Garden 2022

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I suggest folks get to their garden centers (or wherever) and stock up on soil amendments now or very soon.
I have to get to the hardware store and get some compost before its all gone this week.
I went to walmart this morning because last year I bought some plastic half barrels for $15.45. This year they're up to $18.17 each.
I also found (finally!!) some 10-10-10 fertilizer. I haven't been able to find it anywhere here for about 2 years now.
I got a 40# bag for $14.62
Also grabbed 2 different kind of seed potatoes already having germinated, it looks like. They were $3.24 each. Got a golden and a red.
Bought more veggie seeds for next year :p I can't pass a seed rack without either looking or buying it seems. I'm really bad with that.

Started more seeds in paper towels. Bok choy, spinach, cabbage, more bunching onions and strawberry seeds

Oh and I splurged and bought me a pretty pink pair of garden gloves :)
Well yesterday it got to 80F and rained, last night it got into the 30s and the high today is in the low 40s, rest of the week expected to be in the 40s and 50s followed be a freeze over the weekend. I hope the beets I planted on Sunday make it through all this shifting weather. They are in one of the 5 raised beds that are not covered and they have no protection from the cold swings, but they are on the south side of the house and get full sun, time will tell.

The broccoli and cabbage I moved outside seem to be doing okay, they are cold weather plants and can handle temperatures into the high 20s, but the 60 mile an hour winds we have been having is not helping them any....
Put a bucket over the beets?


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All of my cucumber seeds germinated already. It hasn't been a week yet. The seeds are from 2 years ago.
The new yellow pear tomato seeds germinated too
And some of the beefsteak seeds from 2 years ago germinated. The ones that didn't I brought back into the house.
I just transplanted them all into some seed trays, and they're on the mats out in the greenhouse.

I can't believe they germinated so fast. They're in their baggies on a cookie sheet sitting on the coffee table in the livingroom
That is one gorgeous seed starter ya got there @hashbrown
Excited to see your garden grow!

Back in the Prepared Society days we grew big gardens. We would plant 600 tomato plants and harvest 3000 ears of sweet corn. It got to be too much work, I thought it would be nice to do it on a smaller scale than we used to.
After work tonight I repaired my uh oh on the small bed I built. I made it 3x9, should have been 3x8 to fit right with the others. I put them all together with screws, so I removed the end with the metal still attached, then removed the 1st piece of the side metal. Cut 12" off each side, then reattached the end, and finally both pieces of side metal. Done and Done. Then I cut out and installed a length of chicken wire.
So now all three beds are ready to finish loading with wood and filling with compost.
Checked the bed I planted and all the peas are up, taters about 1/3 up, and radishes. Also have 6 asparagus spears up. We're gonna have snow and be down in the teens Saturday, so tomorrow I'm gonna rig up a heavy tarp to cover the one bed and have it elevated off the compost. We'll harvest the aspargus tomorrow evening.
I miss the Dowager's smart @ss comments.....

back on topic......

I've moved half of my broccoli and cabbage to the greenhouse. Keeping the other half in the house as insurance for now. When I say greenhouse it's one of those green plastic ones you get on amazon. It's pretty servicable though. I had lettuce growing in there until mid-January which isn't too bad considering I'm in northern NJ. We are expecting low 20's overnight this weekend so I'll have to get my butt in gear. I got a string of those incandescent patio lights I plan on stringing in there for a little extra warmth. The thermometer in there reads 32* at 7:30am this morning and it's currently 30*.
Busted up the little woods garden today and Alexandra got some seeds started. We are a bit late but I have worked the last 3 weeks straight trying to get a building finished.

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You're growing mint??? ON PURPOSE??? Have you ever done that before???

I ask because I planted some mint once.....about 15 years ago. Then tried digging it up before it took over my house. It took about 5 years of digging to get it. Or so I thought.........then 3 years later it came back.

Now every once in awhile I see what I think is mint trying to come up again. Not sure if it is mint, or my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it gets dug up every time
I have some tomato & brassica starts coming up.. Then noticed the peppers are just starting to pop. Even have some onion seeds coming as well.....which I'm glad to see as they are home saved seeds AND because I've never been able to grow onions by seed before. Only from sets, so this should be fun to see what happens.

None of my lettuces came up though and I'll have to try reseeding.

Trying to hold off until St Pattys day to plant peas, but been itching to get out there
You're growing mint??? ON PURPOSE??? Have you ever done that before???

I ask because I planted some mint once.....about 15 years ago. Then tried digging it up before it took over my house. It took about 5 years of digging to get it. Or so I thought.........then 3 years later it came back.

Now every once in awhile I see what I think is mint trying to come up again. Not sure if it is mint, or my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it gets dug up every time
That stuff is hard to get rid of!!!
You're growing mint??? ON PURPOSE??? Have you ever done that before???

I ask because I planted some mint once.....about 15 years ago. Then tried digging it up before it took over my house. It took about 5 years of digging to get it. Or so I thought.........then 3 years later it came back.

Now every once in awhile I see what I think is mint trying to come up again. Not sure if it is mint, or my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it gets dug up every time

When I plant mint I cut the bottom out of a 5 gallon bucket and bury it up to the brim and plant it in that to keep it from spreading. I like to have mint for Mojitos.
When I plant mint I cut the bottom out of a 5 gallon bucket and bury it up to the brim and plant it in that to keep it from spreading. I like to have mint for Mojitos.

That is a great idea to keep it contained.,,,,,too bad I didn't think of it at the time.

Or even after that when I planted peppermint near the chicken coop to keep the rats away, just a few years ago. It seems I never learn LOL

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