Wow, what a load. That'll make anything grow
Good point.Yesterday I ordered some more seeds (the wife found something I had to have), some insect netting, and some high hoops for insect control this year. Last year I had container broccoli growing well between my raised beds for tomatoes but the caterpillars got to it. This year I plan to net the whole works (kinda like mosquito netting over a bed) to keep the butterflies from landing.
My indoor growing station is now full of plants and the outdoor solar is now powering the grow lights 50% of the time.
Over the next 3 weeks I plan to double my outdoor solar and turn on my water collection system: The 10 day weather forecast has 4 days with 20 degree nights and from there on the lows should be just above freezing, so once I am past that point I will start filling my rain barrels. It is amazing how much easier things are when all you have to do is install 2 caps and close 1 valve to turn the collection system on. This year I will be able to use the solar to drive my irrigation pump, so I am slowly moving to a sustainable system.
You need a pet chicken. Don't feed it veggies or scraps - it will eat your bugs.Yesterday I ordered some more seeds (the wife found something I had to have), some insect netting, and some high hoops for insect control this year. Last year I had container broccoli growing well between my raised beds for tomatoes but the caterpillars got to it. This year I plan to net the whole works (kinda like mosquito netting over a bed) to keep the butterflies from landing.
My indoor growing station is now full of plants and the outdoor solar is now powering the grow lights 50% of the time.
Over the next 3 weeks I plan to double my outdoor solar and turn on my water collection system: The 10 day weather forecast has 4 days with 20 degree nights and from there on the lows should be just above freezing, so once I am past that point I will start filling my rain barrels. It is amazing how much easier things are when all you have to do is install 2 caps and close 1 valve to turn the collection system on. This year I will be able to use the solar to drive my irrigation pump, so I am slowly moving to a sustainable system.
Thanks for your posts, I'm enjoying following your progress!I have a bed of outdoor onions with about 1" of new growth above the soil line. I now have spinach at every stage of growth from seedling to ready to harvest big leaves growing in my outdoor raised beds, I will be harvesting on Sunday.
7 of the strawberry roots I planted in the house now have green growth showing, I think I will just keep them in the house.
This is the first time that I can remember the outdoor raised beds producing all year, usually between January and March they just give up but not this year.
I am getting closer to my goal of having a year round growing operation, now I just need to get it to be economical.....
Then again I may not need to reduce costs much, inflation may increase the cost of store bought veggies to match my costs
Agreed.I might be a little anxious. I planted radishes and scallions a week or so ago (outside) before snowy weather so I might be seeing them soon - or they rotted and I will reseed.
I've started a few things inside, but today: I transplanted 16 hollyhocks & 36 anaheim peppers from flats to cells/pots. I also planted cabbage, broccoli, 3 kinds of tomatoes, savory and lettuce. Will see what happens. I haven't even started on the flowers yet. Well, except for the hollyhocks. Those seeds were several years old so I didn't actually think they would germinate. I have some other seeds I will do the same with. If they are that old, they need to be dealt with.
Great pictures!!Here are a few pics I took today. I've got garlic growing in 3 different beds, Also have asparagus starting to come up. Lay out of my beds so far. And the inside of one of my new beds being filled.
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Looking good Elk. Is that Martin’s garlic descendants?
The only seeds I start outdoors in my covered raised beds in winter are spinach, they seem to like the cold to get started, then I bring them back inside to grow. I tend to start my seeds inside, then I move them to larger pots and eventually outdoors. I have some onions, parsley, oregano, and a little spinach that make it thorugh the winter under the covered raised beds, but that's about it.Started my summer veggies this morning.
Doing the old seeds in a paper towel in a baggie
Doing zukes, cukes, tomatoes, cantaloupes. peppers
I have to go back and start more seeds that I tried starting in the greenhouse weeks ago. Nothing germinated even though I was using heat mats and grow lights.
So much for following that guy in zone 7 Md and his cold frame seed starting info.
I'll start the seeds in paper towels and see if that works. Hopefully I'll get some starts to plant before it gets too hot.
I won't make that mistake next year
Live and learn