He's just not into prepping!

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All I know for sure is one day we will have a disaster, natural or man made, that will disrupt all our lives. We've had a really good run, especially in the USA, for a long time with no wars on our soil, consistent electricity, no shortage of food on large scale, etc.. If you watch the world news there are horrible things going on all over the world, it's only a matter of time before we feel it as well. All the things I've been learning and gathering over the last few years are not going to save the world, but they are going to allow me to be more comfortable no matter what happens. I just saw the new episode of doomsday preppers last night. They do their best to make anyone into prepping look like a lunatic. I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks, I know in my heart that it's a wise thing to learn and practice.
I think the three most important things in life are water, food and shelter. If you focus on having ways to ensure you have these three things, you can handle everything else. I wish all of our people here on this site the best. At least we are trying to ensure our families are taken care of, no matter how many are "ostriches".
He thinks I'm crazy for stocking up on water. He's ok with weapons and ammo, but pretty much nothing else. I've slowly been collecting items and putting them in my closet. How do you get someone on board with prepping? I don't want to feel naked if disaster strikes!
I have to ask-is 'He' Your significant other? If so, probably no one could have the right answer but him.Water weighs 62.3 lbs per sq ft.- very heavy, so carrying a lot of it around becomes impractical. On the other hand it is essential to life, so my own preps include a small amount-enough to survive on till I can locate more.(5-7 days). If Your prep is done to survive a contaminated water supply, much more should be stored. There aren't too many things that will ruin water to the point that it can,t be purified or distilled radiation fallout being 1. I intend on getting a radiation tester just in case but if non is present, water is relatively easy to acquire almost anywhere on the planet. I know this because of having been in survival mode a number of times. You might want to study on the methods of collection and purification-there are many.I wondered the same thing-how to be on with other preppers, increasing chances of survival by accumulated knowledge. Collective presence of others can add to the safety of all as well as quality of life. One of the basic human needs is social acceptance-after physical needs of course.
I'll say my wife isn't too thrilled that I am on this website. Though, she doesn't complain too much. I have slowly got her into prepping. Starting small with guns and ammo. Got nearly 10,000rds of mixed ammo over the course of the last 3years. and used the whole camping idea to get her on board with prepping, since I a the type to sleep in the open with the bugs and stare at the stars til i fall asleep.

My wife really started getting annoyed with prepping so i made a deal with her. I'll use my money that i earned to buy stuff and keep it organized and put away and she can do what she wants with her money as long as the bills are taken care of. And to my surprise it worked! And she is slowly coming around to the idea of prepping. Though, it may change if i don't stop rubbing it in her face every time she needs something of mine and i say, "Why didn't you buy it?" or "Looks like my prepping saved the day!"
I just got the answer to my storage problem. We are getting a loft barn with a garage door on it. We have a decent sized attached garage, but he's a bit of a hoarder which limits our space. He's planning on moving a lot of his stuff into the barn. The water I'm collecting is for the chance that we wouldn't be able to leave my house to get to our bug out location. Our bug out location has well water and is right off of a river with a lot of natural resources and is about 20 minutes from my house, far into the country. With recent news of diseases going around I would like to have enough food and water in the house if we ever do need to quarantine ourselves. I would hate to wait until the last minute and try to go the store when it's half empty and sickness is being spread around.


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I just got the answer to my storage problem. We are getting a loft barn with a garage door on it. We have a decent sized attached garage, but he's a bit of a hoarder which limits our space. He's planning on moving a lot of his stuff into the barn. The water I'm collecting is for the chance that we wouldn't be able to leave my house to get to our bug out location. Our bug out location has well water and is right off of a river with a lot of natural resources and is about 20 minutes from my house, far into the country. With recent news of diseases going around I would like to have enough food and water in the house if we ever do need to quarantine ourselves. I would hate to wait until the last minute and try to go the store when it's half empty and sickness is being spread around.

I would actually use that as my storage place for all my prep stuff. That's fairly big! I can already see my plans forming in my mind, lol.
Ammo here, water there. Food here. Extra blankets and supplies there, list goes on and on.
I would actually use that as my storage place for all my prep stuff. That's fairly big! I can already see my plans forming in my mind, lol.
Ammo here, water there. Food here. Extra blankets and supplies there, list goes on and on.

I will be putting some of my stuff in there. He's getting rid of a storage unit that he's had for a while and putting what he's not getting rid of in there (a cut apart truck, engines, car parts etc.), but there will still be some space for my stuff. I'm definitely taking over the loft part. When I first bought my house it seemed so much bigger, I never thought a man could take up so much space.
I will be putting some of my stuff in there. He's getting rid of a storage unit that he's had for a while and putting what he's not getting rid of in there (a cut apart truck, engines, car parts etc.), but there will still be some space for my stuff. I'm definitely taking over the loft part. When I first bought my house it seemed so much bigger, I never thought a man could take up so much space.

