Gardening 2022

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Ice Age Farmer listed interesting feedback about that.

“Over 700 people replied. Here is a summary; huge thanks to Kate B. for reviewing, compiling, and sharing. It paints an interesting picture of a uniquely difficult season. Original thread here. (How's your garden doing?)

a) seeds are showing poor germination from a wide range of suppliers

b) those that do germinate and start to grow are doing so i) slower than usual OR ii) are getting so far in their growth then dying (a bit like Tesco's herbs unless you transplant into fresh earth!) OR iii) are growing well but producing greenery not edible produce, so poor yields

c) suspicion is also falling on contaminated bagged compost -- many reports of issues here, some discussion around Grazon contamination

d) in addition, folks are noticing that store bought veg & fruit is not lasting, plus some is rotten on opening although firm externally

e) suggestions also being made about soil alkalinity from chemtrails inhibiting growth

f) some people raising animals are getting all male babies [!?]

g) sunflowers & other plants are being burnt up by the sun's rays

h) there is poor growth/yield from fruit trees

j) plentiful complaints from folks that have been growing for 25-40 years that things just aren't right with a degree of confusion as to the source

k) livestock feed prices are skyrocketing

l) many sick & dead animals around this year & dead birds found daily (Italy)

m) too hot/ too dry/ no rain/ storms/ erratic weather with false forecasting

n) absence of bees for pollination“

For the complete list check out Ice Age Farmer on Telegram. This list was compiled from around the world.
Yes! I had a bunch of these problems as well!
a,b,c,e,g,and n.
Haarp(not sure of the spelling) I think people forgot about it. Those that control it messing around with the weather, helps to mess with the food growing. Possibly the animals of the air too. All the cutting down of big trees around the U.S. and Britain (where there were protests, I don't think anyone protested here) because the trees were blocking the 5G waves. That messes people and animals up too! I mean, death, mess up.
The spraying of the air, I mentioned before, I'm not surprised a few people have finally caught onto that one! There's a lot going on, planned I mean. Most of which is not natural.
There's that saying, 'everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it'. Well, someones are. But with bad/evil intent. This is only going to get worse.
I would suggest ( and this will be pricey, but in the long run-you will eat.....) is to have green houses, and try subterranean ones. If they are above ground, they are highly visible, and they will come to shut you down, and then buy the land off you, or just kick you off of it, .....or worse. Growing your own food will become illegal. They want the total control of it, "control the food, control the people'. Remember in the beginning of 2020, Vermont made it illegal to buy seeds?....roped the whole section off and had signs saying 'go buy your fruit and vegetables in the produce section of the store"??
Not sure if other states followed suite. I didn't hear of this happening again, but I may have been out of the loop for a time.
I'm hoping those of us that are fighting the system, can knock it down before mass starvation occurs. My heart just can't take that.
The only thing that will save our species is a drastic reduction of our population. We could do it, but it seems that Nature will do it for us. Many people think that an invisible magician can step in at any moment and fix anything for people that put money in the right plate. Good luck !!
A little good news. The first of the grains were shipped out of Ukraine and Russia today! Russia is also shipping out fertilizer!
Sounds good.
I just hope they haven't done anything to it. Just imagine, if I were an evil genius, messing with the wheat and fertilizer that people will be snatching up, more than their share by the an easy way to rid the world of quite a few people.
But, maybe it's fine.
I'm a little cautious? suspicious, paranoid........and other words. soon as the wheat, rye, corn and other foodstuffs have been delivered,,,THEY (wef) have their hands of the tangible food which means they can or could dump the electricity, gas and internet, keep the foodstuffs for themselves and let all those people who have invested their money into the delivery and sales of said foodstuffs just fall on their faces and lose all their investments. After all, digital money does not really exist after the computer fails, gas delivery does not happen if the valves get closed and FOOD will not be in the store if it is burned, poisoned, sunk, buried or otherwise "LOST" to any good use for the peasants of the world waiting to be fed. The "lost" food reaction is chaos and the food could be lost around the end of Sep./Oct. when it is delivered and stored in silos. Good timing, right before winter and no garden or food in the stores....stock up people. Gary
What size/height is the moringa tree you ordered, Robin? Where did you order from? I so want to grow one. Have tried 3 times now with no success. I successfully got 5 seeds to germinate one spring and got the plants up to 1'-1½' tall. But the minute I planted all 5 out into the ground in my front yard, they started going downhill, stopped adding new growth & slowly died off. Not sure if it was the soil content (a wee bit of clay in that patch), or I was too rough with them during transplant or if maybe I didn't acclimate them to the full sun slowly enough. Every attempt to germinate since has been unsuccesful. Think my vendor sold me some bum seeds actually. I keep trying periodically though, hoping to germinate some again.
View attachment 16961
Got my trees today. The moringa is about the size of the one in this pic, plus they sent me 10 seeds that I did not order. The Meyers lemon tree is about 2 ft tall. The elderberry is about 10" tall.

The elderberry did not come with any paperwork, but the other two have lots of info. soon as the wheat, rye, corn and other foodstuffs have been delivered,,,THEY (wef) have their hands of the tangible food which means they can or could dump the electricity, gas and internet, keep the foodstuffs for themselves and let all those people who have invested their money into the delivery and sales of said foodstuffs just fall on their faces and lose all their investments. After all, digital money does not really exist after the computer fails, gas delivery does not happen if the valves get closed and FOOD will not be in the store if it is burned, poisoned, sunk, buried or otherwise "LOST" to any good use for the peasants of the world waiting to be fed. The "lost" food reaction is chaos and the food could be lost around the end of Sep./Oct. when it is delivered and stored in silos. Good timing, right before winter and no garden or food in the stores....stock up people. Gary
You are so smart.
Are you one of the choosen?
I've been searching for years!!!
Does no one else thing this strange, that the supposed big bad Russia, who the media keep telling us is threatening to destroy and bomb and what not....North America-mostly the U.S, and who has been 'invading' Ukraine since February, is now going to be sending us and other countries perhaps......... grains, and fertilizer?
This kind action does not fit the narrative. Very strange.
I'd say, either the Media was lieing the whole time ( what? never!)
Or Russia has cut some deal....
Or Russia was never bad
Or it's all poisoned and no good.
When has anyone, gotten the time to grow and harvest all these crops during all the waring?The war.
Hubby uses some strong stuff he has to even dilute into a sprayer. Kills everything. Instantly.
I put up traps for the yellow jackets. They are pretty effective. Also use fly traps around the coop and behind the house. It doesn't take long to fill them all up. I empty the fly traps in the chicken run. The chickens really eat the flys, but won't touch the yellow jackets.
When has anyone, gotten the time to grow and harvest all these crops during all the waring?The war.
They have been able to harvest almost half of the grains in the Ukraine from this year. That means: either....
1. Lots of people (400 million) who depended on the deliverys will not get some
2. Half of the harvested and delivered grains will be sold for horrendous prices
3. The "other" half will be "lost" (bought up and hoarded) by the few rich who have the means to buy and store it
4. Those who do get to see any of the grains delivered will be starving (as planned) sometime around Christmas.
When I drove up yesterday to pick up the grandkids I drove through a large grain growing area. There didn't appear to be any shortages here in my area. They're harvesting it right now. I would prefer to see any grain grown in our country, stay in our country. Unfortunately much of this grain is being trucked to the port, yes my state has an inland sea port, and will be shipped overseas.

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