Hey Preppers.....ya feelin' pretty smart right about now?

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Devaluation of the dollar is a big threat to those that have saved what seems enough.

The first REAL signs of hyperinflation, I will be spending money like it is going out of style because literally it is going out of style.

I have already started down that road. I've spent more in the last couple of months than I typically do in a year. I feel like if we wait too long, it'll be too late. I don't think I'm alone either. We went shopping at a Sporting Goods store last weekend and they were sold out of many high priced items that I don't think typically sell out. We were just there a month ago and it looked like a completely different store. I know there are seasonal changes stores go through....but this was more than that. The place looked drained. We still found some things to drop some Benjamins on though. Luckily we called ahead on one of those items or it would have been gone too. Our wish lists that we've had for years are getting fulfilled. We still have investments and other avenues of income so we're not spending beyond our means or going into debt, but we are spending down some cash on assets that will hold value. Those things will also be very helpful if the economy goes in the crapper.

according to the above mentioned cashier at the bank. someone is fibbing. there is no shortage of coins acording to her
is she lying?
This was during the height of idiocy of the Covid BS. The self checkouts wouldn't accept cash, but cashiers could, which made zero sense at all. At that time, Aldi wouldn't accept cash unless you had exact change.....which was never a problem for me. I always have lots of demoninations and lots of change when I shop. I spoke with business people who said that they had difficulties getting rolls of coins from the bank. I, personally, never tried b/c I didn't need change. We've been saving change for most of our adult lives, so we've got plenty.
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I'm resurrecting this old thread. It's funny how I'm feeling the same now as I did a year ago when I posted. Not necessarily smart, but nervous. Last year it was the election fear and shenanigans......this year it's just different shenanigans. It feels more palpable than what I recall from last year. I think the next couple of months could be really bumpy and this winter could be really bumpy as well. The divide now is the vaxxed vs. the unvaxxed, with Biden pushing that division. :mad: It just feels like all hell is going to break loose when the regular ole' flu season starts up in the fall.....and of coarse, it will be ramped up to a frenzy by the good ole' MSM.

Septemeber is Preparedness month. I've again talked to some friends to stock up now while they can (alcohol, TP, toiletries, gas, oil, canned food, basic supplies, etc.), at the risk of sounding like a crazy lady to them. I don't know if they are listening or not, but I am trying. I've also talked to the kids and told them to stock up on anything they think they might need for the next few months. I'd feel much better if they'd go further than that, but I know they probably won't. I said "remember last year when you couldn't even buy TP?" I told them more shortages on everything are expected this fall and winter and to get in there and get it now and to make sure their freezers are full. I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears. At least at this point they are better off than last year, but that bar was set pretty low since they never thought that store shelves would go bare. Seeing is believing......but I hope they don't forget. Normalcy bias is a b!tch.

I think that those who don't see this coming are fooling themselves. I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like WW3 is on our doorstep and it won't be a war like anything we've ever seen before.:( I want to be ready in case we have to batten down the hatches for a few months b/c I don't think it's going to be a choice like it was last year.
Feeling the same as you, a bit uneasy. Glad that I'm not in a city anymore like last year, or rely on a city for supplies. I know there's a divide between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, but the vaxxed may get a little ticked off if they're told to stay home again, wear masks, and the grocery stores are cleared out. I think the unvaxxed possibly already expect it, and if they're living in a big city, already feeling the effects of not being able to do the things they want to do without showing their proof of vax. Or possibly losing their job. I thought I had a lot of preps when this all started, and we did, really. Didn't need much of anything. But are in a better position now. I'm kinda thinking that our city relatives are going to get a little tired of this and want to come out for a visit where we don't have the restrictions. And even if we did have restrictions, I'm sitting on 23 acres, and looking at over 100 acres of soybeans out my front door. No need to stay inside and be afraid.
Angie, I share your concerns. Last year there were very real concerns about the election, and had the results been different IMHO we would have seen unparalleled domestic violence. Now we have an imbecile in the White House, and a totally inept administration. The border is in complete chaos. We have no clue who is coming across. With the Afghanistan prisons being emptied and the Taliban and Al Qaeda on the rise the threat of terrorism is more real than ever. How the world stage will play out remains to be seen, but both China and Russia are emboldened by a feckless, weak President. This does not bode well for the U.S.