Yes we can, lol! Women aren't the only ones with stuff like clothes and shoes. We can have a lot of "hoarding" stuff and junk too!
It's amazing how much 'stuff' guys can accumulate. . . hunny has the shed out back and the extra room in the big barn that we store feed in.
It's amazing how much 'stuff' guys can accumulate. . . hunny has the shed out back and the extra room in the big barn that we store feed in.
I built a 24 x 50' detached garage/workshop. I remember thinking 'this is huge, I'll have tons of extra space from now on'. Now I couldn't get a car in there for anything! I've got crap everywhere. I think a garage sale would probably be wise!
I built a 24 x 50' detached garage/workshop. I remember thinking 'this is huge, I'll have tons of extra space from now on'. Now I couldn't get a car in there for anything! I've got crap everywhere. I think a garage sale would probably be wise!
But the question is. . . will you actually have that garage sale?? Sorry, my guess is no. Hunny has so much stuff cause you never know when it may come in handy for riggin things together. You guys are probably all the same on that one.
I will be putting some of my stuff in there. He's getting rid of a storage unit that he's had for a while and putting what he's not getting rid of in there (a cut apart truck, engines, car parts etc.), but there will still be some space for my stuff. I'm definitely taking over the loft part. When I first bought my house it seemed so much bigger, I never thought a man could take up so much space.

Hello Heather,

Great start on your preps. Since you've discussed wanting to go off the grid, consider some solar panels to be placed on your shed. I just order a
Grape Solar, 250-Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panel to see if I can upgrade my existing array and also considering adding them to the roof of my BOV. These are sold by Home Depot and their are other companies that offer similar, I was just able to pick one up there to save on the shipping cost. Grape Solar offers a package deal for a 400W system complete with the inverter so that you can charge up batteries. The other option, if you want to consider a cheaper version is to see if your local Harbor Freight has them...last I saw they were about 170,but may go on sale and are about 40 dollars less.

Well see you've got some great feedback. Good luck.
Heatherness, are you talking about my husband!?!? =P

My husband is a very simple man. I don't want to say he isn't smart, because he is in things that he is into. Electronics, fishing, etc, he can figure anything out. As far as what is going on in the world? Flies right over his head. He is a very selfish person in a lot of ways. He's a great husband and a great father, he just maintains a lot of his selfish teenage kid qualities, even though he's 25 (which is the one thing I would change about him if I could.) He just....doesn't have the want to understand it or think about it. I talk to him sometimes about what's going on, we converse (today, I told him about the ebola outbreak), he gives his thoughts. Once the conversation is over, it never crosses his mind again. He doesn't worry about it, try to dissect whatever is going on. His own selfish thoughts about what he's going to eat for lunch, what time he will get off work, and what shoes he's going to wear takes over his thoughts. I absolutely hate it, but there isn't much I can do. He doesn't stop and think, "If Ebola comes to the US, there is the possibility of an outbreak here, which means my wife and son could become infected and die. What can I do to protect them?"

ALTHOUGH, he does not have the same worries and realizations about the world today, he allows me to do as I please. He understand why I prep, he helps when he can, and he goes about his day. I wish he were more into it and came up with his own ideas, but I'm content that he lets me do it. He's a very shallow person as far as thinking deeply and what is important in life, but he still understands that I am preparing to keep myself and my son safe.

At our old apartment, I used to store gallons of water in every spot I could find. When we moved, I poured about 24 gallons down the drain. You remind me of myself, in a good way!
But the question is. . . will you actually have that garage sale?? Sorry, my guess is no. Hunny has so much stuff cause you never know when it may come in handy for riggin things together. You guys are probably all the same on that one.
You're very intuitive! All the stuff I've accumulated has a purpose. As I've said before here, I plan to build a small, but nice, cabin on the back of the property. At least a third of the stuff I have is for that. I owned a sawmill a while back and cut piles of lumber for building furniture. I have walnut, cherry, oak, aromatic cedar, magnolia, white pine, hickory, and some assorted other stuff. There's an extra pump, spare tools etc. anytime I get a really good sale on something, that's the time to buy it. I am still pretty good about buying things that actually have a future use though. I guess I've always been a prepper in some way or another, even before I knew what a prepper was.
This thread is making me laugh, now. :DI get on my wife about hoarding clothes and what not. Then she gets on me about hoarding gun parts, tools, etc... This reminds me of a Brain Games episode about the differences in men and women. I guess our differences are what make us work well together.
You're very intuitive! All the stuff I've accumulated has a purpose. As I've said before here, I plan to build a small, but nice, cabin on the back of the property. At least a third of the stuff I have is for that. I owned a sawmill a while back and cut piles of lumber for building furniture. I have walnut, cherry, oak, aromatic cedar, magnolia, white pine, hickory, and some assorted other stuff. There's an extra pump, spare tools etc. anytime I get a really good sale on something, that's the time to buy it. I am still pretty good about buying things that actually have a future use though. I guess I've always been a prepper in some way or another, even before I knew what a prepper was.
I wouldn't get rid of it either! What we have may be clutter for some, but there will be a day that it comes in handy. Only problem for us is the item we need is in what shed or which shop. We now have 5. . . with one being on the other side of the property, but we get our exercise.
Heatherness, are you talking about my husband!?!? =P

