Heat for the home (in cold palces)

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What about a solar heater?

That's not me, just something I saw on youtube.

If not get a lot of dogs. When I had 7 dogs we lost power and the three of us on a mattress in the middle of the floor and the dogs all piled in with us. It was fun, at least my daughter thought so.

kerosene is ok, but smells a little and you get soot from it.
That's pretty cool! I wonder how well it would work at freezing temps.

I just finished my pieces for a small wood stove I bought, to run through
my old chimney. I don't think its safe to use as 1st source of heat, but
it should keep us warm if the power goes out for any periods of time
during the winter.
I saw a DIY video by southernprepper1 about turning a pop can into a burner, which can run on alchohol, or other source of methenol.

Probably the best source you have is wood as it is everywhere in many areas. Making a simple tin can burner is probably going to be your cheapest solution. You can always rig up a smoke filter to reduce the amount of smoke it puts out. Methanol type things burn smokeless though.

I've found using multiple thermal sleeping bags rated for subzero temperatures with hoods in opposite direections so you get a full face shield and a balaclava works good to make things comfortable for sleeping. Throwing a bivy ontop can add a couple degrees. If outdoros getting old grass or leaves can add insulation between your layers. If heavy snow you can dig into the snow itself. and sleep in the snow.

Even funny things like a laptop can act as a type of heatsource. Jogging if you have food energy.

Everything slows down when you are in a cold environment. I find that using the ECWS layering systems are good which you can approximate, but for many of the components it is cheaper for the military kit than commercial equivolents. Wool, polyethelene, fleece are all freinds, multiple sock layers, and for outdoors a good solid cold weather combat boot or mukluk.

There are electric heaters if you have electric, there are wood stoves, but you are suppose to vent and there are often safety laws on it, but the smokeless fuel sources are probably you best for safety. Limiting the amount of space is also a good idea you can do this by hanging a blanket at a hallway entrance.

Exercising for body heat only doesn't work when 1 you have no hot water to shower, 2 you don't have food for food energy. Normally you can get your body temp up without causing a sweat though. You want to exercise a bit before jumping into the two sleeping bags and you can also throw in a thermal layer on the inside re space blanket... keeps the body temp warm enough for sleep but if it gets really cold maybe not I've never done it for really low sub zero temperatures only up to around -10
There was another video with a guy who built a solar heater and the outside temp was -14 degrees F. I think he said it raised the inside temp by 3 degrees but I'm not sure what he said due to my hearing is bad. The heat coming out of it was 159 degrees but I don't think it's enough in very cold weather. A wood stove would be better provided you had a good sourse of fuel.
Be careful burning the wood your garage is made from if it's painted. You said it was old, but is from before lead based paints were banned? If it is older, beware of breathing in the fumes/lead when you burn the wood.
We have a kerosene heater and a fireplace/w blower fan. It heats about half the house. We really should get a second kerosene heater. Our usual heat is an electric heat-pump.

Down is the warmest thing I can think of. I have a heavy Woolrich down jacket and heavy down comforters. In TN we probably would need little heat at night.
If it's not blizzard conditions allot of UV hits the snow, got solar? ethanol burners, hexamine burners?

Probably the first winter is the most important one for not being found, after that those who are not prepared will have been eliminated, not a nice thought but at least the next winter you could most likely burn wood freely.
Probably the first winter is the most important one for not being found, after that those who are not prepared will have been eliminated, not a nice thought but at least the next winter you could most likely burn wood freely.

It wouldn't go on that long. The Gov, such as it is, would regroup and other countries would come in and help. I don't believe we'd be living in 1800s conditions for long with American's starving to death in large numbers. That would only happen if a large meteor hits the earth (or maybe a few countries unleash nuclear bombs)... something on the scale of what killed the dinosaurs.
That's not me, just something I saw on youtube.

kerosene is ok, but smells a little and you get soot from it.

There's very little smell if you get one of the better newer units. And you have to trim the wick as needed. We never once get soot from ours.
It wouldn't go on that long. The Gov, such as it is, would regroup and other countries would come in and help. I don't believe we'd be living in 1800s conditions for long with American's starving to death in large numbers. That would only happen if a large meteor hits the earth (or maybe a few countries unleash nuclear bombs)... something on the scale of what killed the dinosaurs.
By other countries do you mean the UN? NO THANKS!! And when was the last time another country hepled the US? And by the way I've travled to many other countries most are still living in 1800s conditions now, some even back in the dark ages. Don't fool yourself, if something bad happens we're on our own, and also FYI Noah's flood killed the dinosaurs.;)
There's very little smell if you get one of the better newer units. And you have to trim the wick as needed. We never once get soot from ours.

I agree kerosene works very well just light and turn off the heater out side and there is hardly any smell at all, also kerosene lasts forever, I just used up the last of my Y2K kerosene a couple monthes ago it still burned great.
The rest of the world maybe busy dealing with the same problems in thier homelands.

Since when has America been alone? Don't count Australia out, or the Commonwealth.
The rest of the world maybe busy dealing with the same problems in thier homelands.

