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Actually, my rage is how prepping went from how it was being taught in the 50's-70's serious "Boots in the Field" stuff, to what it shifted to 45'ish years ago. The internet was the worst thing to happen to prepping. And prepping forums are the demise of prepping.

Now people have the fantasy and illusion of being prepped, they have the "buzz" words, and half sentence answers, a few shiny gizmos still in the bubble wrap and are convinced they will survive.
Many are like you say. But I dare say quite a few on this forum are very serious about their preps. Most are totally different in their methods than you are. But do things that they intend to make work where they are
Many are like you say. But I dare say quite a few on this forum are very serious about their preps. Most are totally different in their methods than you are. But do things that they intend to make work where they are

But "where they are" is probably the biggest prep of all.

Trying to make prepping work, where ever you are (and treating that as a constant rather than the variable that it is), constitutes a big compromise.
A few people live in places with too high population density because they really have to.

But most people live in places with too high population density because it is easy.
I know we live where we are because of a job that required it. Once established in an area it is hard to move to a more secure location. I don't find anything easy about living in an area with too high a population density, every aspect of it is a PITA. But, the thing most people don't realize is that within 3 days of no water they will start driving into the country side, and most cars will give them a 400 mile range. That means that if you draw a circle with a 400 mile radius from the center of every city it will give you a picture of where the "secure" places really are. Think of it like a nuclear fall-out map, only people are the thing that is falling out.

I think the only place that you could call secure in the lower 48 is @Amish Heart 's place in Kansas.
I know we live where we are because of a job that required it. Once established in an area it is hard to move to a more secure location. I don't find anything easy about living in an area with too high a population density, every aspect of it is a PITA. But, the thing most people don't realize is that within 3 days of no water they will start driving into the country side, and most cars will give them a 400 mile range.
Have you ever lived in Florida ( or other place) after a major hurricane and no power? You ain't going nowhere. In case of a national or world wide SHTF, the traffic lights won't work, accidents won't get removed, traffic won't be directed and all the roads out of cities are going to be a huge mess. The only way you are going anywhere is maybe with a dirt bike or ATV

somehow my quote included the previous post I read , not sure how to fix it, sorry
priorities for a wide range of serious SHTF

first thing that comes to mind is the need for both common sense and discernment. get a notebook, make some plans and write it down

you need to know who you can trust
you need a safe place to ride things out
you need that place to have water-food-shelter-heat, sanitation, safety
you need to have a plan how to get there
you need to plan now for living in the 1800s
you need to ask God what is the best plan for you-family and to guide you thru it
First off humans (especially modern humans) loath reflecting on a quandary. Setting quietly in a quiet environment "thinking" seems like a waste of time. Meditating on a major decision seems a waste of their life. People now loath thinking, they feel thinking is like having an unpleasant task before them that must be done.

So, in a split second they default (without realize doing it) to choosing an existing answer. The concept of thinking out something totally new is not graspable.

The concept of thinking for a whole week seems silly. Yet, in doing that, they might discover something new, new to them, perhaps new to mankind.

We assume we know the answers, and we may know the known answers, but what of the unknown answers lurking, waiting for a searcher of new to find it.

I loathe the current "prepping movement". It is deeply flawed, yet everyone is seduced by its whole and complete magical illusion of simplicity.

I wonder if those who have replied would after careful reevaluation, rearrange the priority of their answers.

Note that in the original post they were "Specifically" asked to not offer advice in current time, but because the person inquiring trusted and respected them, they desired careful reflection to put forth the best advice.

Prepping now is high speed "CANNED" advice, which the person offering it generally has little if any firsthand experience.

There are few things more serious than prepping for the future for yourself, family, loved ones, yet the whole of current prepping is high speed one word or one sentence answers, to complex decisions. Made worse by people's reluctance to test the advise.
I've advised a few people on prepping. They never follow up. I know nothing about your generic friend. Rich/poor, old/young? Are we talking about a sheeple or someone that is squared away. You asked for a non specific answer. That is where I start with most people. If I ever get questions from someone that is serious I'll give them detailed answers. As you know, most people here could write a book on prepping. A post is not a good place for that much information.
Well, it's actually here. the Helter Skelter will continue to drive those without individual free thought and self-will crazy, they will become even more insane than they are now, the sheep will become rabid and even more violent. and cause global unrest. we can see it happening more and more since 2015, it will not be getting better and will explode at every opportunity, and those who live to stir up crap will make it even worse.

The earth is entering a frequency of vibration designed to destroy the "hive" mentality. like, if you seek god or whatever, it will be because you want to, NOT because its what everyone else is doing. The Lemmings are headed over the cliff! you decide for yourself or die with the masses, the age of self-responsibility is upon us!
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I doubt if the first thing I’d do would be to offer advice. I know that most people who are interested in what might/might not happen in the future already have some idea of what they THINK would happen and I doubt if anything I could say would get them to adopt my particular view of what would (or could) happen. Many of them might have a lot of the prepper stuff all tied up in stuff I find irrelevant, such as the Red Chinese Commies massing on the Mexican Border, the return of Jesus, a YNP caldera collapse, etc. Nothing wrong with that, but it emphasizes that a planner must consider would apply to his situation; not yours or mine!

