Garden 2024!

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So 175-200 seeds per square foot. If I did 100 ft2, I would need many packs - 50 seeds per pack. Might have to explore other options or contact them and ask if there is a by the pound option.
Eden has it available by the pound, but they don’t have it in stock yet.
The one they have is culinary. From what I researched, you can use it but the staple fiber length is not as long. Your linen won’t be as fine (not in grist but in quality).
i have ordered a couple of things from them without troubles.

i know nothing about what yall are doing just tossing spitballs at
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4 Months Now Still 20240307_100955.jpg Just Starting the 5th Month still 😢
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Pulled up green beans they're done.
Pulled up broken loaded cherry tomato plants.
Neighborhood terrorists have struck again.
Pulled up several squash plants too.
Found 2 more small potatoes in a flower pot.
Will be making seed run to Dollar Tree for a few more carrot seed.
Found several more little watermelons on a sprawling vine in wash tub flower bed.
Will be up righting my stock tank, emptying all the flower pots into it, adding compost, filling a bit each month.
So it will ready for spring.
Puttering type a day, while I think.
Finally got into the garden for some serious time since coming back from the cabin and dealing with Dad’s hospitalization.

Green beans were loaded with more than we can eat in a reasonable amount of time, so I’m canning later or tomorrow.

Tomato plants looked like they were set afire. We’ve weeks of 90 degrees temperatures and even with constant water they just burned up. Will be pulling them and I’ll replace with carrots and beets.

Think I’ll be looking at getting some shade cloths for next year, just in case.

Did have a pretty zinnia happening. And look it had a visitor.
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No Pics of the Grapes, thought they were gonna bee Black Grape and Loaded up and destroyed the whole dang mess...

Plenty of Clusters Found by some rascals that attack the Clusters everywhere on the plant...

Been slowly revamping our raised beds this year. Got my summer veggies in late, but I’ve been rewarded with shishito peppers and eggplants already, and tomatoes on the vine that should be ready before freak cold snaps, I hope.

Currant bushes did okay — it’s their third year, and they got whacked back hard by the guys I got to come in and clean things up (stuff was out of my control, I needed hands, and they did … mmmgh not as well as I wanted). Mostly got white currants, the critters got the red and black ones. It’s fine.

The baby asparagus I planted last year had some survivors, so fingers crossed that next year or the year after I might actually be able to cut some.

Had a bumper harvest of apples (Newtown Pippin), but they are very tart. I don’t think I’m going to be able to use them without cutting them 50/50 with sweeter apples. I know they’re intended as storage apples, but they’re so thin-skinned that just getting them off the tree with the pole picker can bruise them. I have a lot of seconds.
Nice taters! I put the final tilling on a 300' x 80' late pea patch early this morning. It may be too late but one can never tell unless they try. Got it planted after lunch and finally switched over to start cutting some grass. I think the tiller has been on since Feb ;)


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Nice taters! I put the final tilling on a 300' x 80' late pea patch early this morning. It may be too late but one can never tell unless they try. Got it planted after lunch and finally switched over to start cutting some grass. I think the tiller has been on since Feb ;)
Is that 10 acres from tree line to treeline?
That a lot of flat land or the picture makes it look larger than it is.
Is that 10 acres from tree line to treeline?
That a lot of flat land or the picture makes it look larger than it is.
the man has been known to put out a 1000 foot row of get paper/pen and figure out how many mater plants that is hardcore i tell ya.
the man has been known to put out a 1000 foot row of get paper/pen and figure out how many mater plants that is hardcore i tell ya.
400-500 hundred.
We have had seven sweet corn rows that were 350' each, but never 1000 feet.
We had so many butterbean planted in one year that my little brother & I only picked the dry pods in a foot tub.
The older pickers picked the full pods. It was like a family reunion in the butterbean patch, so many cousin were getting beans picked.
This was my Father doing, I would have plowed the plants under after the freezer was full, I was ten or so years old.
But my Father believe Joseph's interpretation of the seven cows in Genesis 41. So he would not cut plants under until the last fruit were picked & stored.
Does anyone on here have a greenhouse or know anything about them? We have one ( it is not large) and it is not really doing what I thought it would do. It's also in a bad location, in the sheep pasture ( was not fenced when we put the greenhouse up) . We are going to move it out of there, but I am not sure if we should put it up again or not and what we could do better
The problem: when it freezes, it also freezes in the greenhouse, so it's not keeping the plants warm. Then when it is sunny it gets super hot in there. Our neighbors have really large greenhouses and wood stoves in them , ours is not that big and I don't have any way of heating or cooling it where it is now. We do have an extra wood stove but it would be too much heat for such a small greenhouse