My husband is a very simple man. I don't want to say he isn't smart, because he is in things that he is into. Electronics, fishing, etc, he can figure anything out. As far as what is going on in the world? Flies right over his head. He is a very selfish person in a lot of ways. He's a great husband and a great father, he just maintains a lot of his selfish teenage kid qualities, even though he's 25 (which is the one thing I would change about him if I could.) He just....doesn't have the want to understand it or think about it. I talk to him sometimes about what's going on, we converse (today, I told him about the ebola outbreak), he gives his thoughts. Once the conversation is over, it never crosses his mind again. He doesn't worry about it, try to dissect whatever is going on. His own selfish thoughts about what he's going to eat for lunch, what time he will get off work, and what shoes he's going to wear takes over his thoughts. I absolutely hate it, but there isn't much I can do. He doesn't stop and think, "If Ebola comes to the US, there is the possibility of an outbreak here, which means my wife and son could become infected and die. What can I do to protect them?"

ALTHOUGH, he does not have the same worries and realizations about the world today, he allows me to do as I please. He understand why I prep, he helps when he can, and he goes about his day. I wish he were more into it and came up with his own ideas, but I'm content that he lets me do it. He's a very shallow person as far as thinking deeply and what is important in life, but he still understands that I am preparing to keep myself and my son safe.

At our old apartment, I used to store gallons of water in every spot I could find. When we moved, I poured about 24 gallons down the drain. You remind me of myself, in a good way!

Glad I'm not the only one who feels like I'm with a teenager. Lol. And he is actually very smart, but lacking some common sense. And selfish is the perfect word to describe him. I keep hoping he will grow up. Lol
Glad I'm not the only one who feels like I'm with a teenager. Lol. And he is actually very smart, but lacking some common sense. And selfish is the perfect word to describe him. I keep hoping he will grow up. Lol
Where's the fun in growing up?
seems like if I wan't to have a lady that would understand my prepping I will not find one here in the city...sigh...
But the question is. . . will you actually have that garage sale?? Sorry, my guess is no. Hunny has so much stuff cause you never know when it may come in handy for rigging things together. You guys are probably all the same on that one.
That's right - we're all guys (presuming I'm referring to the male gender).
You're very intuitive! All the stuff I've accumulated has a purpose. As I've said before here, I plan to build a small, but nice, cabin on the back of the property. At least a third of the stuff I have is for that. I owned a sawmill a while back and cut piles of lumber for building furniture. I have walnut, cherry, oak, aromatic cedar, magnolia, white pine, hickory, and some assorted other stuff. There's an extra pump, spare tools etc. anytime I get a really good sale on something, that's the time to buy it. I am still pretty good about buying things that actually have a future use though. I guess I've always been a prepper in some way or another, even before I knew what a prepper was.
Hunny made me a dry sink in the milking parlor out of an old cast iron sink that we found out in a field when we bought the rent property next door to us. . . just one more reason to save what you may find useful one day and that was 7 years ago. It makes life so much easier with not having to repeatedly haul all that water off to dump after cleanup.

Apparently some don't know me well enough yet and I'll leave it at that.
Hunny made me a dry sink in the milking parlor out of an old cast iron sink that we found out in a field when we bought the rent property next door to us. . . just one more reason to save what you may find useful one day and that was 7 years ago. It makes life so much easier with not having to repeatedly haul all that water off to dump after cleanup.

Apparently some don't know me well enough yet and I'll leave it at that.
And here I am trying to get rid of as much as possible. I feel a need to minimize and simplify as much as possible. I have gotten rid of so much stuff these last couple of weeks. Of course, it sounds like you have a lot more property and definitely a lot more animals than I have.
And here I am trying to get rid of as much as possible. I feel a need to minimize and simplify as much as possible. I have gotten rid of so much stuff these last couple of weeks. Of course, it sounds like you have a lot more property and definitely a lot more animals than I have.
I'm past the point of ever being able to move again due to all the crap I have! I would have one heck of a yard sale though. Seriously, with a little carpentry, welding and creative engineering, you can make a lot of things do much more than they were intended for. I guess the practical side of me hates to waste anything that can possibly be reused or repurposed. My neighbor was unemployed for a while and was hauling off metal to make a few bucks at the recycling yard. I gave him lots of stuff that I could have used since, but was glad I could help a little.
By "get rid of" I don't mean I threw it in the trash. I'm actually selling stuff, even if only for a buck or two. So, in a sense, it's all serving a purpose. What I am getting rid of is making it possible for me to get what I need for my preps. A good example is that I just got $10 for 2 empty cpu towers and 2 very old printers. That buys me a case of canning jars!

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