Gardening 2022

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A couple weeks ago I ordered propane for our well pump generator, and last Thursday I called in with a reminder. We're down to 5% now, which won't last very long with watering the garden and orchard. I'll call the delivery driver today and see when he plans on making it up here. I think I'll replace the 250 gallon take with a 500 gallon. This generator burns through a lot of propane.
Just out of curiosity I'm going to get a bid on running our pump on solar.
My propane tank is 500 gallons and of course they don't fill it past 80% or so.
My elderly neighbor stopped by and was complaining about her saved seeds not germinating. After questioning her I realized she didn't have a clue about seed saving.

I explained how you have to leave the fruit/veggie on the vine until it is almost rotten be for it can be good for seeds.

Wonder how many this happens to? People will be starving soon due to lack of knowledge.
Just out of curiosity I'm going to get a bid on running our pump on solar.
I think the time to do that is if you have to replace the pump. You can go to a DC pump if your well isn’t too deep. That way you can skip the conversion step.
Do NOT, and I repeat do not buy plants treated with Neonicotinoids. Bees take the pollen back to the hive and feed it to the brood. This is a number one cause of the colony collapse. Neonicotinoids are mostly banned in Europe! It's important to NOT buy these plants!

While I agree I think this needs to be expounded on as to where they would encounter it and why . Most people walk into a nursery/florist/grocery and buy commercial plants and the cashier does not know what the seeds or plants are treated with in most cases. They are bought most times from large wholesale commercial nurseries and do not ask for that information. So to avoid this in plants you would have to either grow and produce your own plants or buy from a small local trustworthy nursery that produces their own stock from non treated seeds.

A more common place to run across this chemical is as a seed treatment. Most large seed houses treat corn/wheat/soybean seeds sold at a bulk level to field farmers. We have all seen the corn seeds with the pink powder coating. This more than likely contains it. How to avoid it is buy organic non treated seeds or save your own heirloom seeds continuously.

The other application of some form of this product is as granules used in the veterinarian capacity to treat whipworm in the soil. Whip worms are found in the soil and infect dogs (and humans) from their feces. This product as a granule and is used to treat the soil to kill whipworms especially in areas such as dirt floored kennels and lawns with lots of dogs or dog parks from what I understand.

This product was initially created by Shell and is now owned by Bayer Chemical. ( The new Monsanto!)
Thats the problem. Our well pump is down 625' and is 5 hp.
Probably too far then. I researched it a couple years ago When the pump kept blowing fuses. Fortunately for me it was a loose wire. IDK what my well depth is.
Gasoline vrs propane in my Gen is about a wash, based on a 5 gallon test. I have a second smaller Gen to hardwire to the well pump should I need it. 5k tank gives me some breathing room.
It hit 72 degs today! After weeks in the 40's and 50's it feels hot. Got my brush mower out and got about half of the back and side yard mowed. I'll split this area up in sections and mow a little everyday.
Since we have bee hives now I dont want to use herbicides around the place. So I gave the new battery powered trimmer a good work out around the barn, corral and the garden fence. Also trimmed around the grapes, raspberries, blackberries and fruit trees.
Since its so hot out the wife is wearing almost nothing but a big hat.
I have put more into my gardens this year than before.with trhe heat, lack of water and something eating the bottom leaves of my beans, it is bad. Japanese Beetle work on the top leaves, but this damage is on the very bottom next to soil. I put down lime, sand, DE, potting soil to try to get rid of them, but it didnt help.

I went through and replanted in the bare spots hoping to get some beans. Beans are always my best producer. The bugs (?) arent on the squash, cukes, tomatoes or okra.

On the verge of getting a pesticide, but really dont want to because of the few bees I have left.
I have put more into my gardens this year than before.with trhe heat, lack of water and something eating the bottom leaves of my beans, it is bad. Japanese Beetle work on the top leaves, but this damage is on the very bottom next to soil. I put down lime, sand, DE, potting soil to try to get rid of them, but it didnt help.

I went through and replanted in the bare spots hoping to get some beans. Beans are always my best producer. The bugs (?) arent on the squash, cukes, tomatoes or okra.

On the verge of getting a pesticide, but really dont want to because of the few bees I have left.
Seems to be the Bean Leaf Beetle.
It hit 70 degs today. Grilled one of our chickens for lunch. Opened up a new pasture for the cows, grass up to their bellys. Found a place where the forest service chipped some trees last year. Took the tractor down and loaded up a trailer with the chips for the garden.
We have a couple flat-landers camped out by our lower gate for the weekend, almost ran over one of their dam dogs. I dont get it, I dont camp out in their backyard.
High temp today was 66 degs. No chance of rain for the foreseeable future.
The grapes, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are all putting on fruit. We have big problems here with mice, volves and chipmunks eating the berry's and grapes, plus everything else. I use poison grain, which helps a lot, but its not enough. So tonight I made a water trap out of a 5 gallon bucket, baited with peanut butter. Hope to see some floaters in the morning.
My wagon broke, but I did always do that. I'm looking for a cool, 4 wheel utility cart/wagon. No wheelbarrow.
Robin you should try the wheelbarrows with 2 wheels i the front. I like them much better. I also have a garden cart and a little red wagon lol.

But what I use the most is a utility sled. I stole ( lovingly confiscated) mine when we lived up north from my husband. He used it to pull dead deer in the snow. I can pull it easily along in the grass along my garden beds and as I weed or pick I simply throw it over in the sled. When done I can pull it to the compost or chicken yard and dump and then I hang them on the fence till next time. Great for hauling small amounts of dirt and in the winter I use it for firewood. Mine came from Cabela's I think but lots of places carry them.

I had 2 little red wagons and both finally gave it up. I do not like the Rubbermaid grey utility wagon with the two big wheels . My husband got that for me years ago so I kept my mouth shut. It turns over way too easily.

I want the 4 wheel pull cart. I use mine mostly b getting big bads of feed from car to house. I have to go over gravel and big rocks to get to the back door.

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