I would agree it is a good time to step up the preps, and build up stores of at least the things that were in short supply last year at a minimum.
I've also talked to the kids and told them to stock up on anything they think they might need for the next few months. I'd feel much better if they'd go further than that, but I know they probably won't. I said "remember last year when you couldn't even buy TP?" I told them more shortages on everything are expected this fall and winter and to get in there and get it now and to make sure their freezers are full. I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears

I have been preaching the same, but I am afraid they are not listening.
My banker said the same thing month ago, the so call shortage was for the up coming year 2021, but the store were saying the shortage was here in summer 2020.
The store did not want to handle money, it started with coins, but they wanted to move on to paper too.
They ask about giving change to charities or given you a gift card with change on it.
My wife called them on the shortage & said her bank said come on down they had all change the stores needed.
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When this first started I wasn't afraid and didn't panic because I knew I had enough to get me through for a few months and I've been steadily adding more because that's the key - you never stop. I didn't feel particularly smart but I did feel blessed that I have a roof over me that is mine. Blessed that I could provide for myself and my grandsons if they need help. Blessed that I live in a red state. The list goes on. It gave me no satisfaction to see how many others were suffering because they were unprepared. Many have learned a hard lesson this past year but some still can't or won't take off the blindfold.

As for me, I need to put away the cases of cans stacked up around me. Got some good deals on evaporated milk, ham, pasta and vegetables. I don't take any of it for granted because it was God's grace that led me to this place of understanding. I'm praying that the midterm elections will restore some kind of sanity.
I have been preaching the same, but I am afraid they are not listening.
It could be my own fault. They know I'm stocked pretty well. I'm sure there are things that I have not thought of, but they know my pantry and freezers are full. Honestly, I would like to go and buy another freezer and get a quarter or half cow for it. I'm getting some push back from hubs on that b/c he thinks it's going overboard. We already have way too many freezers stocked for just the two of us. But, I think we're going to need to make sure we have lots for everyone. Dang it! I just can't help it. Just when I feel like I'm done, a day later I feel like I need to do more.

I wonder if this is how Noah felt? God could have just put Noah and his critters in a safe place on a mountain top, but instead, he told Noah that HE had to prepare the ark and stock it himself. I trust God completely, but I don't expect him to do everything for me. That's what he gave me brains, a strong body, and foresight for. I hope I've done enough.

I'm praying that the midterm elections will restore some kind of sanity.
I'm afraid that we don't have that much time before something breaks loose. Tensions everywhere seem to be flaring both foreign and domestically. I hope I'm wrong.
The wife and I have decided if the crunch is on we will let them suffer. I hate to be that way, but we cannot stock for us and them. I will assist with food, but as for other diddies, nope.

I might not have that hardened attitude if it weren't for them treating us like doddering old fools every time we suggest something. We have been stressing this since the shortages last year, they complained yet learned nothing.
Many years ago, when I was living in the Seattle area, I hand a friend that had a good saying that I always strive to remember when I find that things I've told others turns out to be right, his saying was, "Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.", it's actually a Biblical principle, which says that you shouldn't think too highly of yourself. I try to always apply this to when we've found that what preps we've done are on the mark, I actually try to have sympathy for people that aren't prepped or can't, for those that didn't want to listen, they'll find out the hard way, but I pray that they'll come to their senses before it's too late.
Things are collapsing fast . The Biden regime's race to the bottom is now becoming apparent even to non -preppers . I don't feel smug for having my preparations in order . I just feel sorry for the un-prepared . I realize I may have to let my brother and sister starve to death . I just got off the phone with my brother a non-prepper . He now realizes my preparations was being done by someone that had further insight into the future than most . --- A question I will throw into the wind . What have any of you heard about the ban on state to state travel if you don't have a cdc card . If my unverified information is correct the trucking industry is fixing to come to a halt and the hunger games will begin .
When I think of truckers I don't think of folks who give in. I also know that most cannot survive without driving.
Add to that what happens when folks can't get food or sundry supplies and I don't figure that any governor is going to try to force them to get a shot before they bring essentials into their states.
That is just a mountain too high.
What have any of you heard about the ban on state to state travel if you don't have a cdc card . If my unverified information is correct the trucking industry is fixing to come to a halt and the hunger games will begin .