  • Rather, I’d suggest that they (a family if the person has one, or several committed group members) to just brainstorm all the possible Bad Things things that could happen and write ‘em down.
  • Rules here: nobody gets to be the moderator simply because he shouts louder than the rest. If you can’t have an atmosphere where everyone is comfortable coming up with a potential problem, you’ll probably miss out on key critical data as your project matures.
  • When you’ve dredged up every available idea, get together as a team; let the person who came up with the first one reads it and explains why he thinks its important After they’ve all been read open the floor for discussion, and then vote for which five or six of the ideas is the most critical. Everyone gets a vote for each of the ideas. Sure, some people are going to be upset at not having their own particular bete noir picked, but that’s their problem. If you consider that a particular scenario is essential -- yet no one else in the group does -- you’re probably in the wrong group.
  • Quantify. Figuring out which are the most important projects to do would be easier if you could apply some sort of numbering scheme to figure out why one approach is better than the others. What I would try would be a matrix where each of the ideas are graded by all the team members:

    (1) How serious would this issue be if it actually happened?
    (2) What’s the chance of this happening within six months?
    (3) What’s the chance of this happening within five years?
    (4) How long will it last?
    (5) How easy is it to ameliorate?
    (6) How much will it cost?

    Grade each of the six on a 1-to-5 scale where 1 is “minor annoyance” and 5 would be the Sun going nova – or something.
  • Prioritize. Having the numbers available isn’t going to d you any good if you can’t look at them right. I’d suggest a 6X5 matrix; a 5-column row for each of the six items you’ve graded. Add those matrix numbers up with a combined total for each of the items by each team members. This will tell you what the team as a whole considers the most important of the items, the second-most important, and so on. (I have an Excel spreadsheet for just this matrix; if you want one, email me at [email protected]).

This post has nothing to do with beans, bandages, or bullets; nor does it discuss whether or not to bug out versus shelter in place. All it does is show you how to start your long-term planning by finding out for yourself what the most likely problems to avoid might be.
Well, it's actually here. the Helter Skelter will continue to drive those without individual free thought and self-will crazy, they will become even more insane than they are now, the sheep will become rabid and even more violent. and cause global unrest. we can see it happening more and more since 2015, it will not be getting better and will explode at every opportunity, and those who live to stir up crap will make it even worse.

The earth is entering a frequency of vibration designed to destroy the "hive" mentality. like, if you seek god or whatever, it will be because you want to, NOT because its what everyone else is doing. The Lemmings are headed over the cliff! you decide for yourself or die with the masses, the age of self-responsibility is upon us!
For sure. I very much believe that we are in the first days of whatever "it" is that got us to start preparing. It's only going to get worse.
Well, my Christian pals either get the last seven years to themselves OR break away like we have and are subject to go right about the time the veils drop. you'll know they've dropped because you'll think you're in the containment failure scene in Ghostbusters!

Well, my Christian pals either get the last seven years to themselves OR break away like we have and are subject to go right about the time the veils drop. you'll know they've dropped because you'll think you're in the containment failure scene in Ghostbusters!

I personally prefer the dick-less seen......
IMHO only...

If you're in an urban setting and you have absolutely no way to provide for yourself - not so much as some stored food and water - well, then you've got a problem.

Being near an urban area but having a plan to a) get out of that area or b) hunker down and not rely on anyone else for water, food, power, etc. then you're in much better shape than many.

If you're in the absolute middle of nowhere and no one is trying to mess with you, that's awesome! Until...you need help in one way or another. Then that remote setting can work against you.

The idea of "plan accordingly" kinda goes out the window here.
First off humans (especially modern humans) loath reflecting on a quandary. Setting quietly in a quiet environment "thinking" seems like a waste of time. Meditating on a major decision seems a waste of their life. People now loath thinking, they feel thinking is like having an unpleasant task before them that must be done.

So, in a split second they default (without realize doing it) to choosing an existing answer. The concept of thinking out something totally new is not graspable.

The concept of thinking for a whole week seems silly. Yet, in doing that, they might discover something new, new to them, perhaps new to mankind.

We assume we know the answers, and we may know the known answers, but what of the unknown answers lurking, waiting for a searcher of new to find it.

I loathe the current "prepping movement". It is deeply flawed, yet everyone is seduced by its whole and complete magical illusion of simplicity.

I wonder if those who have replied would after careful reevaluation, rearrange the priority of their answers.

Note that in the original post they were "Specifically" asked to not offer advice in current time, but because the person inquiring trusted and respected them, they desired careful reflection to put forth the best advice.

Prepping now is high speed "CANNED" advice, which the person offering it generally has little if any firsthand experience.

There are few things more serious than prepping for the future for yourself, family, loved ones, yet the whole of current prepping is high speed one word or one sentence answers, to complex decisions. Made worse by people's reluctance to test the advise.
That’s kinda true there SD. Some of the more thought provoking threads, it’s a few days later that I comment as I say I have to let it stew for a while.

This thread: my first answer would be mindset. I’ve always preferred being “out and away from people” but it really wasn’t until after my kids were born that I really began to feel the need to “prepare”. I’ve never really liked being called a prepper, but I suppose there are worse names. I think living traditionally and using those ways as a guide is valid. Electric is a relatively new thing- communication being the most troublesome if lost in today’s world.
But "where they are" is probably the biggest prep of all.

Trying to make prepping work, where ever you are (and treating that as a constant rather than the variable that it is), constitutes a big compromise.
Agree but will add - as an example, we are preparing in case things go down while we are here- out of town but near it and hoping to find a place far away from anywhere and also keeping that goal in mind and the “ifs” or variables that you mention. So some are determined to stay put, but I think there are folks willing to move to higher ground so to speak if/when need be or possible.

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