Since when has America been alone? Don't count Australia out, or the Commonwealth.

Don't get me wrong I like Australia It's a great place to visit, but like you said they will probaly be bussy with thier own problems, anyway Aussies don't have guns how will they help defend us if they can't defend themselves?
By other countries do you mean the UN? NO THANKS!! And when was the last time another country hepled the US?

I read several countries offered help during Katrina but were refused. I don't recall which Nations they were. Without a Gov and completely lawless without an armed service, we would be a prime target for any aggressive nation out there. The small number of preppers, no matter how devoted and experienced with arms they are, will not hold off another Nation's army. That would be another danger we would face.

And by the way I've travled to many other countries most are still living in 1800s conditions now, some even back in the dark ages. Don't fool yourself, if something bad happens we're on our own, and also FYI Noah's flood killed the dinosaurs.;)

Are you kidding me? The dinosaurs were wiped out 65,000,000 years ago. I wish Christians can make up their minds. You have those sects that are "old earth" and those who are "new earth" and yet there has never been a worldwide flood. The Noah story was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh.
The rest of the world maybe busy dealing with the same problems in thier homelands.

That would depend on what the disaster is.

Since when has America been alone? Don't count Australia out, or the Commonwealth.

America wont stand alone. Canada has always been there and what of Mexico? We've supported Israel for ages, they surely would come forward..... no guarantees I know.
RV-Kitty Canada was part of the Commonwealth :p and please note I did say "maybe" you are 100% correct the type of and the scope of the disaster would dictate the worlds ability to pull together, I for one am not Prepping with the idea in mind that help will come, I am Prepping for being completly abandoned, if help does arrive or if the world does go back to life as we know it now, i'll consider myself somewhat lucky.

Oh and Wild Man, we have guns here, rifle shooting is pretty big in Australia, along with hunting.
I read several countries offered help during Katrina but were refused. I don't recall which Nations they were. Without a Gov and completely lawless without an armed service, we would be a prime target for any aggressive nation out there. The small number of preppers, no matter how devoted and experienced with arms they are, will not hold off another Nation's army. That would be another danger we would face.

Maybe you should tell that to the Viet Cong and the Talaban in Afghanistan

Are you kidding me? The dinosaurs were wiped out 65,000,000 years ago. I wish Christians can make up their minds. You have those sects that are "old earth" and those who are "new earth" and yet there has never been a worldwide flood. The Noah story was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh.

I knew that Noah comment would get you going, you atheist are always so easy to get started up. And by the way the Epic of Gilgamesh is based on Noah's flood
Oh and Wild Man, we have guns here, rifle shooting is pretty big in Australia, along with hunting.

Good to hear Dannyboy I stand corrected I was under the impression y'all had to turn in or register your fire arms
We cut the old style butane tanks into and weld tops and doors on them. Then we weld a stick of exaust tubing on top and bottom for a smokestack and to draw air in. We put a damper in the bottom pipe. You just drill a hole in the floor where it can draw air from the outside and drill a hole in the roof. You can also use a freon bottle if you want one smaller. We use them in deer stands all the time
Good to hear Dannyboy I stand corrected I was under the impression y'all had to turn in or register your fire arms

I liked your comment about the Viet Cong, My father was 4RAR

You are correct on the quoted text too, civilians had to hand in pretty much anything that could be used as an assault weapon and register everything else that wasn't allready registered, allot of weapons got shredded under that scheme. Our military have the military hardware, that works for us in this country, what I meant was we still have rifles, just not the way you guys do.

Sorry if I came across as being on the defensive, I was just making conversation.
I drew a quick picture 2013-04-08_21-36-00_461.jpg 2013-04-08_21-36-00_461.jpg
This will heat a 16 x 16 room. It uses outside air for combustion therefore it won't deplete the oxygen. Besides the warmest air in the room is right in front of the fire. Its a shame that is where most fireplaces draw their air from.
That would depend on what the disaster is.

America wont stand alone. Canada has always been there and what of Mexico? We've supported Israel for ages, they surely would come forward..... no guarantees I know.
After the way you ve spoken of Israelites and their God I can hear them coming now.
That heater looks all right, you could really make one out of almost any heavy metal chamber, reminds me a little of a slow combustion Pot Belly Stove.
I liked your comment about the Viet Cong, My father was 4RAR

You are correct on the quoted text too, civilians had to hand in pretty much anything that could be used as an assault weapon and register everything else that wasn't allready registered, allot of weapons got shredded under that scheme. Our military have the military hardware, that works for us in this country, what I meant was we still have rifles, just not the way you guys do.

Sorry if I came across as being on the defensive, I was just making conversation.

It's all good mate, I love a good conversation. My father also served in Vietnam. Can I ask you a question? Did the crime rate there go down when y'all turned in and registered your weapons and did the criminals turn in and register theirs also? Because that is what our government wants us to believe but, I'm not buying it. And if it works for y'all there that’s great, I feel that we here cannot trust our government enough to turn in our weapons. Our police are a bunch of jack booted thugs and criminals and don't even get me started about the Dept. of Homeland Security.

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