Gardening 2022

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I need to till my run. I have about sand about six singles deep with more where it run during rains. At the back end there are smart weeds everywhere. I always take everything out and deep clean coop, but I have the broody hens so I don't want to move them now.
My phone...... hope you can decipher what I was trying to say. Lots of sand, need to till, smart weed in back..
We got home yesterday about 7.30 and the thermometer by the house said 38 degs. Got a fire going right away.
We picked up more tomato, ghost pepper, habanaro and bell pepper plants, a trailer load of bark mulch, chicken feed and dog food. And I bought a new Dewalt battery powered weed whacker and several boxes of .22 ammo. The wife got 6 more cases of canning jars with lids and a couple cases of canned food.
While we were gone the price of gas went up .20 cents a gallon to $5.30.
South fence line yesterday.


We only had 30°C (94°F) today but still 70% humidity. I dug out a tree stump, Helena and the neighbor girl pulled weeds from the rose garden, her mother weeded the grapes and we watered again since the rain stopped the day-before-yesterday. Haven't lost any newly planted veggies to the heat yet even tho they are quite small with only 4-6 leaves. I spread a sheet of plastic out in low spot in the garden and filled it with water. The ducks went crazy playing and splashing around in it. I how have 11 duck eggs in the incubator and see the first blood vessels inside with a flashlight. Hope it will go well with at least half of them.
The white sweet potatoes I planted from the eyes are breaking the ground now. I planted them about a foot deep but all the rain we've had has compacted the soil so they are only about 8" deep now.
I made a small raised bed and got some raised bed soil from Lowes. And I put some big earthworms in there that were left over from fishing.
Now all I have to do is keep my wife from picking all the leaves to cook.
I have bags of really outdated flour. Is there any purpose for it being sprinkled at base of plants or maybe on leaves.

How is it outdated? It's all purpose? Self rising lasts longer. You can make dog biscuits with old flout. Use it on plants as a repellent for various insects, against ants, etc. Use it as a metal cleaner.
We just harvested some of the leaves and flowers from a neighbors "tilia americana" tree. I think it is your basswood tree. We use the leaves in salads, sandwiches, soups and the flowers are a good tea for respiratory problems. Too much will get your body temp up tho. I picked some branches, cut the edible leaves off and hung the flowers to dry for tea.

It is nice and warm today, cutting grass, rototilling, pulling garlic, making nettles/thistle coughsyrup, tillia tea and planting celery and monster tomatos in the place in the garden where we pulled garlic and potatos. Thermometer is hanging on the backside of a grape pole in the shade: Approximately 105°F
The temps here have been in the mid 40's to low 50's for awhile now. Its supposed to start warming up in to the 60's to low 70's this week. The orchard and berries are doing good but the garden is a little slow because of the cool weather.
I found a place to order some concord grape plants. I'm going to order 20 plants tomorrow when we go to town. They're pretty expensive at $17 each plus $100 for shipping.
It's winter here right now but I just received an order of seeds from for spring planting including a few things I've never grown before like chicory and black salsify. I found the red warty thing (pumpkin) pink banana pumpkin, and mangel wurzel there before so it's my favourite seed place. I love to grow things you never see in the shops, especially when you can save the seeds for next year.
Do NOT, and I repeat do not buy plants treated with Neonicotinoids. Bees take the pollen back to the hive and feed it to the brood. This is a number one cause of the colony collapse. Neonicotinoids are mostly banned in Europe! It's important to NOT buy these plants!
A couple weeks ago I ordered propane for our well pump generator, and last Thursday I called in with a reminder. We're down to 5% now, which won't last very long with watering the garden and orchard. I'll call the delivery driver today and see when he plans on making it up here. I think I'll replace the 250 gallon take with a 500 gallon. This generator burns through a lot of propane.
Just out of curiosity I'm going to get a bid on running our pump on solar.
Do NOT, and I repeat do not buy plants treated with Neonicotinoids. Bees take the pollen back to the hive and feed it to the brood. This is a number one cause of the colony collapse. Neonicotinoids are mostly banned in Europe! It's important to NOT buy these plants!
Never heard of the stuff. How do you find out who treats their plants with it?

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