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It took me a little bit to get this where I wanted it to you know I'm old what you guys think it could be starting the sun is getting older might not happen in our lifetime but I want to be prepared if it does or at least my kids or my grandkids
A solar storm is one of those things that will put the modern population back into the "dark ages" quite literally, the problem with relying on the internet and computers for everything is akin to "putting all your eggs in one basket", one event will bring it all crashing down.
I mentioned in another thread, CMEs generally take several days to reach earth.
The Carrington event of 1859 took about 18hours to get to earth, only because a previous CME had cleared the way.
We have a number of national agencies (NASA, NRO), scientific and universities that monitor space weather and the sun.
IIRC, we missed one as the earth was three days behind the path of the CME a few years ago.

We would have a heads up. What would the reaction from the masses be is the question.
the advent of the personal mobile phone and the internet-dont learn anything just google the answer- was when civilization started down the slippery slope to oblivion.
We listen. We don't transmit.

I use my high tech head apparatus to transmit and receive signals.

It's why I have a billion pages (not quite) saved as web archives and all the best movies off youtube saved off. If the web goes down the only thing I'll miss is eBay and the weather radar. Lets be honest, nothing gets said here that hasn't been said before a hundred times before anyway ;)
Yeah a lot of the people will not survive and then you got the kill off. Figure about maybe in a month or so and you figure the like refrigerated medicine no more and if you have a butane or a natural gas refrigerator most campers have that and the higher end ones keep that in mind personally I have two one just for my cold beer and I always make that stuff the wife thinks I'm crazy but I know it's going to happen it might not happen in my lifetime but it's going to happen I'm also native Americans I was born and raised on a reservation no running water most of the time no electricity my wife is from the Philippines same thing lived in the mountains so we'll be just fine
I love the internet but I do know how to survive without it. We didn't have internet in the home growing up since good internet wasn't available out where we lived. I'm most worried about the kids growing up today who have literally never lived in a world without Google and don't know what it was like before the internet (this includes some of my younger siblings). It's a bit terrifying.
Figure about maybe in a month or so and you figure the like refrigerated medicine no more and if you have a butane or a natural gas refrigerator most campers have that and the higher end ones keep that in mind personally I have two one just for my cold beer and I always make that stuff the wife thinks I'm crazy but I know it's going to happen it might not happen in my lifetime but it's going to happen I'm also native Americans I was born and raised on a reservation no running water most of the time no electricity my wife is from the Philippines same thing lived in the mountains so we'll be just fine

Wow. That has to be the second longest sentence I’ve ever seen. o_O

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