Ther has been chatter about that, IF it does happen it will most likely target everyday travel. Certainly they wouldn't stop truck traffic...........................or would they.
When I think of truckers I don't think of folks who give in. I also know that most cannot survive without driving.
Add to that what happens when folks can't get food or sundry supplies and I don't figure that any governor is going to try to force them to get a shot before they bring essentials into their states.
That is just a mountain too high.
Yes but...

OBiden is pushing private industry to require the shot. That is how fascist works. Govnmnt works with industry. The bigger companies with government contracts will be the first to comply. The truckers will have to choose between the shot or not working.

My DIL may be faced with the same decision to keep her job as a nurses aide.

They announced a passport to go into effect Sept. 13 for my province. They will try to keep us from concerts, movies, gyms and sports; either played or watched. We don't have that stuff in my neck of the woods so a non starter.

We are having a surprise election in four weeks so they must be planning something nasty. They are hinting at no inter provincial travel allowed because the provinces are all doing their own thing. We will ignore that as well.

The weird thing is, no dining inside restaurants or on the patios without the passport but the staff can swing either way, vaxed or unvaxed. We can do takeout but we can't go in to get it or pay for it. So stupid.

Retail is allowed for now, so that means three more shopping weeks before they change their minds on that.

I was hoping to slow down on the shopping, but now it's shop till you drop until Sept 13. I am so smug with myself that I didn't have to start from scratch. After this, it's wait and see if I have to fall on my sword. Viva LA revolution.
I was hoping to slow down on the shopping, but now it's shop till you drop until Sept 13.
Wow! I'd be amazed if that announcement itself didn't cause a mass run on the stores. It's almost like they want to give it a go and see how long it takes for us all to kill each other. I guess it makes their job easier huh? This is bonkers!
Truckers are going on strike here in Australia on the 31st of August to protest having to get the *** to cross state lines and they have warned everyone to stock up in the mean time and expect supply lines to be disrupted for several weeks.
Good for them and it was decent of them to give the population forewarning before they pulled the trigger.
They aren't just going on strike they are parking up on the check points and major highways and walking away from their rigs...blockading the roads.
I 100% support them in this and I'll be stocked up as much as possible, shelter in place and watch the circus unfold on-line.
Truckers are going on strike here in Australia on the 31st of August to protest having to get the *** to cross state lines and they have warned everyone to stock up in the mean time and expect supply lines to be disrupted for several weeks.
Good for them and it was decent of them to give the population forewarning before they pulled the trigger.
They aren't just going on strike they are parking up on the check points and major highways and walking away from their rigs...blockading the roads.
I 100% support them in this and I'll be stocked up as much as possible, shelter in place and watch the circus unfold on-line.

And then Atlas shrugged...

We felt comfortable back in 2019, then in early 2020 we still felt good, but the restrictions on grocery's and sickness around here made us decide to check our out preps (Eat down our food storage and not buy any food) and we were no longer comfortable. The first month was easy, the second month the wife started complaining (she missed fresh bell pepper, cucumbers, and tomatoes with her salad: I had indoor lettuce growing), by the 3rd month we were out of Ice Cream and the wife really got upset, during the 4th month we ran out of unsalted mixed nuts and the wife said, "Heck NO GO TO THE STORE and get me my treats". I had heard the tails but was stunned when I hit the grocery store for the 1st time in 4 months, no meat, not much of anything really.... We had a really big list and found that using a combination of delivery, and shopping multiple stores we were able to re-stock to pre-pandemic levels and then we kept the peddle to the metal to continue expanding our supplies and our ability go grow much longer... I didn't solve the Ice Cream problem, but we are converting frozen meats into canned meals, which makes more room for ICE CREAM... not a years supply but enough to make my son roll his eyes...... I only have about 10 months of the nuts on hand, but over all we are much better off than we were in March 2020. We are canning every other day now, on the days in between we are doing things like stewing chickens to make stock for canning... Today, I canned tomato sauce (had it on the cooling racks by 06:00 and chicken vegetable soup started it at 18:00 and it is now on the cooling racks... Wife suggested that I find some beef short ribs to make beef stock with... She also wants to stew 2 more chickens tomorrow night... I have also been trying to address other areas of the prepping needs water, power, and security; but it is hard to do all this and keep a low profile...

