Gardening 2023

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I could have picked 10 times this much . But just wanted sides to go with a couple steaks for me and the Wife tonight . I'll have to call the Kids and Grandkids over to raid the garden so it doesn't get out of control . I work 60 hours a week so it can get away from Us .
I could have picked 10 times this much . But just wanted sides to go with a couple steaks for me and the Wife tonight . I'll have to call the Kids and Grandkids over to raid the garden so it doesn't get out of control . I work 60 hours a week so it can get away from Us .View attachment 20029
Aren't we neighbors Psalm? I must have gotten a late start. I have snow peas and tiny cucumber so far. My squash, beans and tomatoes are blooming though.
The potato vines died on my earliest ones. I was digging at 6 a.m. because it is going to really hot again. I got almost a bushel which shocked me. I still have another patch and two 20 gallon buckets. I'm pleased.

I also am having the best snow peas crop ever. This heat will make them die so I'm getting what I can.
Looks like we might get a little rain here this morning. We got all of the fruit trees fertilized yesterday. Need to water them and put bark mulch around the trunks. Going to put up some livestock panels between the posts for the grape vines to climb on. Most of our new concord grape plants died from the freeze and snow last week, but a few might make it. A lot of our potato plants have some damaged leaves, otherwise I think they'll be fine. We might get some 70 degree days later this week. Should be good for whatever survived the cold.
My attempt at growing onions from seeds was a failure. I'm going to try more next season, but do lots more research before I do.

Luckily, I planted some sets too and they are growing. Not very large, but I think the clay soil is too hard. I'm going to rework an area and add lots of sand and top soil to make the ground easier for growth.

Live and learn.
My attempt at growing onions from seeds was a failure. I'm going to try more next season, but do lots more research before I do.

Luckily, I planted some sets too and they are growing. Not very large, but I think the clay soil is too hard. I'm going to rework an area and add lots of sand and top soil to make the ground easier for growth.

Live and learn.
Same here, Robin. I had them sprout but they died before I could transplant. They had long taproots and the soil was a seed starter mix, so next year I am going to try starting in extra deep pots with some richer soil.

Who knows if that will work but I thought I would mention it in case it works for you! 😆
I had little stems about 4 inches long, but the didn't mature after that. I put potting soil around them and gave them nutrients. Last year I left 2 onion plants in the garden and this year they are looking great. Big and healthy.

I have had two go to seed so I tied a panty hose around it to catch the seed.
We had a storm warning and the garlic was just drying enough to harvest....sooooo. We just pulled all of it out of the garden so it would not get wet in the rain and start to spoil or go bad. We got about 35 lbs. today and it is laying out to dry under the roof of the pigpen.
I'm jealous that everyone is already into harvest on here. The only thing I am getting so far are radishes, kale, and a single hot pepper. At least I have a lot growing, I suppose.
This is a very unusual weather year for us. It has been below temp until this week and now we are having a big temp jump. This will probably make all of the cool crops bolt.