, large spiders, and continually see Texas spiny lizard, Mediterranean geckos, and anoles. A few birds are coming by again.
TY TY TY!!!!!Hey yall, I'm gonna yell about this everywhere! Did you know that you can change your screen to dark mode here on the forum now? It used to be in the older software, or something, and now because someone asked, dear @Swing put in the order ticket for it and we've got dark mode. Check it out!!
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