Here is one thing that people often forget about having land, the larger the piece of land the MORE coordinated in your defenses you will have to be.
There is no magic bubble of protection being in the Country. Yes, fewer people but, as any redneck knows, you have good ones and bad ones. I say this respectfully, as a redneck woman myself.
I was at my BOL last weekend doing some work. I had a talk with my only neighbor on my road. He was saying he has had problems with some of the locals bringing their dogs out an hunting on his property, despite having the trespass signs up. He got his land from his grandpa and said since this area had been left alone for so long, the locals without 10+ acres to hunt on, just kind of started using uninhabited areas as their own since no one was around to say anything. They may know the lay of your land better than you do!
He also told me a story about how a couple of years back, a guy with a thermal scope at night, shot a calf that was laying down, thinking it was a hog. He ended up paying a fine for criminal trespass, as well as restitution to the rancher for the dead calf.
The same principles apply to a small property as a large one. Layers. Lots and lots of layers. And those layers get expensive which is why prepping on a budget takes years not months.
Moving from a small lot in the city to a much larger one in the country, does not eliminate dangers it simply trades one issue for another.