Gardening 2022

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I had 2 little red wagons and both finally gave it up. I do not like the Rubbermaid grey utility wagon with the two big wheels . My husband got that for me years ago so I kept my mouth shut. It turns over way too easily.

I want the 4 wheel pull cart. I use mine mostly b getting big bads of feed from car to house. I have to go over gravel and big rocks to get to the back door.
For dragging feed around I have a dumping cart that hooks to my garden tractor. It is okay but a pain to hook up sometimes.

When my husband is around he pretty well does all the feed sacks. Even at his age he is still pretty good at slinging those sacks around. If he goes off hunting he hires a high school kid down the road to come and help me with stuff like that. Kid plays football and lifts weights so he says it helps keep him in shape lol.
For dragging feed around I have a dumping cart that hooks to my garden tractor. It is okay but a pain to hook up sometimes.

When my husband is around he pretty well does all the feed sacks. Even at his age he is still pretty good at slinging those sacks around. If he goes off hunting he hires a high school kid down the road to come and help me with stuff like that. Kid plays football and lifts weights so he says it helps keep him in shape lol.

My husband watches as my son and I carry the feed. Sometimes he will open the door. Lol
I've got 2 watermelons forming on vines (wooo).., several pale looking squash coming on but tomatoes seem to be doing well, have harvested some of all size varieties, as well as green beans.

We got a burst cloud of rain pouring down at 4pm..I was jumping for joy, thank you Lord, we haven't had any dang rain in over 2 weeks to speak of, our pond is down about 2 ft. Low from what I consider 4:42pm I thought rain was done and gone...just as I was about to complain here comes another wave of steady light rain I can see hitting across the pond!

I got off work early today. I may have sit on porch and keep an eye on the rain rest of evening....

I know...Joy! Exciting life I have!
He already has a freezer full. Plus he has elk from annual hunting trip to Colorado (?) He didn't catch these in the act , but caught them in the early morning as they were walking out of garden.

He took his anger out on the groundhog that showed up too. .22 and he went over to the neighbors to die.
I am going to can some pickles today. The cucumbers are the only crop that is producing. The cukes are small and deformed due to the weather.

Make a cucumber salad. Also from the edible leaves of the other plants. The rest is chicken food.
Not many, but I didnt plant many. It was a learning experience. I found mine did better in the ground, then covered with straw than the ones I planted in a 20 gallon bucket.
All of my white sweet potato slips have broken ground and growing like gangbusters in the raised bed. One is already too tall to support its weight and has fallen over and escaped from the raised bed. The rest are still erect.
Are they supposed to grow like vines or like bushes? Do I need to support them? I have no idea. This is my first time planting sweet potatoes and I had no idea what to expect.
I guess I can put some chicken wire around the outside of the raised bed so they can climb up it instead of escaping.
The white sweet potato I started with already had roots all over it. I stuck in a jar of water whole, and it took off, throwing out shoots all over. My wife had already done that with a regular orange sweet potato but this one grew much much faster. The slips from.the orange sweet potato haven't even broken ground yet.
Oh, and I left out a step. Instead of the normal way of making slips, I just cut up the potato so that each chunk had a shoot, and planted them like that very deep in raised bed soil (similar to potting soil).
I have planted red potatoes this way before, so I just tried it to see what would happen.
Our garden is doing great. Corn is up about 6" and there's a few tomatoes coming on several plants. Some strawberries are starting to turn red, the grape vines are loaded with tiny grapes. The blackberries and raspberries are covered in flowers and the fruit trees are all loaded with small fruits. The bees are loving the orchard.

For the first time, I have vine borers that a ruining my plants. I've lost 3 so far. I am replanting as I pull though. For a week, I had squash, but now, I am at a stalled period

I pulled a couple that were going wild growing, but producing nothing. Must have over-poured the fertilizer on those two. Oops!
I was so pleased my four yellow squash plants were setting some little squashes last week at the BOL. When we go down this coming week they should be ready to harvest. Happy they had no signs of leaf disease or insect issues, with zero input from me but weekly watering. :) Eggplant bushes are about 1' tall, but no blossoms yet. Tomatoes still setting blossoms and fruit. Am really surprised they are weathering the current heat with only weekly watering. That won't hold up much longer, when we get into triple digit temps in August/Sept. I'll have to set the auto-timed sprinkler on the garden probably this next trip down there.
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