Gardening 2022

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Today I (have no idea what it is called) took the seeds off the sunflower heads. It ended up being a good haul for the small amount of plants.
We pulled our sunflowers down last week and most of the seeds were already eaten by the birds..........
We will just use the flowers and stalks to start the fire with in the fireplace and then add some wood.
I just canned the last of the sweet dill pickles, harvested the last of the black carrots and we are freezing the last of the other veggies. Leeks, carrots, turnips, bell peppers and canning tomatos.



I had to have a 30" oak tree taken down in the side yard that was in too precarious of a position for me to try it myself. I thought the tree was dying but when they got down closer to the ground it was solid and healthy and beautiful red oak.
So I told them to leave the bottom section where it lay and I would take care of it and try to make something of it. I can't tell you how happy they were, LOL.
After many days work with wedges, I manged to split it in half. Then I covered it all up with a tarp until I felt like going at it again.

And there it still sits under the tarp.
Back in the old days of logging the redwoods and the large Doug fir trees they'd use dynamite to split the large trees to make them easier to manage.
Might be worth considering on your tree.....
Back in the old days of logging the redwoods and the large Doug fir trees they'd use dynamite to split the large trees to make them easier to manage.
Might be worth considering on your tree.....
One Fourth of July, I was shooting off some fireworks with the kids in a large abandoned parking lot...I was trying to be safe about it and not burn down somebody's house...
The police showed up and told me to do it out of sight in my back yard LOL.
They overlook things that sound like fireworks (I'm pretty sure some of it is gunfire...I know the difference).

But a stick of dynamite? I don't think the Columbus Police will overlook that.
One Fourth of July, I was shooting off some fireworks with the kids in a large abandoned parking lot...I was trying to be safe about it and not burn down somebody's house...
The police showed up and told me to do it out of sight in my back yard LOL.
They overlook things that sound like fireworks (I'm pretty sure some of it is gunfire...I know the difference).

But a stick of dynamite? I don't think the Columbus Police will overlook that.
Years ago I built a cannon at work out of 1" ID hydraulic tubing. So on New Years eve I thought I'd be patriotic and fire the cannon at midnight, and of course to impress the kids and my young wife. Since it was dark I couldn't see how much black powder I was pouring down the barrel. When I could only tamp a few inches out of a 2 foot barrel it should have told me it was too much powder. When it went off it threw the 100 pound cannon across the yard. And woke people up for miles around. I quickly threw the cannon in the bushes and went inside. The cops drove around the neighborhood but never stopped at my place. The next morning I found 4 shattered windows on the front of the house.
My stevia never wants to live, either. It's too bad because it's supposed to be helpful for the type of cancer I had.

Mine either. Have grown numerous plants, but not able to keep them going long term. I did not know that about stevia and cancer. Does it prevent or kill cancer?
How does the Turmeric and Ginger tea taste? Have never tried that combination.

On the stevia seeds…I have some plants I am going to take the seeds from and see if I can sprout them inside under lights.
GP, I drink it occasionally, not near enough. It's not my has a zingy, bite to it! A bit too much for my taste to say I enjoy it. I do add honey which helps some.
Mine either. Have grown numerous plants, but not able to keep them going long term. I did not know that about stevia and cancer. Does it prevent or kill cancer?
It promotes apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Studies have been a little mixed on it but showed good results for hormonal cancers.
Planted garlic and it took forever because I had lots of help digging from Leon.
Sounds familiar. Jake and Tracker are in the fur shed "helping" me. Tracker has been bringing me every dried fur in the place. Jake keeps the floor cleaned up of scrape pieces of fat and meat from fleshing. Eventually they'll lay down by the wood stove and I can get something done.
Im curious. How much garlic did everyone plant? I use a lot of garlic, but normally buy it. Getting anxious that I didn’t plant enough.

Isnt that the truth Robin?! Because they are so repetitive I limit my viewings to tips and tricks on certain plants. Those offer more advice I don’t know. The best advice and tips I’ve gotten these past several years has been from folks on here! You, Dirt Diva, Dani and Amish come to mind.
I've been experimenting with the sprout in water trick, starting garlic, Onion, cabbage, carrots from sprouts in water in my kitchen window from the scraps (ends) after I use them, the garlic, I throw a few individual cloves in water, when they start shooting the sprouts out, I've put them in soil in pots outside. So far they are doing good. I've only got several going as test and I've only tried one cabbage so far that way but as of now, it's doing great. I'm putting another handful of garlic in some water today to sprout. I hope it's not a waste in the end. Not large quantity but I figure over time, keep adding as I use instead of tossing in compost. I am going to plant more stuff for greenhouse but thought if this works its a cheap, quick way to regrow. I've read flavor may not be as full by doing this but would like to hear any feedback from you guys whether this is worth it or not to do. I'm just a happy to throw the scraps in freezer for stock if this turns out to be a waste.

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