Garden 2024!

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I’ll do some hunting around for that, then. I do have a small shelf with grow lights for seed starting — didn’t go as well as I wanted last time I tried, but it was my first time trying it out. I’m definitely planning to attempt again.

Ha! No, no (and no 420, either, it was all veggies). Mostly it was problems with overwatering. The seed starting trays I have are the wicking kind. Sounds great, except that I’m more familiar with hydroponic wicking tubs, so I didn’t realize I needed to pull the seedling trays out of the water once they were thoroughly moist.

I’m amazed I got any starts at all given how wet the cells were. I did get a decent number that were successful, but what really was murder was the fungus gnats. They were everywhere, and even got into the sump pump. Blergh.
Ha! No, no (and no 420, either, it was all veggies). Mostly it was problems with overwatering. The seed starting trays I have are the wicking kind. Sounds great, except that I’m more familiar with hydroponic wicking tubs, so I didn’t realize I needed to pull the seedling trays out of the water once they were thoroughly moist.

I’m amazed I got any starts at all given how wet the cells were. I did get a decent number that were successful, but what really was murder was the fungus gnats. They were everywhere, and even got into the sump pump. Blergh.
Herbs are veggies too. A drip system may help with over watering.
greenhouse is starting to be disassembled. I found new plastic on Temu for a good price too. Now we just need to find a good spot to put it. I would like it near the house so I can take plants out easy if it gets really cold and we could potentially put a heat lamp with extension cord in it ( will that work? It works on chicks ...) . But there are trees all around , they are a good windbreak in winter when we get these 50mph winds all the time
Discovered the netting I bought for my new raised bed was too small. Have another inbound today, thanks to the river o’ wonders. I try not to use them if I don’t have to, but trying to find what I wanted locally wasn’t working.

If all goes well, tomorrow is planting and covering the bed properly to keep the critters out.
Most Clumps are Red, White n Blue but They 🐝 Blooming @ dif Times...?!?

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Fully Grown Rose now...

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3 dif Hibbies(10,11,12) and New Red(13n14) Vines again...!!!


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I am admitting to have the foolish thought that this was going to be an underperforming garden year. In my defense the we had a month and a half of 100+ daytime temperatures and the earwigs were voracious. Plus we had a really cold long spring that pushed most stuff a month later. Despite that, the tomatoes look like trees and everything else is exploding suddenly. We finally cooled off the last week and now a half hour of lunchtime picking required multiple buckets. What you see here is only a fraction. The fridge is overflowing and I’ve been canning and dehydrating pretty consistently for the last two weeks. We will be continuing our multiple year avoidance of grocery shopping yet again.


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Our neighbor who is older than us and lost her husband a couple of years back has been clearing a bunch of his stuff.
He apparently bought a load of topsoil and she asked if we wanted it well Heck Yea!
So hubby is making me some more raised "beds" out of plastic barrels cut in half horizontally. Like this picture:

He's using this as an example.
He's getting some more barrels that came from a car wash that had detergent in them.
So we'll be power washing them
Once he gets them finished and set up I'll take some pictures and post them
I have something growing in the garden I don't know what it is LOL, looks like broccolini , but I didn't plant any, weird.
I put some older and open packages of seeds in that area, just to see if anything would grow and this is what I am getting. I don't even know when to harvest them or how to cook them. I have seen them so I have some idea what it could be but not sure
I experienced great results from my beds. Really only downside is watering more due to drainage
In our case it’s actually easier to water. We live in an ancient river floodplain. It’s a silt over gravel situation and water just disappears nearly instantly. The raised beds have about ⅔ compost in them and they are much better at keeping moisture at an even level. I also have a drip system in the beds on a timer that helps also.
Pleased to say that the new bed is planted up, except for the peas which are soaking now and I’ll probably put in shortly before dinner, or early tomorrow morning. I kind of put in a whole mess of things — kale, lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, scallions, and soon to be peas.

Also fennel but realistically speaking I’m not expecting to get any — I’ve had awful luck with that seed packet, plus I’m unconvinced I have enough time left. But I’m going to try, anyway.

I still have two beds to finish setting up, but mostly that will be in preparation for spring, I think. But who knows, I might at least plant a bunch more greens.
Does anyone on here have a greenhouse or know anything about them? We have one ( it is not large) and it is not really doing what I thought it would do. It's also in a bad location, in the sheep pasture ( was not fenced when we put the greenhouse up) . We are going to move it out of there, but I am not sure if we should put it up again or not and what we could do better
The problem: when it freezes, it also freezes in the greenhouse, so it's not keeping the plants warm. Then when it is sunny it gets super hot in there. Our neighbors have really large greenhouses and wood stoves in them , ours is not that big and I don't have any way of heating or cooling it where it is now. We do have an extra wood stove but it would be too much heat for such a small greenhouse

Any suggestions on this ? Or do I need to post a new thread?
That would be a Great thread topic. There are so many options that work differently in various locations.
Greens are stupid expensive, you might as well plant more.
I've not been able to get any growing this year :mad: I have tried 3 different seed packets of spinach, different lettuces etc. Other things are growing but not greens. I finally got one little spinach to sprout. I'm going to put some potting soil on top in case the compost was too hot. Oh, we do have kale which is huge but no salad greens.
Greens are stupid expensive, you might as well plant more.
They are. The ones I get at the farmer’s market are not too bad — moderately expensive but enormous heads of lettuce and cabbage, so those are worth it — plus helping support the local farm. But at the grocery store? Forget about it!
I've not been able to get any growing this year :mad: I have tried 3 different seed packets of spinach, different lettuces etc. Other things are growing but not greens. I finally got one little spinach to sprout. I'm going to put some potting soil on top in case the compost was too hot. Oh, we do have kale which is huge but no salad greens.
I had a big salt tub growing with spinach, all sprouted, then disappear...rolly pollys in the dirt. They are terrible, and they hide. DE helped but I had to replant.
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I love the YELLOW ROSE @Snowman!!!!! I wish the fire ants had not killed mine it was very old root stock probably at most from the 50s may even have been 30s.

I had two or three starts trying to start new root stock ones but they did not get past the three new leaf stage.

We have red yellow and white in the front of the house and it is hard just to keep them cleared of dead heads.
I love the YELLOW ROSE @Snowman!!!!! I wish the fire ants had not killed mine it was very old root stock probably at most from the 50s may even have been 30s.

I had two or three starts trying to start new root stock ones but they did not get past the three new leaf stage.

We have red yellow and white in the front of the house and it is hard just to keep them cleared of dead heads.

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