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I have lived a previous existence without:
Computers and Internet.
Mobile phones.
Mains Water and plumbing.
WTSHTF I will again.
not just your govt, ours too.
not that I ever believed ANY politician, they are all liars and chancers.
Sorry I do not have voice texting it doesn't add periods where it has to or capitalization where it has to and if I type I'll have much more misspelled words
I love the internet but I do know how to survive without it. We didn't have internet in the home growing up since good internet wasn't available out where we lived. I'm most worried about the kids growing up today who have literally never lived in a world without Google and don't know what it was like before the internet (this includes some of my younger siblings). It's a bit terrifying.
They will adjust. Maybe the parents will learn to be parents again and spend time with them. Even now, kids will only do what their parents allow them to do.
Internet was not around untill i was out of college, we learned to do things ourselves, our reference materials was World Book Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britanica and the library!!!
I grew up in an area and time where my "reference materials" we're the old time ranchers, cowboys, miners and trappers. They taught me everything I needed to know. Schools and teachers were useless to me. TV was black & white with 1 channel, phone was a rotary dial party line and computers were unheard-of.

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