The wife fears that when things go bad they will turn ugly really fast and I agree and believe that the best way to avoid confrontations is to appear that you are in the same boat as the unprepared......

One good thing about using home canned food is that they really reduce your trashcan footprint....
From someone who grew up having "mustard" sandwiches and making do with whatever was cheapest in bulk; Ice cream, special nuts, or anything else not cheap and readily at hand is frivolous and a waste. My opinion only but when its a reality, it is relevant.
From someone who grew up having "mustard" sandwiches and making do with whatever was cheapest in bulk; Ice cream, special nuts, or anything else not cheap and readily at hand is frivolous and a waste. My opinion only but when its a reality, it is relevant.
You're right, but when you are on an absolute "no salt" diet and can't do much, 2 scoops of Ice Cream becomes a big treat. My dear wife has been fighting to stay alive for the last decade and if there is something that cheers her up and she wants it; you can bet you last dollar that I will be getting if for her.

Then again if the only holes you can find in your food storage after living off it for 4 months are nuts and Ice cream there weren't many holes to start with....
From someone who grew up having "mustard" sandwiches and making do with whatever was cheapest in bulk; Ice cream, special nuts, or anything else not cheap and readily at hand is frivolous and a waste. My opinion only but when its a reality, it is relevant.

Ketchup sandwiches, gravy on bread, leftover cornbread crumbled into milk. Pinto beans, of course. Good stuff and we weren't hungry but if I have to cut out some of my favorite things now, I will miss them, too. I was 18 and had left home before I ever tasted pizza. Didn't even know what it was. It was so good my toes just curled right up! Come to think of it, they still do!😋😋
Ketchup sandwiches, gravy on bread, leftover cornbread crumbled into milk. Pinto beans, of course. Good stuff and we weren't hungry but if I have to cut out some of my favorite things now, I will miss them, too. I was 18 and had left home before I ever tasted pizza. Didn't even know what it was. It was so good my toes just curled right up! Come to think of it, they still do!😋😋
You will be alright when it happens!
Ice cream. I’ve been seeing little electric ice cream makers a lot lately. Costco? Walmart? It might end up being another appliance that sits in the cupboard, but it could also turn out to be worthwhile.
We do have a vintage White Mountain, but may consider a little new one.
You need a milk cow in your yard, Urban. That way you can make your own icecream. Or at least store Trader Joes shelf stable cream in a carton. And get an ice cream maker.
You told me about the shelf stable stuff about a year ago, we now have it in our inventory and the wife is rotating it through blended with the other stuff. The wife really only likes 1 kind of ice cream and it comes in little containers, I can get her 3 servings out of each (any more puts her blood sugar completely off). Her heart is so bad that the salt in store bought foods is enough to put her in the hospital on a Lasix IV. The last time that happened was December of 2019, someone slipped her a bag of potato chips :( The unsalted nuts are about the only snack (other than fruit and veggies) she can have. She is really good at staying on her diet, but that requires home cooking and a lot of labor, which is another reason to do home canned quick meals. We have had a number of friends who were diagnosed with CHF after she got really sick with it. They have all told us the same things, it's "sea salt", or it's just 1 meal, or I really love those potato chips. 4 of them are dead and the fifth is in a care center after spending over a month in the hospital........ The wife's doctors have been confused by her ability to sill be alive for the past 5 years.....

As for the cow, we house sat/ baby sat for a family who had a cow, I have milked enough to know that I don't like having my face slapped and that it way more work than I am will to invest, especially if you only use a half gallon a week....

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