Garden 2021

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I still have a big bin of seed. Some of it is getting old, but most of the spring stuff I plant in flats to get it going anyway, and then transplant. Last year I went to Menards in the spring and they had a great selection at good prices. I'll probably go again, but do also like to order strange stuff from Baker Creek. Also saved seed from the snap peas and the squashes this year.
Got the garden plowed up over the weekend, always looks sad this time of year.

It needs something badly, haven't decide exactly what yet. The last 2 summers weather has been extreme. But something tells me that wasn't the only issue.

I know it needs poop from over around the hay rings, needs triple 13, badly needs a few hundred pounds of crushed volcanic rock. Time for soil testing for sure. I need to reestablish a baseline.

Home 4oct 1 a .JPG
Home 4oct 2  a.JPG
Tonight after work I went out to cut the legs for my solar panels (which will be over a raised bed in the middle of the garden) as I was gathering materials I looked over and noticed some red on the tomatoes, so I stopped early to pick a few, got 4 gallons off them. I harvested on Friday and canned on Saturday and Sunday, at this rate I will be canning again next Monday...
Last year Oct. 1, I pulled my tomato plants I was to tired of tomatoes and had done so many. This year, I am still at it and am going to take all I can get. We also have beans growing like crazy which I'm thankful for . I don't need any more green beans canned, but we're eating them fresh and leaving some for beans. Something just keeps telling me to store up as much as I can. I picked 3 big bowls of tomatoes this evening and will try to get them juiced before work tomorrow.
@Bacpacker What kind of squash are those?
I was going to try to make it to our little farm-store down the road that has good things, but they close at 5 and I couldn't get out of work early enough. Maybe tomorrow. I want to get some more onions and spaghetti squash and a few delicatas. I have dug a little deeper in growing squashes that won't cross w/ pumpkins. I have giant pumpkins to the east and regular to the west. That eliminates 2 of the 4 squash groups. I can grow cushaw or butternuts. I like cushaw so maybe next spring.
(PS thank you everyone who chimed in on the 4 squash types thread.) Seems like there's always more to learn.

LadyL, I figured out the seed for the squash. I still don't know the true name. But I got the seed from a friend of mine, who was gifted them by an old timer near his house. I call them Woody's squash LOL.
I've tried to grow these for 4-5 years since he gave me the seed and I had never gotten a ripe one, vines always died. I was down to about enough seed to plant one more year. I'll have plenty now. I got about 20 from 4 plants.
LadyL, I figured out the seed for the squash. I still don't know the true name. But I got the seed from a friend of mine, who was gifted them by an old timer near his house. I call them Woody's squash LOL.
I've tried to grow these for 4-5 years since he gave me the seed and I had never gotten a ripe one, vines always died. I was down to about enough seed to plant one more year. I'll have plenty now. I got about 20 from 4 plants.

do you have a picture to show what the fruit looks like?
LadyL, I figured out the seed for the squash. I still don't know the true name. But I got the seed from a friend of mine, who was gifted them by an old timer near his house. I call them Woody's squash LOL.
I've tried to grow these for 4-5 years since he gave me the seed and I had never gotten a ripe one, vines always died. I was down to about enough seed to plant one more year. I'll have plenty now. I got about 20 from 4 plants.
I saw this and didn't have time to respond, then forgot 🥴 Sorry.
So do they taste like pumpkins or squash? (don't know how else to ask that.) I'm not a big fan of pumpkin, but like some squash. If they are more squash flavored, I might like to try some.
There is one I'd like to try called "mashed potato" squash. Evidently quite like mashed spuds but way fewer carbs. I need to look into which of the 4 types it is.
I saw this and didn't have time to respond, then forgot 🥴 Sorry.
So do they taste like pumpkins or squash? (don't know how else to ask that.) I'm not a big fan of pumpkin, but like some squash. If they are more squash flavored, I might like to try some.
There is one I'd like to try called "mashed potato" squash. Evidently quite like mashed spuds but way fewer carbs. I need to look into which of the 4 types it is.
Pumpkin=winter squash
summer quash= squash
Mashed potato squash is like sweet potato, not white potatoes. In fact all winter squaash can be used to make sweet potato pie.
Pumpkin=winter squash
summer quash= squash
Mashed potato squash is like sweet potato, not white potatoes. In fact all winter squaash can be used to make sweet potato pie.
Yea, I don't know how to ask what my taste buds are requesting. I guess when I said squash, I meant like a delicata, cushaw, or lighter flavor - nonpumpkiny. It's that pumpkin flavor I don't care for. Summer squash are a whole 'nuther thing (to my taste buds.)
I saw this and didn't have time to respond, then forgot 🥴 Sorry.
So do they taste like pumpkins or squash? (don't know how else to ask that.) I'm not a big fan of pumpkin, but like some squash. If they are more squash flavored, I might like to try some.
There is one I'd like to try called "mashed potato" squash. Evidently quite like mashed spuds but way fewer carbs. I need to look into which of the 4 types it is.
We haven't ate one yet. I'll have to get back to you on that.
field report...early sunglow produced in a very narrow time frame i had before first frost. its not a sugary enhanced type..but a standard sweet corn....its not bad but not great either..but its dang good considering time frame and i am only person i know in my area getting fresh sweet corn from garden in i count it as a was a small patch wide as my arms ...4 rows in that width and approx 20 feet long...pulled 77 ears from it. not bad for late planting and first part was drought.
Last week I discovered that slugs are eating my young spinach as soon as they come up, yesterday I went out and opened pubs in all my raised beds, even bought a couple rounds on the house.. ;) Then I replanted my spinach and hand watered it, we will see. Our temperatures are now 60-70s in the day time and night times have seen low 50s so I closed the lids on my raised beds and will ignore them for a while.

I have a pile of peppers ready to harvest now and the tomatoes are loaded, hopefully this will be the last weekend of canning for a while.....

My okra harvest this year was just sad, we got enough for a few dinners but not enough to put up for winter (usually I get enough to freeze it after breading and then just fry it up when I get the urge, but not this year). :(

Last night we had summer squash casserole for dinner, I think we have 2 more of them in the freezer. :)
most people in my area let garden go towards end of gets hot and dry and disease run through garden with our humidity. i just decided to not give up. i usually dont but this year i put more effort in it and planted more as well.

early sunglow corn,straight neck yellow squash and bullnose sweet peppers


basket of corn and a giant volunteer walking onion growing in its rows.i was going to chop all corn stalks into garden with cutter so i pulled onion.that dang thing was as tall as my crotch .

Checked my beds last night and found several good size green tomatoes on plant I thought had died. No frost in the forecast so I'll get them for sure. Still getting some peppers here and there. Picked 5 volunteer sugar baby watermelons too. Tomato plants had grown over them so the deer didn't find those.
Tomatoes plants loaded with green tomatoes still.
Good thing I only planted 4 plants.
Still got carrots in the ground.
Sweet potatoes are still chartuese green.
So haven't been dug yet.
Eggplant has blossoms on it.
Even got black diamond watermelon still growing in the raised beds.
One squash is still blooming.
Go figure.
Yesterday, I did another harvest of egg plant, tomatoes and peppers. I think I need to harvest the last of the green beans today and pull the okra plants. The replanted spinach is doing well, the slugs are all hung over after falling into the beer traps... I will be starting my indoor plants this week for my over winter greens.... Life is good.

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