Any suggestions on this ? Or do I need to post a new thread?
Put Gravel on the floor of the greenhouse after you move it, it will raise the temperature by about 10F.
You can put black or blue plastic drums full of water in the greenhouse to collect heat by day & the drums make great shelves.
Most important thing when you move the greenhouse face the narrow back or front to the East & the other narrow end to the west.
This will cause the sun to heat along the wide/long length of the house all day for the maximum heat to collect in the gravel & drums.
The best passive heat collector is water, then stone, but you can dig down about four feet & use concrete block as walls also, but that's$$$$.
Put Gravel on the floor of the greenhouse after you move it, it will raise the temperature by about 10F.
You can put black or blue plastic drums full of water in the greenhouse to collect heat by day & the drums make great shelves.
Most important thing when you move the greenhouse face the narrow back or front to the East & the other narrow end to the west.
This will cause the sun to heat along the wide/long length of the house all day for the maximum heat to collect in the gravel & drums.
The best passive heat collector is water, then stone, but you can dig down about four feet & use concrete block as walls also, but that's$$$$.
those are great ideas!! Thanks! Will check out the links also
now we just need to find a new place for it, and get new plastic
That is a Nice Soft Reddish Tone, the Last White One in the Special Throne...

Another Hippy showing from last year... beauty of a Yellow Rose... #017 is Budding Hippy Again...

#'s 018n019 are Yellow Poinciana Trees and A Nice Size so far and #020 Red Poinciana Tree...

Last is Red n White Vines still hanging around...


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Does anyone on here have a greenhouse or know anything about them? We have one ( it is not large) and it is not really doing what I thought it would do. It's also in a bad location, in the sheep pasture ( was not fenced when we put the greenhouse up) . We are going to move it out of there, but I am not sure if we should put it up again or not and what we could do better
The problem: when it freezes, it also freezes in the greenhouse, so it's not keeping the plants warm. Then when it is sunny it gets super hot in there. Our neighbors have really large greenhouses and wood stoves in them , ours is not that big and I don't have any way of heating or cooling it where it is now. We do have an extra wood stove but it would be too much heat for such a small greenhouse

Any suggestions on this ? Or do I need to post a new thread?
I agree with Joel’s suggestions for adding warmth. In the summer when it gets too warm, are you opening up windows and vents? I don’t know how yours is built, but they definitely do need venting in the warm months. Depending on how it’s built, you might be able to motorize it to automatically open when it hits a certain temperature. I haven’t done it myself but have seen it done.

I’d love to have your problems, honestly— my HOA says no greenhouse, and moving is not in the cards any time soon. I’ve been debating getting a grow tent for the basement for winter veggies, but have no experience with one.
I agree with Joel’s suggestions for adding warmth. In the summer when it gets too warm, are you opening up windows and vents? I don’t know how yours is built, but they definitely do need venting in the warm months. Depending on how it’s built, you might be able to motorize it to automatically open when it hits a certain temperature. I haven’t done it myself but have seen it done.

I’d love to have your problems, honestly— my HOA says no greenhouse, and moving is not in the cards any time soon. I’ve been debating getting a grow tent for the basement for winter veggies, but have no experience with one.
Just put some grow lights on a shelf in the basement. I think Ben and Urban have photos on here somewhere.
I don't grow much in the greenhouses we have in the summer at all, unless both doors are open on the shadier one. I use them to start plants in the cold spring, and also to grow in the fall and a little bit of the winter, as long as it stays above 25. Below that, forget it.
Just put some grow lights on a shelf in the basement. I think Ben and Urban have photos on here somewhere.
I don't grow much in the greenhouses we have in the summer at all, unless both doors are open on the shadier one. I use them to start plants in the cold spring, and also to grow in the fall and a little bit of the winter, as long as it stays above 25. Below that, forget it.
I’ll do some hunting around for that, then. I do have a small shelf with grow lights for seed starting — didn’t go as well as I wanted last time I tried, but it was my first time trying it out. I’m definitely planning to attempt again.
Just put some grow lights on a shelf in the basement. I think Ben and Urban have photos on here somewhere.
I don't grow much in the greenhouses we have in the summer at all, unless both doors are open on the shadier one. I use them to start plants in the cold spring, and also to grow in the fall and a little bit of the winter, as long as it stays above 25. Below that, forget it.
that is mostly what I want it for, so we don't have 5 tables with grow lights in the house
I start my seeds in January , would also like to put my citrus plants in there and just take them into the house when it gets really cold ( it can get close to 0 here sometimes but not often
I am thinking about maybe putting tables in there and put the plants on top ( heat rises)