Gardening 2022

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ALERT - the USDA wants you to REGISTER YOUR GARDEN. Their "people's garden" program is NOT your grandma's victory garden brochure. It is—in their own words—creating a registry and map of small-scale food production.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REGISTER YOUR GARDEN. No matter what benefits or enticements are offered.

"The USDA expanding its People’s Garden Initiative to include eligible gardens nationwide!

"School gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and small-scale agriculture projects in rural, suburban and urban areas can be recognized as a “People’s Garden” if they register on the USDA website and meet criteria including benefiting the community, working collaboratively, incorporating conservation practices and educating the public. Affiliate People’s Garden locations will be indicated on a map on the USDA website, featured in USDA communications, and provided with a People’s Garden sign.


Who in their right mind would register their garden? I guess some weak minded liberal fool would.
I read that the easiest way to remember is to plant between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Even I can remember that.
We planted our peas, onions and garlic just before Thanksgiving too last year and had a great harvest as the others were just planting the same here.
Our late planted watermelons and Goliath tomatos are all coming along just fine today.
Since I went back to work full time last year, I left the BIG garden to my Hunny this year. He told me he was up for the challenge. We got a handful of tomatoes and jalapenos, maybe a dozen bell peppers, a few cantaloupe and a few watermelons.

At this point, I know we would NOT be able to survive at all if he was in complete control. The garden at this point looks more like a weed garden. I told Hunny he needed to start mulching and he even said he would, but yet, never did.

Thinking maybe he needs to go back to work full time and let me stay at home to tend the BIG garden and preserve like I used to. I would get up a little before sunrise to get my coffee time in before daylight and then out to do morning chores. I would go out to work in the garden at first light. Hunny likes to sleep in and most days, doesn't get out to do the morning feeding till 9:30.

I can not just rely on him to do it. I will let him till everything and make rows, but then I will have to do the planting and tending after I get off work at 12:30pm. At that time, I am honestly just wanting to come home, eat lunch, catch up on some news and take a lay down/or nap for an hour before getting up for house/barn chores. Then dinner, feeding, milking and then hopefully after that, I can just relax for the rest of the evening before I have to get back up for work at 2:30 am.
I just know that when Claire is at full milk, since I have not separated her and her calf, my butt will get very busy. Back in the day, I did do all. Right now, I am just scraping cream and making butter. Cheese will have to be made in the future and that is a long process. Not sure if I can honestly do those sitting up hours. Along with everything else, guess we will see.
I can not just rely on him to do it.
WHEW!! Sounds like you need a second husband or at least a good gardener to help with the lots of hard work sis.
Our family friend let a gypsy live in a small room in the outer house and he could sleep, cook and have a roof over his head for free, he just had to help in the garden and at harvest time...after over twenty years of a good life, he got drunk, aggressive and GOT TOSSED can't fix stupid or stop a drunk from acting stupid...
hope your strength lasts longer than your hubbys laziness lady.
Got my last picking of beans picked and canned yesterday, The figs are really rolling in now. I have 4 gallon in the freezer for fig preserves. Picking okra a gallon at a time right now also. Freezing okra and dehydrating some also. Cooked all the little sweet potatoes and the ones nicked or broken and made sweet potato leather in the dehydrator. Mixed in apple juice, cinnamon and maple syrup. Yum
My little bitty watermelons. The are really sweet and tasty. I had 15.


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but this year I have seen 2 walnuts.
We have been carrying a bag with us every day while walking the dog. We have now collected the first good walnuts in 3 years from the country roads nearby. We got about 40 lbs. together so far and there are lots to still collect. If we crack them, we can sell them for ten dollars a kilo.
I am also collecting seed pods from a honey locust tree down the road for making baking sugar.
Question...... when you store beans and rice, do you freeze for a few days, thaw, bake at 225° for 2 hours then vacuum seal. I have not, but that is what the video said.

If I need to I will.

I do not store beans and rice together. When done separately, I put them in Mylar bags with a bit of DE sprinkled in and oxygen absorbers. Then I put them in 5 or 6 gallon buckets.
I made a huge boo-boo. Both of my hands are stained by walnuts. I have tried all the tricks listed, but nothing is cutting the stain.

Also, when I hull the walnuts, there are little white worms inside. Luckily, they don't penetrate the shell.

You aren't going to want to hear this but, we grow pecans. By the end of harvest each year, my hands are black. The only way to get the stain off that I have found, other than time, is bleach! Probably not the safest thing to do but, I have used it if I have to go somewhere where it might matter like a nice dinner, wedding etc...